Analyses Spéciales

L´AWID est une organisation féministe mondiale qui consacre ses efforts à la justice de genre, au développement durable et aux droits humains des femmes

Forum de l'AWID : Co-créer nos horizons féministes

En septembre 2016, 1800 féministes et défenseur-e-s des droits des femmes venu-e-s des quatre coins de nos mouvements se réunissaient sur les côtes de Bahia à l’occasion du 13ème Forum international de l’AWID.

Cette section met l’accent sur les victoires, les enseignements et les ressources qui ont couronné nos conversations. Nous vous invitons à l’explorer, la partager et laisser vos impressions.

L’un des principaux éléments à retenir de ce Forum a été la nécessité d’élargir et d’approfondir notre travail de collaboration entre mouvements pour faire  face à une montée des fascismes et des fondamentalismes, une exacerbation de la cupidité des entreprises et un changement climatique en progression.

L’AWID a donc travaillé avec plusieurs allié-e-s  pour ériger ces semences de résistance :

A travers son prochain plan stratégique et le processus de son Forum, l’AWID s’engage à poursuivre et approfondir les rapports, les apprentissages et les processus amorcés lors du Forum 2016, tout en s’inspirant de l’actualité.

Et maintenant ?

Le monde est bien différent de celui qu’il était l’an dernier et il continuera à changer dans les années à venir.

Le prochain Forum de l’AWID se tiendra dans la région Asie-Pacifique (les dates et le lieu exacts seront annoncés en 2018). Nous attendons avec impatience de vous y retrouver !

A propos du Forum de l’AWID

Les Forums de l’AWID ont vu le jour en 1983, à Washington DC. Depuis, ils revêtent de nombreux aspects et incarnent, selon les personnes, tantôt un processus itératif visant à affiner nos analyses, notre vision et nos actions, un évènement clé galvanisant les féminismes des participant-e-s et leurs organisations ou un espace politique offrant refuge et solidarité aux défenseur-se-s des droits humains.

En savoir plus sur les éditions précédentes

Contenu lié

L’AWID EN 2014 : Renforcer les processus d’organisation en faveur des droits des femmes dans le monde entier

Moving Conversation | Small Snippet AR

عودةٌ إلى ذواتنا

بالنسبة إليّ، هذه الأنواع من الدردشات كانت ضمن تعابير الحبّ التي أتاحت لي الحياة أن أستمتع بها حديثًا فقط. ما كنت أعرف أن هذه الأشكال الأخرى ممكنة – تلك التي توجَد خارج نطاق ورشات العمل، أو أماكن الناشطين أو غرف الصفّ أو أماكن العمل.

اقرأ أكثر

Mechthild "Mel Hired" Möhring

Read also:

We all can dance
by Mechthild Möhring (aka serialmel)

How I punt myself at the narrow hard knitting I once retrieved. I'm dancing in the kitchen when I'm alone. Gracile and powerful. When I'm in company I'm clumsy. My body scandalizes, scandalizes the laws of look I feel, scandalizes the words which banished me. "Of course she can dance, it's in her blood as a Black person." "If she is able to dance nicely she is good in bed" they whisper, they murmur, no - they say it openly into my face. They smirk and rub themselves against me and let me move back. I stumble and fall. My feet reject their duty. Bearish I get out of breath. Smiling I place myself out of events and notice how my face freezes into a mask.

Translated into English by Tsepo Bollwinkel

Original in German

Tanzen können wir alle
Von Mechthild Möhring (aka serialmel)

Wie ich mich stosse an den engen, harten Maschen, in die ich mich einst zurückgezogen habe. Ich tanze in der Küche, wenn ich allein bin. Grazil und kraftvoll. Wenn ich in Gesellschaft bin, bin ich unbeholfen. Mein Körper eckt an, an die Gesetze des Blicks, den ich spüre, an die Worte, die mich bannten. „Natürlich kann sie tanzen, als Schwarze hat sie das im Blut.“ „Wenn sie gut tanzen kann, dann ist sie auch gut im Bett“ flüstern sie, raunen sie, nein, sie sagen es mir laut ins Gesicht. Sie grinsen und reiben sich an mir und lassen mich zurückweichen. Ich stolpere und falle. Meine Füsse verweigern ihren Dienst. Tollpatschig gerate ich ausser Atem. Lächelnd setze ich mich an den Rand des Geschehens und bemerke, wie mein Gesicht zur Maske erstarrt.

