On 25 May 2022 UN Women announced a partnership with BlackRock, Inc “to cooperate in promoting the growth of gender lens investing”. A collective of feminist activists and women’s rights organisations from around the world have come together to respond. You can read their letter to UN Women below.
Sima Sami Bahous, UN Women Executive Director,
Åsa Regnér, UN Women Deputy Executive Director for Policy, Programme, Civil Society and Intergovernmental Support;
Anita Bhatia, Deputy Executive Director for UN Coordination, Partnerships, Resources and Sustainability
Subject: UN Women’s MoU with BlackRock
Dear Ms Bahous, Ms Regnér, Ms Bhatia,
We write to you on behalf of the undersigned feminist organizations, networks, constituencies and individuals, all of which are committed to ensuring that the United Nations delivers on international agreements on gender equality, SDG 5 and women’s human rights. We are dismayed to hear that on May 25th, 2022, UN Women announced that it signed a Memorandum of Understanding with BlackRock, Inc. “to cooperate in promoting the growth of gender lens investing”. The declaration is dissonant, in view of BlackRock’s well-known record of prioritizing profits over human rights or environmental integrity, to a degree that meets precisely the Secretary-General’s characterisation of ‘morally bankrupt’ global finance institutions as being amongst the chief threats to human equality and planetary integrity. Gendered historical and structural inequalities ensure that women and people who face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination are the ones who suffer the harshest consequences of the social, economic, ecological and political impact of the work of asset management firms that concentrate the world’s wealth into investments in fossil fuels, military and civilian weapons, and sovereign debt. In a time of climate, environmental, health, political and economic crises, a partnership with an entity that is actively undermining international commitments to advance sustainable development, is a serious aberration. It departs from the human rights principles of the UN, from the SDGs priorities of building equality, peace, and sustainable development, and from UN Women’s mandate to promote gender equality.
Civil society watchdog groups consistently identify BlackRock as among the worst performers on corporate accountability. Its climate and socially-destructive investments — particularly significant in impact because of the massive component they represent of BlackRock’s portfolio — have been called out by activists, including Indigenous leaders. Aware of the optics, BlackRock has attempted to ‘greenwash’ itself by acknowledging the seriousness of climate change – in a move that the New York Times has condemned as ‘climate hypocrisy’ that is intentionally misleading; worse than climate denial.
The recently-announced partnership with UN Women suggests that UN Women has been recruited to BlackRock’s image-cleansing efforts – this time it is seeking to ‘pinkwash’ itself. It is hard to reach any other conclusion from the May 25 press release. A joint interest in ‘gender lens investment’ is offered to explain the partnership with no explanation of what this means, nor why BlackRock is the best interlocutor for this effort, nor whether it would require BlackRock to divest from the many industries it supports that exacerbate gender inequality (through, for instance, gendered job segregation and segmentation, gendered pay gaps, let alone gender-specific impacts of small arms proliferation and ecological destruction). If this is a ‘partnership’, it looks like it works in just one direction. It gives BlackRock a veneer of feminist approval that it clearly does not merit. Given BlackRock’s phenomenal size and influence (reportedly managing ten trillion USD) in assets, it is not unreasonable to assert that this UN Women partnership also gives a feminist imprimateur to the version of neoliberal global capitalism that is condemned by the SG. This crisis-prone speculation-based capitalism, spawning grotesque income inequalities, has also been linked to misogynistic neo-populism and entrenched poverty for many women, particularly those from ethnic or racial minorities, marginalized sexualities, and female-headed households.
To substantiate our concerns, we list here just a few examples of BlackRock practices of extreme concern that directly contradict feminist social and economic change agendas:
Fossil fuels
In 2021, contradicting declarations that BlackRock would divest from fossil fuels (it is one of the world’s biggest investors in the world’s dirtiest fossil fuel companies), it put $85bn of assets managed into coal companies, including those seeking to identify and exploit new coal assets, breaching the decisive climate action required by the Paris Agreement. The Working Group III report, “Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change” by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, released on 4 April 2022, highlighted the need for a dramatic shift away from fossil-fuels, gas and coal-based economies. Just one month later, UN Women’s partnership with BlackRock was announced, with no reference to BlackRock’s massive fossil fuel portfolio, nor of the differentiated impacts the environmental crises have on the human rights of women and other marginalized groups who face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination.
