Confronting Extractivism & Corporate Power
Women human rights defenders (WHRDs) worldwide defend their lands, livelihoods and communities from extractive industries and corporate power. They stand against powerful economic and political interests driving land theft, displacement of communities, loss of livelihoods, and environmental degradation.
Why resist extractive industries?
Extractivism is an economic and political model of development that commodifies nature and prioritizes profit over human rights and the environment. Rooted in colonial history, it reinforces social and economic inequalities locally and globally. Often, Black, rural and Indigenous women are the most affected by extractivism, and are largely excluded from decision-making. Defying these patriarchal and neo-colonial forces, women rise in defense of rights, lands, people and nature.
Critical risks and gender-specific violence
WHRDs confronting extractive industries experience a range of risks, threats and violations, including criminalization, stigmatization, violence and intimidation. Their stories reveal a strong aspect of gendered and sexualized violence. Perpetrators include state and local authorities, corporations, police, military, paramilitary and private security forces, and at times their own communities.
Acting together
AWID and the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition (WHRD-IC) are pleased to announce “Women Human Rights Defenders Confronting Extractivism and Corporate Power”; a cross-regional research project documenting the lived experiences of WHRDs from Asia, Africa and Latin America.
We encourage activists, members of social movements, organized civil society, donors and policy makers to read and use these products for advocacy, education and inspiration.
"Women Human Rights Defenders confronting extractive industries: an overview of critical risks and Human Rights obligations" is a policy report with a gender perspective. It analyses forms of violations and types of perpetrators, quotes relevant human rights obligations and includes policy recommendations to states, corporations, civil society and donors.
"Weaving resistance through action: Strategies of Women Human Rights Defenders confronting extractive industries" is a practical guide outlining creative and deliberate forms of action, successful tactics and inspiring stories of resistance.
The video “Defending people and planet: Women confronting extractive industries” puts courageous WHRDs from Africa, Asia, and Latin America in the spotlight. They share their struggles for land and life, and speak to the risks and challenges they face in their activism.
Challenging corporate power: Struggles for women’s rights, economic and gender justice is a research paper outlining the impacts of corporate power and offering insights into strategies of resistance.
Share your experience and questions!
◾️ How can these resources support your activism and advocacy?
◾️ What additional information or knowledge do you need to make the best use of these resources?
Thank you!
AWID acknowledges with gratitude the invaluable input of every Woman Human Rights Defender who participated in this project. This project was made possible thanks to your willingness to generously and openly share your experiences and learnings. Your courage, creativity and resilience is an inspiration for us all. Thank you!
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Чтобы поделиться опытом финансирования в вашей организации
What happens to the activity proposals submitted through the CfA?
- Activity proposals will initially be screened by AWID staff.
- Organizers of shortlisted proposals will then be invited to participate in a voting process, to choose among the shortlisted activities. Those with the most votes will be included in the Forum program. AWID may make a few adjustments to the final selection to ensure our program has an adequate balance across regions, constituencies, issues and methodologies.
- Our Forum Content and Methodology Committee will reach out to the organizers of selected proposals to support them in further developing their activities.
We will update the outcomes of this process in the website in due time.
Aïssata Kane
Aïssata Kane, también conocida afectuosamente como «Yaye Kadia»” [«Madre Kadia»], fue una feminista comprometida, durante toda su vida, con la defensa de los derechos de las mujeres africanas y, en especial, mauritanas.
En 1975 fue la primera mujer en ocupar el cargo de Ministra de Protección Familiar y Asuntos Sociales, puesto desde el cual Aïssata trabajó fervientemente para mejorar el estatus de las mujeres de su país.
Este trabajo incluyó el fomento de la educación de niñas y mujeres, la lucha contra la práctica de alimentación forzada de mujeres jóvenes, la incidencia para la inclusión de una legislación sobre derechos maritales, y la promoción de la creación de un cupo de representación femenino en el Parlamento.
«[Aïssata] materializaba todas sus pasiones con humildad, valentía y determinación. No quería molestar a nadie con su lucha en todos estos frentes simultáneos.» - Ball Halimata Dem, sobrina de Aïssata
Fundó la Unión Nacional de Mujeres de Mauritania (UNFM), creando y publicando con otras activistas Marienou, una revista dedicada a la emancipación de las mujeres mauritanas. Aïssata también dirigió varias organizaciones subregionales y locales, por ejemplo, como Presidenta de la Asociación Internacional de Mujeres Francófonas (AIFF) y, como firme ecologista, fue Presidenta de la Asociación para la Protección del Medio Ambiente de Mauritania (APEM).
En 2018, recibió el Premio a la Mujer Pionera, en honor a su trabajo para la promoción del estatus de las mujeres de Mauritania y como reconocimiento de su fuerte liderazgo y su sentido de la innovación.