ฉันจะสามรถหาทุนสนับสนุนการเข้าร่วม AWID ฟอรัมได้อย่างไร

ถ้ากลุ่มหรือองค์กรของคุณได้รับการสนับสนุนเงินทุน คุณสามารถพูดคุยกับแหล่งทุนของคุณได้ตั้งแต่ตอนนี้หากพวกเค้าสามารถสนับสนุนการเดินทางและการเข้าร่วมของคุณได้ หลายองค์กรวางแผนงบประมาณปีหน้าในปี 2566 จึงเป็นการดีกว่าหากสามารถพูดคุยกับพวกเค้าก่อนภายในปีนี้

2019: Feminist Realities in a changing world

AWID began preparing this annual report just as the global pandemic began to unravel how we gather, organize and live our lives. It is impossible to review what we have done without COVID-19 tinting our assessment. 

Download the full 2019 Annual review

frmagazine cover eng



Co-Creating Feminist Realities is no longer just an AWID Forum theme - it is a rallying cry in response to a pandemic that has laid bare the failures of social, political and economic systems.

It is an urgently needed affirmation that there are other, more just ways of organizing our lives. During 2019 hundreds of groups shared their experiences and proposals for feminist realities with us, ranging from radical networks of community support in Latin America facilitating self-managed abortion, to practices of community-centered economies in Indonesia and community-centered food systems in India and the US, to a  re-imagination and new practice of harm-free rites of passage in Sierra Leone. These are the experiences that will chart a path forward for a “new normal”. 
Yet long histories of oppression and violence can make it difficult to imagine the possible. A key part of our work in 2019 was to spark these explorations through a toolkit AWID launched to support groups interested in unearthing the stories and aspirations that are the building blocks of feminist propositions.

While we focus on our proposals for a different world, we recognize the challenging context around us.

Through the Observatory on the Universality of Rights, Feminists for a Binding Treaty, Count Me In! and other alliances, AWID has continued to push back against unfettered corporate power and fascist and fundamentalist agendas that undermine women’s rights and gender justice. With dim prospects for transformative change through multilateral processes  and limited responsiveness from most states, we are redoubling our efforts  to ensure that feminist movements, in all their diversity, are resourced in ways that match the critical roles they play - supporting their communities, demanding rights and responding to crises. In 2019 we introduced feminist principles and approaches to ground-breaking funds like the Spotlight Initiative and the Equality Fund, and succeeded in leveraging resources through feminist reality seed grant funding from feminist funders.

As we look ahead, it is clear that the context is calling for a transformation of our organizing strategies:

  • we are learning to navigate global advocacy confined to online channels,
  • we grapple with the uncertainty of when and how we can convene in person, and
  • we use the tools at our disposal to tighten connections across local to global spheres.

AWID is embarking on a new membership model that lowers barriers to access and emphasizes opportunities for engagement and cross-member connection. We will continue to experiment with different online tools and processes for building community. Cross-movement engagement will stay at the center of our work. AWID’s actions in solidarity with oppressed movements and identities, even and especially where these are marginalized in feminist movements, are important to drive change and support broad and inclusive movements for all.

Crisis is not new to feminist and social movements.

We are resilient, we adapt, and we show up for each other. And we have to keep doing better. Thank you to all who are part of the journey with us.