In a wider manner, BlackRock also invests in projects that are harmful to environmental integrity as a whole. For instance, BlackRock is a major investor in deforestation projects, destroying the tropical rainforests to invest in palm oil plantations in Papua New Guinea, while human rights abuses have been documented in parallel.
External private debt
BlackRock is the leading known holder of external private debt in the global South. In Zambia, it is the largest private bondholder, but it refused a request by Zambia to suspend debt payments in 2020 and has not offered to restructure the debt. BlackRock’s holdings of Zambia’s bonds were $220 million as of February 2022, over half of which were purchased during the high stress first 18 months of the COVID-19 pandemic. It could make a 110% profit on this debt, if it is fully paid. Meanwhile, cuts planned by the government of Zambia in 2022–26 are equivalent to five times its annual health budget, putting women and other marginalized groups at risk as they depend on public health services and also form a large portion of frontline health workers.
Private creditors such as Blackrock and Ashmore hold 47% of Sri Lanka’s debt via bonds that were issued post Sri Lanka’s civil war; the bondholder, Hamilton Reserve Bank, has sued Sri Lanka in the state of New York for the full payment of principal and interest, as it considers that the recent debt default has been orchestrated by the government. New York State’s legislature recently passed a bill to ensure that private creditors can’t use courts to get better settlements than bilateral government creditors. Blackrock is now part of a bondholder group that is negotiating a restructuring with the Sri Lankan government. Sri Lanka is currently in a severe crisis, with food shortages and fuel rationing, both of which impact women and girls disproportionately, with women and other marginalized groups experiencing job losses first. This takes place in a context where male household members’ food and health needs tend to be prioritized, while care and domestic work burdens increase.
Labor rights
BlackRock has voted against every single shareholder resolution relating to labor rights where it has shareholdings, including resolutions relating to corporate accountability for sexual harassment and closing the gender pay gap as well as against 47% of climate resolutions. In contrast, it has voted for every resolution that the Committee for Workers Capital (the global committee representing workers interests in pension funds), has advised voting against. BlackRock has investments where child labour has been exposed.
Through its investment strategies, BlackRock is also a major supporter of the military industrial complex. It has major investments with civilian gun manufacturers such as Smith and Wesson and Sturm, Ruger, & Company (which produces the Ruger mini-semi automatic 14 rifle among other weapons). It has holdings in Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Boeing, and Northrop Grumman (these are identified by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) as among the largest weapons sales companies globally), Axon (which produces tasers), and Elbit (which provides logistical support for weapons delivery). High level executives in BlackRock serve on the corporate boards of various military suppliers and vice versa. These investments build a gruesome connection between BlackRock and wartime violence and displacement, which have severe and highly gendered consequences, as well as with civilian gun deaths and the militarization of the police.
UN Women’s mandate includes a focus on “building sustainable peace” and working to prevent armed conflicts, as well as a central concern with ending the global pandemic of violence against women, violence that is significantly amplified by small arms proliferation. For UN Women to partner with a corporation that is so extensively involved in profiting from militarism seems contradictory at best, and potentially highly damaging to its credibility in the Women Peace and Security arena.
Moving forward:
Rescind the BlackRock partnership, set standards for future private sector partnerships, involve feminist civil society in UN Women governance.
The partnership between BlackRock and UN Women presents serious and potentially irreparable risks to UN Women’s reputation. It gives UN Women the job of sanitizing the reputation of an asset management institution whose investments have contributed to some degree to climate catastrophe, the economic immiseration of women and other groups marginalized because of sexuality, gender, race, and class, and the proliferation of weapons and by association, the increased recourse to political violence in unstable politics. To see the world’s leading institution for the defense of women’s rights in league with an enabler of patriarchal dominance, violence, and ecological collapse, with not a word directed to critiquing or reforming BlackRock, could spell the end of UN Women’s credibility as a gender equality institution.