Aïssata falleció el 10 de agosto de 2019.
AWID Forum Social Media Kit
Help spread word about the 2016 AWID Forum!
This kit includes sample messages fit for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram, plus images that can be used to accompany these messages.
Using this kit is simple. Just follow these steps:
Match up your favourite messages and images any way you like.
Share them on your personal and/or professional social media accounts.
Match up your favourite tweets below with these images for Twitter
Tweets for your personal handle
I'm going to the #AWIDForum. It's THE place to connect with women's rights & social justice movements. Join me!:
Can't wait to re-imagine #FeministFutures connect with other women's rights & social justice activists @ the #AWIDForum Join me!:
I’m so excited to attend the #AWIDForum next September, and now we can register! Join me!
Tweets for your institutional handle
Registration is now open for the #AWIDForum! Costa do Sauípe, Brazil, 8-11 Sept. 2016:
Join #AWIDForum, a historic global gathering of women's rights & social justice activists:
Join #AWIDForum to celebrate the gains of our movements & analyze lessons to move forward:
#AWIDForum – not just an event, a chance to disrupt oppression & advance justice:
Join the #AWIDForum to celebrate, strategize and renew ourselves and our movements:
Feminist Futures
Let's build #FeministFutures together. Register for 2016 #AWIDForum. Costa do Sauípe, Brazil
Join us to re-imagine & co-create #FeministFutures at the 2016 #AWIDForum. Register:
#FeministFutures: seize the moment @ #AWIDForum to advance shared visions for a just world:
We’ll be 2,000 social movement activists @ the #AWIDForum, strategizing our #FeministFutures
Cross-movement building
We’re more than a one-issue struggle. Join us at the #AWIDForum:
Join #AWIDForum, a space to strategize across movements & leverage our collective power:
Mobilize solidarity & collective power across social movements at the #AWIDForum:
Break the silos b/w our movements. Re-imagine & co-create our futures. All at the #AWIDForum:
Solidarity is a verb. Let’s put it into action at the #AWIDForum:
Special messages
Donors engaging with women’s rights and social movements at the #AWIDForum:
Media and movements: amplifying #FeministFutures at the #AWIDForum:
Match up your favourite messages below with these images for Facebook.
These messages may also be used on Twitter via private Direct Messages, which don’t have character limits.
Facebook messages for your personal profile
I’m so excited to attend the AWID Forum next September, and now we can register! Join me!
Loving the thought of re-imagining feminist futures with 2,000 people from lots of amazing women's rights and social justice movements at the AWID Forum. Register and meet me in Brazil!
Facebook messages for your organization’s page
Join us at the 2016 AWID Forum in Brazil! Activists and movements from all over the world will come together to celebrate, strategize, inspire and renew ourselves and our collective struggles. Register now!
The 2016 AWID Forum will be a historic global gathering of women’s rights and social justice activists and movements. Join us there to break the silos, strengthen solidarity and leverage our collective power. Register now!
Carole Seymour-Jones
Snippet FEA Environments Of Shelter (EN)
Metzineres provides the following kinds of support, known as
Environments of Shelter:
Snippet - WITM Start the survey 1 - PT
O inquérito está disponível em árabe, inglês, francês, português, russo e espanhol!
Do I need a visa to attend the Forum in Taipei?
You DO NOT need a visa to attend the Forum in Taipei if you hold a passport from one of the following countries (the allowed length of your stay varies from one country to another):
Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Eswatini, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan*, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Marshall Island, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Palau, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tuvalu, the United Kingdom, the United States of America,and Vatican City State, Belize, Dominican Republic, Malaysia, Nauru, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Singapore.
People with any other passport WILL NEED A VISA to come to Taipei.
Please note:
It is likely that, once you have registered to attend the Forum, you will get an event-related code that will allow you to apply for your visa electronically regardless of your citizenship.
We will let you know more about this when the Registration opens.
Rosane Santiago Silveira
Rosane Santiago Silveira, que l’on appelait affectueusement Rô Conceição, était une activiste brésilienne pour l’environnement et les droits humains qui se battait inlassablement pour protéger l’environnement, là où il était le plus menacé.
Il pouvait entre autres s’agir de le défendre sur l’île de Barra Valha, mise en danger par une exploitation pétrolière, ou de le protéger avec des campagnes contre l’accaparement des terres et l’expansion de plantations d’eucalyptus dans l’État de Bahia, où Rosane était membre du conseil de la réserve d’extractivistes de Cassurubá.
