Priority Areas

Supporting feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements to thrive, to be a driving force in challenging systems of oppression, and to co-create feminist realities.

Movement Building

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Snippet FEA Audio Land and Agroecology (EN)

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Snippet FEA Travesti (EN)


A latin-american gender identity

The term travesti is often mistakenly translated as "transvestite" in English. However, it is a Latin American gender identity with no equivalent in other languages, and exclusively female. It is a person designated male at birth who identifies as female. They may or may not undergo bodily changes, and should always be addressed with she/her pronouns.

Travesti is not only a gender identity located outside of gender binarism, it is also a cultural identity rooted in Latin American movements. The term was initially pejorative, but it was later re-appropriated as a symbol of resistance and dignity.

Every travesti is trans because she does not identify with the gender designated at birth, however not every travesti considers themselves as a trans woman, since travesti is already a gender identity on its own.

Source: Berkins, Lohana. (2006). Travestis: una Identidad Política [Travestis: a Political Identity]. Trabajo presentado en el Panel Sexualidades contemporáneas en las VIII Jornadas Nacionales de Historia de las Mujeres/ III Congreso Iberoamericano de Estudios de Género Diferencia Desigualdad. Construirnos en la diversidad, Villa Giardino, Córdoba, 25 al 28 de octubre de 2006.

Snippet FEA The fight for a world full of workplaces (EN)

The fight for a world full of workplaces that are free from of all forms of discrimination, stigma and exclusion is  a worthy one. A world in which sex work is decriminalized and recognized as work is part of this.

A world where all workers have safe working conditions, dignified wages, and can enjoy the same rights like health care, pension pay, sick days, holidays, job security and more, no matter their gender, race, ethnicity, age or ability. Labor rights are feminist issues, and feminist unions play a key role in advancing the legal, labor and economic rights of all workers, especially migrant workers, domestic workers, informal workers and sex workers. These are folks who have most recently been disproportionately affected by the pandemic, its burdens of care, lockdowns, curfews and increased policing. Let us introduce you to the stories of feminists and union organizers that are fighting for better working conditions and better worlds for all.

Snippet FEA Workers demonstrations in Georgia 3 (EN)

The photo shows a demonstration with a crowd holding green and white posters.

AWID IN 2014: Strengthening Women’s Rights Organizing Around the World

AWID is very pleased to share our 2014 Annual Report.

From building knowledge on women’s rights issues to amplifying responses to violence against women human rights defenders (WHRDs), our work last year continued to strengthen feminist and women’s rights movements across the world.

Get learn how we built the capacity of our members and broader constituency, pushed hard to keep women’s rights on the agenda of major international development and human rights processes, and helped increase coverage of women’s rights issues and organizing through the media. You'll find a panoramic sampling of our projects and some concrete numbers demonstrating our impact.

Collaboration is at the heart of all that we do, and we look forward to another year of working together to take our movements to the next level.

A sneak peak inside the report

Despite an increasingly challenging panorama, there are important signs of hope for advancing women’s rights agendas. Women’s rights activists remain crucial in creating openings to demand structural change, sustaining their communities, opposing violence and holding the line on key achievements. And there are important opportunities to influence new actors and to mobilize greater resources to support women’s rights organizations.

In this context, strong collective action and organizing among women’s rights activists remains essential.

Our impact

  • We built knowledge on women’s rights issues
  • We strengthened our online community
  • We helped improve responses to violence against WHRDs
  • We strengthened movement  building through collaborative working processes
  • We pushed hard to keep women’s human rights on the agendas of major international development processes
  • We helped women’s rights organizations better influence donors and increased visibility and understanding of women’s rights organizations among the donor community
  • We contributed towards increased and improved coverage of women’s rights issues and organizing in mainstream media

I am sincerely thrilled  by AWID’s accomplishments since 1982 and hope to be able to pay at least a modest contribution to its hard work for the benefit of women  and situation of gender equality.”  — Aleksandra Miletic-Santic, Bosnia Herzegovina

Our Members

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Ursula K Le Guin

Ursula was an American novelist who worked mainly in the genres of fantasy and science fiction.

She found fame with The Left Hand Of Darkness, which imagines a future society where people are ambisexual – they have no fixed sex. It explores the effects of gender and sex in society, and was one of the first major feminist science fiction books. Ursula was inspiring in her subversive and original writing, and also for the themes of feminism and freedom she held so dearly.

In a 1983 address at Mills College in California, she told graduates: “Why should a free woman with a college education either fight Macho-man or serve him? Why should she live her life on his terms? I hope you live without the need to dominate, and without the need to be dominated.”



Ursula K Le Guin, USA

Snippet FEA Union Otras (EN)


The Sex Workers' Trade Union Organisation (Organización de Trabajo Sexual, OTRAS) is the first union of sex workers in the history of Spain. It was born out of the need to ensure social, legal and political rights for sex workers in a country where far-right movements are on the rise.

After years of struggles against the Spanish legal system and anti-sex workers groups who petitioned to shut it down, OTRAS finally obtained its legal status as a union in 2021.

Its goal? To decriminalize sex work and to ensure decent working conditions and environments for all sex workers.

The union represents over 600 professional sex workers, many of whom are migrant, trans, queer and gender-diverse.

Inna Michaeli


Inna is a feminist queer activist and sociologist with many years of deep engagement in feminist and LGBTQI+ struggles, political education and organizing by and for migrant women, and Palestine liberation and solidarity. She joined AWID in 2016 and served in different roles, most recently as Director of Programs. She is based in Berlin, Germany, grew up in Haifa, Palestine/Israel, was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, and carries these political geographies and resistance to colonial past and present into her feminism and transnational solidarity.