We urge UN Women immediately to rescind and repudiate this partnership, to honor its mandate to promote the highest standards of human rights, gender equality, environmental integrity and the wellbeing of people, as outlined in the SDGs targets. We are aware that Member States are not fulfilling their financial commitments to fund the UN, or, even worse, orienting their contributions to serve narrow political purposes. This is a driver of the corporate capture of the UN, weakening its capacity to face the multilateral crises of our times. UN Women has made attempts in the past to partner with the private sector, with companies such as Uber or Coca Cola, with poor results. Other parts of the UN have been tempted to do the same; OHCHR for instance, made an agreement with Microsoft. These efforts have failed to deliver either for the UN or for the populations they ostensibly serve.
In a larger manner, the trend of a corporate capture of the UN is largely seen in the Secretary-General’s Our Common Agenda, which places priority on a “networked multilateralism” with several multi-stakeholder proposals. Although more stakeholders participate in various processes, responsibility of governance and accountability to advancing the goals of the UN must remain with Member States. While the UN welcomes private donors, their influence is carried to shape programme priorities. Multistakeholderism and networked multilateralism assert duty bearers, rights holders, and corporate interests are all equal stakeholders and in doing so, obscures the power imbalances that exist among these groups. Corporations, unlike governments, are accountable to their shareholders with a view to increase profit. This, in many cases, is directly in conflict with the transformation needed to protect people and the planet. One example of this in Our Common Agenda is the proposal for a multistakeholder digital technology track in preparation for the 2023 Summit for the Future to agree on a Global Digital Compact to be informed by the existing High Level Panel of Experts on Digital Cooperation, co-chaired by Melinda Gates and Jack Ma – two members of the corporate sector that have conflicting interests with the public good. How can global corporations be trusted to recommend the strict regulation needed of digital technologies?
The UN should not need to be reminded of its mandate by observers. Its governance systems should incorporate civil society leaders to help prevent these mistakes. For this reason, we recommend that feminist organizations should have formal seats in UN’s advisory groups and leadership (including to its Executive Board).
It is essential and urgent that across the United Nations System, as entities turn to the private sector for funding and services, standards are set for transparency and accountability, based on human rights principles and aligned with the UN’s normative goals and standards. Moreover, all partnerships should be underpinned by an understanding of the UN as the primary duty bearer internationally, and Member States as duty bearers first and foremost. Any partner whose operations undermine human rights and planetary integrity is inherently in conflict with the interests and mission of the United Nations at large.
In solidarity,
- #Whispers
- Abibinsroma Foundation
- Action Contre l'Impunité pour les Droits Humains, ACIDH
- Action for Youth Development Uganda ACOYDE
- ActionAid Cambodia
- ActionAid France
- ActionAid International
- Actionaid Senegal
- ActionAid Tanzania
- Adéquations
- African Centre for Biodiversity
- African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD)
- African Indigenous Foundation for Energy and Sustainable Development (AIFES)
- African Women's Development and Communication Network (FEMNET)
- Afrihealth Optonet Association (AHOA)
- Agroecology Research Action Collective
- Aid/Watch
- Aidos
- AIDS-Free World
- Akina Mama wa Afrika
- Alliance for Future Generations - Fiji
- Almena Cooperativa Feminista,SCCL
- American Jewish World Service
- Amigas da Terra (Galicia)
- Amigos da Terra Brasil /Friends of the Earth Brazil
- Amigos de la Tierra (Spain)
- Asia Development Alliance
- Asia Indigenous Peoples Network on Extractive Industries and Energy
- Asia Indigenous Women's Network
- Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD)
- Asia Pacific Women's Watch (APWW)
- Asociacion Ciudadana por los Derechos Humanos
- Associació de Drets Sexuals i Reproductius
- Association Éco Tourisme Environnement
- Association Equality - Wardah Boutros
- Association for Middle East Women's Studies (AMEWS)
- Association For Promotion Sustainable Development
- Association For Promotion Sustainable Development
- Association Jeunes Agriculteurs (AJA)
- Association of Women of Southern Europe AFEM
- Association pour la Conservation et la Protection des Ecosystèmes des Lacs et l’Agriculture Durable
- Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance
- Avtonomi Akadimia
- AWID (Association for Women's Rights in Development)
- Bangladesh Indigenous Women's Network
- Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha (BNPS)
- Bangladesh Unnayan Parishad
- Barguna nari Jagoran kormochuchi JAGO NARI
- Beautiful Hearts Against Sexual Violence NGO
- Beijing-SDG 5 Facilitating Group
- Beyond Beijing Committee Nepal
- BIMBA Inc.