« La réserve d’extractivistes est une zone protégée où les familles résidentes vivent des produits naturels extraits de la forêt. Ces activités contribuent à protéger l’intégrité de la forêt. » - Global Justice Ecology Project (source initiale : Rede Brasil Atual)
Elle participait à des activités syndicales et des mouvements culturels et de défense des droits humains. Rosane consacrait une grande partie de sa vie à des causes qui lui étaient chères, mais qui concernaient également la terre, les forêts, les rivières et les communautés dont les droits et vies sont constamment en danger.
Elle a été torturée et assassinée le 29 janvier 2019 à Nova Viçosa, une ville du sud de Bahia.
« Malheureusement, un sentiment d’insécurité totale règne désormais, parce que l’État ne juge pas ces crimes. Nous étions avec elle à Noël, et tout le monde s’est rendu compte qu’elle était inquiète. Nous savons maintenant qu’elle avait reçu trois menaces de mort », Tuian, le fils de Rosane dans un entretien avec Rádio Brasil Atual. (source initiale : Rede Brasil Atual)
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Rencontrez d'autres membres
Nos membres individuel-le-s et institutionnels viennent de 163 pays situés dans TOUTES les régions du monde. Les dernier-ère-s membres à avoir rejoint notre association viennent de l’Inde, du Royaume-Uni, du Sri Lanka et du Kirghizistan. Nos membres contribuent un éventail riche et diversifié de perspectives, d’expériences, de connaissances, d’énergie et d’inspiration !
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En tant que membre de l’AWID, vous pourrez, entre autres avantages, voir votre propre histoire figurer dans la newsletter que nous envoyons à 35,000 abonné-e-s et que nous diffusons par le biais des médias sociaux auprès de 60,000 personnes.
Récemment en vedette :Rencontrez Angila Ashitua, une jeune femme du comté de Vihiga, situé dans l’ouest du Kenya.
Connectez, Inspirez, Mobilisez !
Comment ?
- en entrant en contact avec d’autres membres par le biais de notre forum des membres et de notre annuaire en ligne.
- en en apprenant davantage sur le travail de l’AWID et sur les questions relatives aux droits des femmes et à la justice sociale grâce à nos publications et ressources, et notamment grâce à notre dernière vidéo en date “Changing Systems, Changing Lives“.(uniquement disponible en anglais).
- en prenant part à nos sessions de formation en ligne. Vous pouvez consulter ici les points principaux de notre webinaire sur la Puissance des entreprises et la justice de genre. (uniquement disponible en anglais)
Et bien plus encore !
Vous pouvez renouveler votre adhésion pour une période d’1, 2 ou 3 ans. Nous offrons la possibilité d’une adhésion individuelle ou institutionnelle gratuite à ceux et celles dont les revenus ou budgets sont restreints.
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Les témoignages de nos membre
« Nous trouvons que l’AWID est un réseau particulièrement stimulant et nous nous impliquons dans beaucoup de ses plateformes. » – Engabu Za Tooro (membre institutionnel de l’AWID)
« Je me réjouis d’entamer une collaboration fructueuse avec l’équipe. J’en suis très heureuse. Merci de m’avoir acceptée parmi vos membres. » – R. Chakraborty (membre individuelle de l’AWID)
« Je tiens à remercier infiniment l’AWID ! Vous accomplissez un travail gigantesque. Vos efforts sont grandement appréciés. » – E. Khan (membre individuelle de l’AWID)
Dolorosa Mubvumbi
Snippet FEA Occupation’s kitchen Instagram 2 (ES)
Campaña de la cocina de Ocupação 9 Julho
Las Mujeres Sostienen el Cuidado | El Cuidado Sostiene la Vida | La vida Sostiene la Economía | ¿Quién Cuida a las Mujeres? | Ni Una Menos1 | Juntas, Juntos, Juntes | Almuerzo de Domingo
1Ni una menos es un eslogan feminista famoso en América Latina que surgió en Argentina como respuesta a la creciente violencia de género.
Snippet - WITM about research - AR
عن استطلاع "أين المال"
استطلاع "اين المال" (أين التمويل للتنظيمات النسوية) هو ركيزة أساسية للنسخة الثالثة لأبحاثنا الموجهة نحو العمل. سيتم بحث وتوسيع نتائج الاستطلاع من خلال المحادثات العميقة مع النشطاء/ الناشطات والممولين/ات وسيتم مقارنة النتائج مع تحليلات وبحوث أخرى عن وضع التمويل للحركات النسوية وحركات العدالة الجندرية.
سيتم نشر تقرير أين المال للتنظيمات النسوية في العام 2026.
لمعرفة المزيد عن كيف تسلّط جمعية حقوق المرأة في التنمية الضوء على على تمويل التنظيمات النسوية أو ضدها، انظروا إلى قصة "أين المال" وتقارير سابقة هنا
8. Finalize and format
Your comprehensive research product is now all organized and edited. You now want to ensure your findings are visually accessible and appealing to facilitate the dissemination.