Inna is the author of “Women's Economic Empowerment: Feminism, Neoliberalism, and the State” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022), based on the dissertation which earned her a doctoral degree from the Humboldt University of Berlin. As an academic, she taught courses on globalization, knowledge production, identity and belonging. Inna holds an MA in Cultural Studies from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is a Board Member of the Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East (Germany), and previously of +972 Advancement of Citizen Journalism. Previously Inna worked with the Coalition of Women for Peace and she is passionate about mobilizing resources for grassroots activism.

Co-Executive Director
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Kagendo Murungi

Kagendo is remembered fondly by family and friends as a fierce African feminist activist, artist, and filmmaker.

She dedicated over 20 years to advocate for the rights and dignity of African LGBTIQ and gender non conforming people.

Kagendo’s colleagues remember her as someone with a jovial personality, fierce conviction, and love for life. Kagendo died due to natural causes at her home in Harlem on December 27th, 2017.

On Kagendo’s passing Kenyan writer and activist Shailja Patel noted “Kagendo's lifelong commitment to connecting the dots between all oppressions, showing how colonialism fostered homophobia on the African continent, making Kenya a country where queer Kenyans and free women could live and thrive.”


Kagendo Murungi, Kenya

Snippet FEA No feminist economies without feminist unions (EN)

No feminist economies without feminist unions!

Through labor and union organizing, Sopo, Sabrina and Linda are not only fighting for the rights of essential workers, women workers, migrant workers and sex workers, but the rights of all workers.

The fight to end workers’ exploitation is a feminist struggle, and shows us that there are no feminist economies without feminist unions.

Gopika Bashi


Gopika is an Indian feminist activist & campaigner in the field of gender justice and human rights. Her experience is rooted in working with women & diverse young people on issues including access to justice, sexual & gender-based violence, gender & sexuality, resourcing feminist activism and labor rights. Gopika has played advisory roles on funding feminist movements, including at FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund and the Global Resilience Fund; and previously managed the Resourcing Feminist Movements program at AWID. She is passionate about the intersection of feminist activism & creative practice, and was an editor and Equitable Practices Lead for the 'Bystander Anthology' by South Asian graphic story-telling group Kadak Collective. She has recently discovered a deep love for climbing outdoors and continues to learn and grow through this journey. Gopika is based in Bangalore, India.

Director of Programs
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Juana Ramírez Santiago

Juana was one of the founders and current Board Member of Red de Mujeres Ixiles de Nebaj, an Indigenous women’s rights organization that is a member of the Mesoamerican Initiative of WHRDs (IM-Defensoras).

She was also a midwife and a mother of 7 children. Juana had received death threats that were reported to the Prosecutor’s office. Juana is the third Indigenous WHRD murdered in the area during 2018. The Guatemala Ombudsman reports that a total of 20 HRDs were killed in the country this year. 

Juana Ramírez Santiago was shot dead by unidentified attackers while crossing a bridge in Nebak, Quiché, Guatemala. Investigations to identify the perpetrators are ongoing.


Juana Ramírez Santiago, Guatemala

Snippet Forum Stories Story 1 (EN)

Case study 1 - Three Boats, a Horse and a Taxi: Pacific Feminists at the AWID Forums

This story is about how an increasingly diverse group of feminists from the Pacific organized through the years to attend the AWID Forums and how that process changed them personally, as organizations, and as a movement through what they learned, discovered and experienced. It illustrates the importance of the Forums as a space through which a region that tends to be marginalized or ignored at the global level can build a strong presence in the feminist movement that is then replicated at other international women’s rights spaces.

Simone Jagger


Simone has 20 years’ experience working in management support and administration in non-profit organizations, in particular post-graduate medical education and ICT training. She has qualifications in Management Support and Paralegal studies. She is based in South Africa, enjoys traveling and is an amateur Genealogist.

Executive Assistant
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Dilma Ferreira Silva

Dilma Ferreira Silva was a leading Amazonian rights activist who fought for decades for the rights of people affected by dams.

She herself was among the 32,000 people displaced by the Tucuruí, a mega-hydroelectric power plant, built in Brazil during the 1964-1985 military dictatorship.

In 2005 Dilma was invited to join the Movement of Dam-Affected Peoples in Brazil (MAB), and in 2006 she formed the women’s collective, eventually becoming regional coordinator of the movement.

In speaking about her activism, her colleagues commented:

“She stood out very fast because she was always very fearless in the struggle.” 

Dilma lived in the rural settlement of Salvador Allende,50 kilometers from Tucuruí, and dedicated her life to better protect communities and the land affected by the construction of mega projects. She was especially concerned with the gendered impacts of such projects and advocated for women’s rights.

At a national MAB meeting in 2011, Dilma spoke to women affected by the dams, saying:

“We are the real Marias, warriors, fighters who are there, facing the challenge of daily struggle”.

In the following years, Dilma organized grassroots MAD groups and worked with the community to form farming cooperatives that created a better distribution of food for the community. They improved the commercialization of fishing, and developed a cistern project for safe drinking water. She was also an advocate for farmers whose lands were being coveted by ‘grileiros’ (land grabbers). 

On 22nd March 2019, at the age of 48, Dilma, her husband and their friend were all brutally murdered. The three killings came as part of a wave of violence in the Amazon against the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra (translates as ‘landless workers’ movement’), environmental and indigenous activists. 

Will you be opening a call for proposals?

Yes! Please read the Call for Activities and apply here. Deadline is February 1st, 2024.

Are you a Northern or a Southern organization?

AWID is a global organization.

The main focus of our work is global. We also work closely with members and other women’s rights organizations and allies at the local, national and regional levels so that their realities inform our work.

  • We have offices in Mexico and Canada
  • Our staff are located in 15 countries around the world
  • Ten of our 13 Board members are from the global South.

Find out more about us