- Biowatch South Africa
- Biswas Nepal
- Black Sea Women's Club
- Bootblack
- Bretton Woods Project
- Campaign of Campaigns
- Canadian Voice of Women for Peace
- CCFD-Terre Solidaire
- Center for Advancement of Public Policy
- Center for Climate Change & Sustainable Development (3CSD)
- Center for Legislative Development
- Center for Women's Global Leadership
- Centre des Dames Mouride (CDM)
- CENWOR - Centre for Women's Research
- Chirapaq, Center of Inidgenous Cultures of Peru and Continental Network of Indigenous Women of the Americas- ECMIA
- CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality
- Chosun University
- Citizen News Service (CNS)
- Civil Society FfD Group
- Civil Society SDGs Campaign GCAP Zambia
- Climate Families NYC
- CNCD-11.11.11
- Coastal Development Partnership
- Collectif Sénégalais des Africaines pour la Promotion de l'Education Relative à l'Environnement (COSAPERE)
- Comité de América Latina y el Caribe para la Defensa de los Derechos de las Mujeres CLADEM
- Community Development Services (CDS)
- Community Initiatives for Development in Pakistan
- Confédération paysanne
- Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd
- Congregation of the Mission
- Consumidores Conscientes
- Coordinadora de la Mujer
- Corporate Europe Observatory
- Creación Positiva
- CSO Youth FfD Constituency
- Cultivate!
- Czech Social Watch Coalition
- Debt Justice Norway
- Debt Justice UK
- Debt Observatory in Globalisation
- Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN)
- Dhaatri Trust
- Diálogo 2000-Jubileo Sur Argentina
- Diverse Voices and Action (DIVA) for Equality
- Dones No Estàndards
- Eategrity
- Ecojustice Ireland Community Interest Company
- Ekumenická akademie (Ecumenical Academy)
- Ekvilib Institute
- Elige Red de Jóvenes por los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos, A. C.
- Endorois Indigenous Women Empowerment Network (EIWEN)
- EnGen Collaborative
- EnrDHadas - Tejiendo feminismos por el Mundo
- Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth Nigeria
- Equidad de Género: Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia
- ERA - LGBTI Equal Rights Association for Western Balkans and Turkey
- Eurodad - European Network on Debt and Development
- Feminist Dalit Organization
- Feminist Hiking Collective
- Feministas en Holanda
- FIAN Belgium
- FIAN Germany
- FIAN International
- FIAN Switzerland
- Fiji Women Rights Movement (FWRM)
- FiLiA
- Financial Transparency Coalition
- Focus Association for Sustainable Development
- Focus on the Global South
- Fokupers (Forum Komunikasaun ba Feto Timor Lorosa'e)
- FOKUS - Forum for Women and Development
- Fondation Eboko
- Food Sovereignty Alliance, India
- Forum for Equitable Development
- Fós Feminista
- Franciscans International
- Fresh Eyes
- Friends of the Earth Africa
- Friends of The Earth Australia
- Friends of the Earth International
- Friends of the Earth US
- Fundacion Arcoiris por el respeto a la diversidad sexual
- Fundacion para Estudio e investigacion de la Mujer
- Fundeps
- GCAP Italia
- genanet - focal point gender, environment, sustainability
- Gender Action
- Gender and Development for Cambodia
- Gender and Development in Practice (GADIP)
- Gender and Development Network (GADN)
- Gender at Work
- GenderCC SA
- Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW)