In this section
- Package your long report for public dissemination
1. Think as your audience thinks
2. Work with a professional designer
3. Make sure it's consistent- Control the quality of the translations
Package your long report for public dissemination
Consider developing smaller products along with your long report.
As mentioned in the “Synthesize your research findings,” AWID often pulls smaller products from the lengthy research report. This allows for wider and easier distribution specialized for key audiences.
Always keep your targeted population in mind: who will read your report?
Examples of smaller products distilled from a larger report:
- Infographics
- Online gallery
- An animation presenting your arguments
1. Think as your audience thinks
People are bombarded with information constantly. Your product will have to be visually compelling to maintain the interest of your audience. Again, having an idea of what you hope to accomplish and who you hope to reach, will allow the designer to create targeted products.
A lengthy written PDF report may seem the only way to present your research, but it could appear overwhelming to most people – especially online.
If you want to share your product with an online community, think about creating memes and infographics to use on social media, blogs and web platforms.
When deciding whether to create smaller products, consider dividing your results into several smaller products that you could share with targeted populations or at different times of the year to reactivate the interest on your product.
2. Work with a professional designer
If you have limited time and a little bit of budget, we recommend hiring a design firm.
It can be tempting for economic reasons to use in-house staff to package your report. However, a professional graphic designer can make a huge difference on how your final product looks and thus on how much impact it will have!
The designer (in-house or hired) must be able to:
Show you samples of their previous work that is similar to what you seek.
Provide you clear advice on how to present your research based on the content you provide and the audience you are targeting.
Suggest additional or different pieces to package your product.
What the designer will need from you:
- A general idea on what you would like the lengthy report to highlight through visuals and graphics (what are the most important pieces of information, the key findings, for example) and some ideas on the types of smaller products you want to create (brochure, an infographic, a series of viral memes, for example). If possible, show the designer examples of similar documents developed by other organizations.
- Your budget and time frame.
- Your organization’s visual guidelines if you have any (logo, official colours, fonts, etc...).
- A few photos copyright free or access to your photo bank if you have one.
- Key visuals that need to be included – graphs, tables and other visual graphics drawn from your research.
The designer is a graphic expert. S/he is not necessarily familiar with women’s issues and does not know the results of your research, especially if you hire an external firm.
Communicate what elements of this report is important to you and who is your target. The designer will propose a way to highlight these elements and make the whole piece appealing to your users.
3. Make sure it's consistent
While creating a set of smaller information products, do not forget to link them all together:
- A shorter version of the report that focuses only on your final results and recommendations should present a link to the final, full report
- A visually compelling infographic that sends a message on the state of funding for your particular research can link to your website and the related section of the full report. It should be associated with a call to share on social media.
- A short animation video that uses the data, findings and recommendations from your report should link back to your organization website and social media
- A series of viral memes that can be distributed online should link back to your report, infographic, shorter report, etc.
It is also important to keep the research staff involved, so they can ensure any offshoot products stay true to the actual findings of the research.
Control the quality of the translations
After the design and packaging of the final research report is complete, if any of the wording of content was changed, be sure to re-send to translators.
If you create smaller products, once designed and packaged, you will also need to get the copy translated for those pieces. The translations should be clear enough so the designer can apply to the design, even if she/he does not speak the language.
Once translated, make sure to have your design proofread by a native speaker before sharing it!
Previous step
7. Synthesize your research findings
Next step
Estimated time:
• 2-3 months
People needed:
• 1 or more research person(s)
• 1 or more editor
• Design staff or hiring design firm
• Translator(s), if necessary
Resources needed:
• List of online spaces for dissemination
Previous step
7. Synthesize your research findings
Next step
9. Advocate and tell the world
Ready to Go? Worksheet
Nadia Vera
Snippet FEA EoS The Howl (ES)
El Aullido
Participación y activismo
Por que devo considerar responder ao inquérito?
Existem várias razões pelas quais a sua resposta ao inquérito WITM é importante. Por exemplo, tem a oportunidade de partilhar a sua experiência vivida com a mobilização de financiamento para apoiar a sua organização; de reivindicar o seu poder como especialista sobre como o dinheiro circula e os bolsos em que entra; e de contribuir para a defesa coletiva e consistente junto de financiadores para mover mais recursos de maior qualidade. Ao longo das últimas duas décadas, o inquérito WITM da AWID tem-se revelado um recurso fundamental para ativistas e financiadores. Convidamo-lo a juntar-se a nós na sua terceira edição para destacar o estado efetivo do financiamento, desafiar soluções falsas e apontar a forma como o financiamento precisa de mudar para que os movimentos prosperem e enfrentem os desafios complexos do nosso tempo.