AWID Forum: Co-creating Feminist Futures
In September 2016, the 13th AWID international Forum brought together in Brazil over 1800 feminists and women’s rights advocates in a spirit of resistance and resilience.
This section highlights the gains, learnings and resources that came out of our rich conversations. We invite you to explore, share and comment!
What has happened since 2016?
One of the key takeaways from the 2016 Forum was the need to broaden and deepen our cross-movement work to address rising fascisms, fundamentalisms, corporate greed and climate change.
With this in mind, we have been working with multiple allies to grow these seeds of resistance:
- Our Seed Initiatives, has helped 20 ideas that emerged at the Forum to grow into concrete actions
- The video “Defending people and planet” and guide “Weaving resistance through action” put courageous WHRDs in the spotlight and present concrete strategies they use to confront corporate power.
- With our animations about the State of Our Feminist Movements and Climate and Environmental Justice, movements now have creative tools to support their advocacy work.
- The compiling artistic expressions of our #MovementsMatter series continues to inspire stronger and more creative organizing around the world.
- Movements can also benefit from new methodologies on Visioning Feminist Futures (Coming up soon!)
And through our next strategic plan and Forum process, we are committed to keep developing ideas and deepen the learnings ignited at the 2016 Forum.
What happens now?
The next AWID Forum will take place in the Asia Pacific region (exact location and dates to be announced in 2018).
We look forward to you joining us!
About the AWID Forum
AWID Forums started in 1983, in Washington DC. Since then, the event has grown to become many things to many peoples: an iterative process of sharpening our analyses, vision and actions; a watershed moment that reinvigorates participants’ feminisms and energizes their organizing; and a political home for women human rights defenders to find sanctuary and solidarity.
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Lindiwe Rasekoala es una instructora de vida que se especializa en la intimidad y en orientación sobre el bienestar de las relaciones. Es una entusiasta de la salud sexual y contribuye con trabajos en línea. Por su propia experiencia y métodos no convencionales de investigación, cree que puede superar la brecha educativa y la falta de acceso a la información en torno al bienestar sexual. Colabora con varios programas de radio y televisión, y ha concluido una capacitación en orientación con Certified Coaches Alliance. La misión de Lindiwe es derribar las barreras que impiden el diálogo sobre el bienestar sexual y como medio de empoderamiento para sus clientes, de tal modo que puedan alcanzar una mayor autocomprensión y experimentar una vida y relaciones más saludables y holísticas.
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- Como parte de esos preparativos se realizaron dos rondas de sesiones informales sustantivas en la sede de la ONU en Nueva York, que aportaron insumos para las sesiones de redacción del Documento Final de la Conferencia.
- El WWG se reactivó, con el objetivo de incorporar las perspectivas feministas y de derechos de las mujeres a esas discusiones y deliberaciones, antes y durante la tercera Conferencia Internacional sobre la FpD. AWID, Mujeres por el Desarrollo Alternativo para una Nueva Era (DAWN) y el Feminist Task Force [Grupo de Trabajo Feminista, FTF en inglés] están coordinando el Grupo en conjunto.
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Forum 2024 - FAQ - Funding Your Participation ES
Financiar su participación
Lindiwe Rasekoala | Snippet AR
لينديوي راسيكوالا مدربة حياتية، متخصصة في التدريب على العلاقات الحميمة. إنها متخصصة بالصحة الجنسية ولديها مساهمات في هذا الموضوع عبر الإنترنت. من خلال تجاربها الخاصة وأساليب البحث غير التقليدية التي تنتهجها، تعتقد لينديوي أنها تستطيع سد الفجوة التعليمية، فيما خص الصحة الجنسية وإشكالية الوصول إلى المعلومات حول الموضوع. لها العديد من المساهمات في البرامج الإذاعية والتلفزيونية، وقد أكملت تعليمها كمدرب مع تحالف المدربين المعتمدين CCA. تتمثل مهمة لينديوي في كسر الحواجز التي تحول دون قيام المحادثات حول الصحة الجنسية، وتمكين زملائها من تحقيق فهم أكبر لأنفسهم، حتى يتمكنوا من تجربة نمط حياة وعلاقات أكثر صحية وتكامليّة.
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Juin 2015
Tenue des autres sessions de rédaction du document final d’Addis-Abeba
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- La troisième session de rédaction du document final prévue dans le processus de la conférence s’est tenue du 15 au 19 juin, au siège de l’ONU.
Pour plus d’informations, voir le « guide du routard des OSC » (le CSO Hitchhiker’s Guide – en anglais).
Forum 2024 - FAQ - Other Questions ES
Otras preguntas
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What is the 14th AWID Forum theme?
The 14th Forum theme is “Feminist Realities: our power in action”.
We understand Feminist Realities as the different ways of existing and being that show us what is possible, despite dominant power systems, and in defiance and resistance to them. We understand these feminist realities as reclamations and embodiments of hope and power, and as multi-dimentional, dynamic and rooted in specific contexts and historical moments.
Read more about Feminist Realities
J’ai déjà proposé une activité à un Forum précédent, dois-je renvoyer une proposition ?
Oui, s’il vous plaît. Le monde a changé depuis 2021, et nous vous invitons à proposer une activité qui reflète vos réalités et priorités d’aujourd’hui.
Disintegration | Small Snippet AR
Aysin Büyüknohutçu
Mina Agarwala
What will be different about this Forum?
We have always worked towards ensuring that our Forums are co-developed with partners, movements and our priority constituencies.
For our upcoming Forum, we aim to deepen and strengthen that spirit and practice of co-creation and collaboration. We also recognize the need to improve the balance between the inclusion of many voices and experiences with room for participants and staff to breathe, take pause and enjoy some downtime.
This Forum will be different in the following ways:
- We will have far less organized Forum activities because we want people to have time to engage, experience, process, talk to each other, etc. This is key to communicate: you can come to the Forum, be very engaged and active and not facilitate any organized activity (or “session”).
- We will have Open Spaces - at least one whole afternoon without any organized activities - but also physical spaces available throughout the Forum for people to self-organize meetings, etc.
- We have a Content and Methodology Committee made up of feminists from different regions with expertise on participatory methodologies to support us and all those leading activities at the Forum to use creative and engaging formats for the Forum activities.