- Global Alliance for Tax Justice
- Global Alliance for Tax Justice, Tax and Gender Working Group
- Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP)
- Global Forest Coalition
- Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Global Justice Now
- Global Migration and Health Initiative
- Global Network of Sex Work Projects
- Global Social Justice
- Global Women's Institute
- Good Citizenry
- Good Health Community Programmes
- Gramya Resource Centre for Women
- Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
- Green Advocates International (Liberia)
- GroundWork Trust
- Haki Nawiri Afrika
- Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers
- Halley Movement Coalition
- Health and Environment Justice Support (HEJSupport)
- Heñói - Centro de Estudios y Promoción de la Democracia, los Derechos Humanos y la Sostenibilidad Socio-ambiental
- Himalayan Community Resource Development Center
- Hope for Kenya Slum Adolescents Initiative
- Housing and Land Rights Network - Habitat International Coalition (HIC-HLRN)
- Human Rights Focus Pakistan (HRFP)
- IBON International
- ILGA Asia
- ILGA World
- Indian Christian Women’s Movement
- Indian Confederation of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples North East Zone (ICITP-NEZ)
- Indigenous Environmental Network
- Indigenous Women Empowerment Network
- Indigenous Women's Network of Thailand (IWNT)
- Indigenous Youth Exchange Africa
- Iniciativas para la Mujer Oaxaqueña
- Initiative for Right View (IRV)
- Institut Vinetum so.p.Etri group
- Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
- Institute for International Women’s Rights Manitoba
- Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología Regional (ICTER)
- Integrated Social Development Effort (ISDE) Bangladesh
- International Accountability Project
- International Alliance of Women (IAW)
- International Association for Feminist Economics
- International Federation of Business and Professional Women
- International IPMSDL
- International Service for Human Rights
- International Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific
- Ipas
- Ipas Ethiopia
- IT for Change on behalf of People’s Working Group on Multistakeholderism
- Joseph Ayo Babalola University
- Justiça Ambiental - JA!
- Justice Institute Guyana
- Keepers of the Circle
- Kenya Female Advisory Organization
- Khpal Kore Organization
- Kolektiv Z
- Kopila-Nepal
- KOTHOWAIN (Vulnerable Peoples Development Organization) Bandarban HillTract, BANGLADESH
- KULU-Women and Development (KULU)
- L' Associacio de Drets Sexuals i Reproductius
- La Via Campesina
- Ladlad Caraga Inc
- Landless Peoples Movement SA
- LASNET (Latino American Solidarity Network)
- Les Amis de la Terre Togo
- Let's Do It Kenya
- Like Mountains
- Lithuanian NGDO Platform
- Lumiere Synergie pour le Developpement
- Ma'al Center for Consultations,Training and Human Development
- Madhira Institute
- MAELA México
- Main_Network
- Major Group for Children and Youth
- Marie-Schlei-Verein e. V.
- MARIJÀN | Young feminist organization
- Martha Justice Ministry, Sisters of St. Martha, Antigonish
- Mazingira Institute
- Mbeleni Foundation
- Mecanismo Sicuedad Civil CEPAL
- MenEngage Global Alliance
- Mi Organization
- My people and culture association
- MY World Mexico
- MYSU- Mujer y Salud en Uruguay
- Nagorik Uddyog
