Feminine Life and Disability: Fighting against the discrimination in Senegal

The organization Vie Féminine et Handicap (Feminine Life and Disability) became an AWID member in 2008 “to better defend our ideas, to better promote awareness of the discrimination faced by women living with disability in Africa, and to increase visibility of our work,” says President of the organization, Ndoya Kane.
Considering the specific needs of women living with disability

Launched in 2008, the mission of Vie Féminine et Handicap is to fight against poverty among women living with disability in Senegal and globally, but especially across the African continent. With a vision where disability is no longer a barrier to a woman’s dignity or well-being, the main objectives of the organization are to combat poverty, sexually transmitted infections, and AIDS among women living with disability, while strengthening their access to new information technologies.
Vie Féminine et Handicap was created to address the issues of disabled women from a perspective that considers their specific needs, related to both their status as a woman and as a person living with a disability – and to ensure that their economic situation evolves in a positive way and to better sensitize society to disability issues without the negative prejudice.
Comprised of some fifteen members and working mainly across the Pikine and Guédiawaye departments in the Dakar region, the work of Vie Féminine et Handicap includes awareness raising and training for women living with disability, as well as advocacy with decision-makers around the human rights of women living with disability, their economic empowerment, and their sexual and reproductive health. “We do awareness raising on the issue of disability in neighbourhoods by inviting community authorities, youth and ‘able-bodied’ people, because disability is surrounded by a lot of negative prejudice in the Senegalese and African context in general. We also participate in conferences at the African and International level to discuss the situation of disabled women in Africa and around the world to better align our strategies,” highlights Kane.
“Without solidarity, without an understanding that the fight that we lead is not done in the interest of a sole disabled people’s organization, but in the interest of all, we will never achieve any results. Each disabled people’s organization to understand that the fight that we lead outweighs the competition and that we have to go forward together to succeed in getting long lasting results,” explained Ndoya Kane in 2010, in a repport produced by AWID
Pooling resources and the self-financing of members

Since February 2010, the organization has established a self-financing fund, which consists of pooling member contributions to allow each one to finance small personal projects and to initiate income-generating activities for its members, mainly focused on small business. The idea to create the fund originated from our members themselves, a vulnerable group with limited economic resources and for which access to credit is nearly impossible.
The Fund for example allowed Marétou Diop, a resident of Guédiawaye, to open a shop in her neighbourhood market and sell foodstuffs. “Now the other women are joining our self-financing fund to receive credit and finance their activities,” highlights Ndoya Kane.
“Group discussions are even more important as they give us the opportunity to meet among women living with disability and build confidence in some to comfortably talk about the issues they face as women. Together we decide which challenges exist and try to engage specialists in addressing the issue,” says Kane.