Interview with the writer and feminist activist Schuma Schumaher, executive coordinator of the non-governmental organization REDEH.
"I would like to ask all my friends, feminists from all over the world, to continue publishing texts, sending us manifestos and publicising the disgrace we are experiencing in Brazil.
Thus, all of this support and the efforts to give visibility to the coup is the best way to show solidarity with our tragedy. That and obviously having you here with us in September, which I think will be a moment when we will need a hug from each one of you."
-Schuma Schumaer
Schuma Schumaher
Educator, writer and feminist activist, Schuma is the co-author of the Dictionary of Women of Brazil, Abrealas, Um Rio de Mulheres, Gogó de Ema, and Mulheres Negras do Brasil, which won the Jabuti Prize in 2008. For over 30 years, Schuma has been working on the participation of women in the history of Brazil and the fight against violence against women. She is currently the executive coordinator of the non-governmental organization REDEH – Rede de Desenvolvimento Humano (human development network).
As a member of Articulação de Mulheres Brasileiras (coalition of Brazilian women), she is an advisor to the National Council on Women’s Rights. In 2004, she received the Woman of the Year award (Diploma Bertha Lutz) from the Senate, and in 2005, she was one of 52 Brazilian women nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.