- National Campaign for Sustainable Development Nepal
- National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights
- National Council of Women of Canada
- National Indigenous Women Forum
- Natural Justice
- Nawi Collective
- NeverEndingFood Permaculture
- NGO Forum on ADB
- Nigerian Women Agro Allied Farmers Association
- North-East Affected Area Development Society (NEADS)
- Nouvelle Orientation pour la promotion du Développement Durable en Afrique (NODDA)
- Omar Jouville & Company Advocates| Advocacy and Awareness Centre Initiative (AAC-Kenya)
- Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum
- Pakistan Kissan Rabita Committee (PKRC)
- Pariwartankhabar.com
- Paropakar Primary Health Care Centre PPUK
- Participatory Research & Action Network- PRAAN
- Passionists International
- People's Health Movement
- People's Health Movement-Canada
- Peperusha Binti
- Persons Against Non-State Torture
- Pesticide Action Network Asia Pacific (PANAP)
- Pesticide Action Network International
- Pesticide Action Network North America
- PHM Kenya
- Plataforma Bolivia Libre de Transgenicos
- Project Organising Development Education and Research
- Prospera INWF
- Public Services International
- RAÍCES, Análisis de Género para el Desarrollo
- Raise Your Voice Saint Lucia Inc
- Rapad Maroc
- Reacción Climática
- Realizing Sexual and Reproductive Justice (RESURJ)
- Red por los derechos sexuales y reproductivos en México
- ReFocus Consulting
- Regions Refocus
- RIPESS Intercontinental
- RITES Forum
- RUIDO Photo
- Rural Area Development Programme (RADP)
- SAFIGI Outreach Foundation (Safety First for Girls)
- Sanklapa Darchula Nepal (Sankalpa)
- Sexual Rights Initiative
- Shirkat Gah - Women's Resource Centre
- Siempre ong
- Sisters of Charity Federation
- Social Watch
- Society for International Development
- Solidarité des Femmes pour le Développement intégral (SOFEDI)
- Solution Research Point
- Soroptimist International
- South Asia Forum for Human Rights
- South Feminist Futures
- Stop the Bleeding Campaign
- SUHODE Foundation
- Sukaar Welfare Organization
- Sustainable Development Council
- Tagoloan Gender Advocacy Group
- Tamazight Women's Movement
- Tanggol Bayi
- Tax Justice Network
- Tax Justice Network Africa
- Temple of Understanding
- The European Women's Lobby
- The New Environmental Justice Solutions
- The Scottish Women's Convention
- Third World Network
- Trade Collective
- Transnational Institute
- Trócaire
- Turkish Council of Women
- UBINIG (Policy Research for Development Alternative)
- UNANIMA International
- Universidad Nacional de Colombia
- University of Sindh
- UnPoison
- Urgent Action Fund for Women's Human Rights
- Urgent Action Fund Latin America and the Caribbean
- Vereda Themis
- Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC)
Wada Na Todo Abhiyan - War Resisters League
- Water Justice and Gender
- WECF International
- Wemos
- WIDE Austria - Network for Women´s Rights and Feminist Perspectives in Development
- WIDE+ (Women In Development Europe+)
- WILPF Lebanon
- Witness Radio
- Womankind Worldwide
- Women and Gender Constituency of the UNFCCC
- Women and Law in Southern Africa
- Women and Modern World Social Charitable Center
- Women committee in general federation of Jordanian trade unions
- Women Deliver
- Women for Women's Human Rights - New Ways
- Women with Disabilities Development Foundation (WDDF)
- Women Working Group (WWG)
- Women's Budget Group
- Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN)
- Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR)
- Women's Health and Equal Rights Initiative
- Women's Health in Women's Hands CHC
- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
- Women's International Peace Centre
- Women's Leadership and Training Programme
- Women's Major Group on Sustainable Development
- Women's Rights Caucus (WRC)
- Women's Support and Information Centre NPO
- Women's Working Group on Financing for Development
- Women’s Intercultural Network
- Women´s Major Group UNEA-UNEP
- Womens Intercultural Network
- WoMin African Alliance
- World Economy, Ecology and Development - WEED
- Y+ Global
- Young Feminist Europe
- Young Peace Builders - YPB
- Youth and Women for Opportunities Uganda
- Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights
Individuals - Abena D. Oduro
- Abida
- Abou Farman
- Adeline Parenty
- Adrienne Roberts
- Agnieszka Fal-Dutra Santos
- Ahmad Awad
- Aida A. Hozic
- Aideé Tassinari
- Ajit Zacharias
- Alba Brugueras
- Alexandria Gordon
- Ali Yass
- Allison Kermode
- Alonna Despain
- Ammu Abraham
- Ana Portocarrero
- Andrea Carlise
- Andreas Schulz
- Angeline Annesteus
- Anil Kumar
- Ann Edqvist
- Ann S Brighton
- Anna Hawken
- Anne Marie Goetz
- Anne Runyan
- Anne-Emanuelle Birn
- Anthony Davis
- Aphline Yogo
- April Porteria
- Archana Dhakal
- Arlene McLaren
- Armagan Gezici
- Asha Herten-Crabb
- Aurora d'Agostino
- Aurore
- Ayshka Najib
- Ayuba Abukari
- Barbara Hopkins
- Basma Eid
- Beatriz Arnal Calvo
- Belinda Roman
- Bengi Akbulut
- Bette Levy
- Bina Pradhan
- Binti Fataki Francine
- Bishelly Elias
- Brooke A Ackerly
- Bruce Pietrykowski
- Busisiwe Mgangxela
- Carla Hoinkes
- Carly Paul
- Carmen Diana Deere
- Carol Cohn
- Carola Mejia
- Caroline Dommen
- Caroline Hossein
- Caroline Owashaba
- Carsta Neuenroth
- Cassandra Guarino
- Cecilia García Ruiz
- Chantal Clement
- Christina Gordon
- Chuma Mgcoyi
- Clara Winkler
- Claudine Letsae
- Claudio Schuftan
- Corina Rodriguez Enriquez
- Craig N. Murphy
- cristina muñoz pavon
- D. Webster
- Daptnhe Cuevas
- Darini Rajasingham Senanayake
- David Hallowes
- Deanna Marie Homer
- Deirdre A Carney
- Desmond Kanneh
- Diana Nabiruma
- Diane Elson
- Dina Mahnaz Siddiqi
- Dina Passman
- Diyana Yahaya
- Dr Claire Duncanson
- Dr Jasmine Gideon
- Dr. Andrew Kohen
- Drucilla K Barker
- Elahe Amani
- Elham Hoominfar
- Elisabeth Prügl
- Elissa Braunstein
- Elke Krasny
- Emi Tant
- Emily Brown
- Emma Burgisser
- Erica Di Ruggiero
- Esperanza Delgado Herrera
- Evelyn Dürmayer
- Ezel Buse Sönmezocak
- Farida Khan
- Fiana Arbab
- Fiona MacPhail
- Gabriele Koehler
- Gail James
- Gbene Ali Malik
- Gea Meijers
- George Williams
- Gillian Addison
- Gina Cortés Valderrama
- Gisela Duetting
- Grace Areba
- Gunseli Berik
- Harris Gleckman
- Heidi Hartmann
- Helle Q Joensen
- Hellen Nachilongo
- Hema Swaminathan
- Hwei Mian Lim
- Ilene Grabel
- Ipek Ilkkaracan
- Jameson Alejandro Mencías
- Jane Humphries
- Janice Banser
- Jason Hickel
- Jean Kathleen Laurila
- Jeanne Koopman
- Jen Marchbank
- Jennifer C Olmsted
- Jennifer Clapp
- Jennifer Cohen
- Jennifer Lipenga
- Jerome De Henau
- Ji Hyun Park
- Joan French
- Joan Normington
- Joni Seager
- José Miguel
- Josephine Wangari
- Josie Marsh
- judith wedderburn
- Juliana Rodrigues de Senna
- Julie Koch
- Junemarie Justus
- Kalumbu kaluanda Chantal
- Kanchana N Ruwanpura
- Karen Hayes Judd
- Kate Bayliss
- Kath Deakin
- Katharina Glaab
- Katherine Farhar
- Kerry McLean
- Kimberly Christensen
- Klara A
- Laerke Groennebaek
- Laura McKeeman
- Laura Pereira
- Laura Sjoberg
- Lauren Kolyn
- Laurriette Rota
- Lavinia Steinfort
- Lays Ushirobira
- Leena Patel
- Leith L Dunn
- Lénica Reyes Zúñiga
- Lesley Johnston
- Lesslie Ann Valencia
- Lewis Emmerton
- Liane I Schalatek
- Liliana Buitrago A
- Lindsey Wagner, RN
- Lisa Philippo
- Lisa VeneKlasen
- Liz Riopelle
- Lorena Cotza
- Lorraine Marsh
- Lourdes Beneria
- Lucía Pérez Fragoso
- Lydia Darby
- Lyla Mehta
- M V Lee Badgett
- Magali Brosio
- Maneesh Pradhan
- Mara Dolan
- Mari Claire Price
- Maria Floro
- maria smith
- Mariajosé Aguilera
- Marianne Hill
- Marie Talaïa-Coutandin
- Marilyn Power
- Marjorie Cohn
- Marjorie Griffin Cohen
- Markéta Kos Mottlová
- Marlena Fontes
- Martha
- Martha MacDonald
- Mary Ann Manahan
- Mary King
- Mary-Joyce Doo Aphane
- Matey Nikolov
- Mathieu Paris
- Mathilde
- Maximilian Sprengholz
- Mayyada Abu Jaber
- Melanie Sommervill
- Menka Goundan
- Molly Anderson
- Mona Mishra
- Morgan Richards-Melamdir
- Morven magari
- Muriel Mac-Seing
- Myriam Paredes
- Nachiket Udupa
- Nadia Saracini
- Nadje Al-Ali
- Naila Kabeer
- Nancy Krieger
- Nancy R Folbre
- Nancy W. Singham
- Naomi Hossain
- Nargiza Ludgate
- Nata Duvvury
- Natalie Jones
- Natasha Umuhoza
- ndivile Mokoena
- Nelun Gunasekera
- Nettie Wiebe
- Niharika
- Nina Isabella Moeller
- Noelia Méndez Santolaria
- Norea Manyika Gutu
- Norma Enríquez Riascos
- Notza
- Olga Louise Petersen Ege
- Olive Uwamariya
- Ommey Nahida
- Paddy Quick
- Pamela del Canto
- pascale maquestiau
- Patricia E. Perkins
- Patricia Schulz
- Paula Beltgens
- Paula Herrera Idárraga
- Pedro Alarconw
- Peter
- Peterclaver Yabepone
- Polly Meeks
- Poul Wisborg
- Prabha Khosla
- Prof. Ruth Hall
- Professor Jacqui True
- Professor Juanita Elias
- Rachel Wynberg
- Radhika Balakrishnan
- Raj Patel
- Ramya Vijaya
- Randy Albelda
- Rania Lee Khalil
- Renee Adams
- Renée Hunter
- Renuka Bhat
- Rita Schäfer
- Rizalina Amesola
- Rohini Hensman
- Ronald Labonte
- Rosario Carmona
- S. Charusheela
- Sakiko Fukuda-Parr
- Samanmala Dorabawila
- Samuel Sabuli
- Sanam Amin
- Sanika Sulochani Ramanayake
- Santosh Nandal
- Sarah Milner-Barry
- Sarah Rich-Zendel
- Savina Nongebatu
- Seema Ravandale
- Sehnaz Kiymaz Bahceci
- Sharon Bhagwan Rolls
- Shazia Z Rafi
- Sheba Tejani
- Shewli Kumar
- Shiney Varghese
- Shirin Rai
- Simamkele Dlakavu
- Simona Sawhney
- Sirisha Naidu
- Smita Ramnarain
- Smriti Rao
- Sofie Bruus Hansen
- Soma Marik
- Stephanie Urdang
- Sulochana Suresh Pednekar
- Suni Lama
- Sunshine Fionah Komusana
- Supriya Madangarli
- Susan Himmelweit
- Susanne Zwingel
- Suwaiba Muhammad Dankabo
- Suzanne Bergeron
- Suzanne de Castell
- Svati Shah
- Tafadzwa Roberta Muropa
- Tamara Lorincz
- Teresa McKeeman
- Thato Gabaitse
- Todd Ayoung
- Trimita Chakma
- V Spike Peterson
- Valentina González
- Valerie M Hudson
- vandana mahajan
- Vanessa Farr
- Visakha Tillekeratne
- Viviana Liptzis
- Wambura Elisha Chacha
- Wendy Flannery
- William Minter
- Winter Lea
- yasamin sadeghi
- Yasmine Bilkis Ibrahim
- Yaw Osei Boateng