Download the full 2019 Annual review

Download the full 2019 Annual review

Snippet Kohl - Panel “un”Inclusive Feminism | AR

Balloon Panel “un”Inclusive Feminism

حلقة نقاش | النسوية “غير” الشاملة: فتيات بلا صوت في الحركة النسوية الهايتية
مع نايكي ليدان وفيدورا بيير-لوي



เป็นกระบวนการเดียวกันและกำหนดเวลาเดียวกันทุกประการ โปรดใช้แบบฟอร์มเดียวกันนี้ในการส่งกิจกรรมของคุณ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นกิจกรรมที่จัดแบบพบกันทางกายภาพ ทางออนไลน์ หรือทั้งสองแบบ (ไฮบริด)

Demo article

#9 - Sexting like a feminist Tweets Snippet AR

لا ضير في وضع قواعد اللعبة

Leave your biases, preconception, and your clothes at the door!

ممنوع الدخول قبل التخلّص من أي شكل من أشكال التحيّز و/أو الأحكام المُسبقة و/أو الاحتشام!

María Verónica Reina

María était reconnue au niveau mondial pour son leadership extraordinaire au sein de la communauté des personnes handicapées.

Elle a représenté l'International Disability and Development  Consortium (consortium international sur le développement et le handicap) lors de la négociation de la Convention des Nations Unies relative aux droits des personnes handicapées (2001-2006). Son travail a été consacré à la réalisation de l'objectif de la Convention, à savoir la réalisation des droits humains  universels par, pour et avec les personnes handicapées pour un monde inclusif, accessible et durable.

Selon ses propres mots, son leadership consistait à « … servir la communauté des personnes handicapées, en commençant par de petites tâches que d'autres pourraient ne pas vouloir faire».

Elle est décédée le 27 octobre 2017 dans sa ville natale de Rosario, en Argentine.

Pour en savoir plus sur María Verónica Reina, retrouvez son témoignage.



María Verónica Reina, Argentina

Margarita Salas Guzmán


Margarita is a feminist and LGBTIQA activist from Latin America; her passion is social transformation and collective wellbeing. She holds degrees in Psychology, Communications and Public Administration, as well as certificates in Public Policy, Leadership, Management & Decision Making. In her professional capacity, Margarita has had extensive experience with grassroots organizations, national and regional NGOs, universities and the public sector, developing facilitation, capacity building, political advocacy, communications & policy assessment.

Special Projects Manager
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Curatorial Note by Rula Khoury

Feminist Art Walk

Curatorial Note by Rula Khoury

As part of our commitment to engage more deeply with artists and the practice of co-creating Feminist Realities, AWID collaborated with an Artist Working Group to advance and strengthen feminist agendas and realities in their communities and movements through their creative expression. Our intention here is to bring feminist creatives together in a powerful and brave space where they grow and live freely, and where they shatter toxic narratives to replace them with transformative alternatives.

This exhibition gathers the work of artists and collectives from across the globe, those who are actively creating the difference that we want to see in the world. These feminist creatives include Upasana Agarwal, Nicole Barakat, Siphumeze Khundayi, Katia Herrera, Ali Chavez Leeds, Colectivo Morivivi, Ika Vantiani, and the curators behind the #MeToo in China exhibition. Their voices stand strong in their refusal to accept the limitations imposed by patriarchy, and amplify their commitments to the communities they are working in and with. In their own way, each artwork represents daily acts of resistance, untold stories and identities, connections to land and ancestry, and most importantly, the solidarity that exists within and amongst feminist movements and struggles. These artists are both inspired by and inspire creative strategies of feminist resistance and initiatives that show us how we can all live in a more just world - a world that centers care and healing.

Laura Lee

Laura was a leading activist and lawyer who campaigned fearlessly for the decriminalisation of sex work in Ireland.

She is remembered as “a freedom fighter for sex workers, a feminist, a mother to a daughter and a needed friend to many.” 

Laura advocated for individuals in the sex industry to be recognised as workers deserving of rights. She advanced demands for decriminalisation, including initiating a judicial review at Belfast’s high court in respect of the provisions criminalising the purchase of sex.  Laura stated that her intention was to bring the case to the European Court of Human Rights.



Laura Lee, Ireland

Sara AbuGhazal


Sara AbuGhazal es una feminista palestina que vive en Beirut. Es cofundadora de Sawt al-Niswa, un colectivo que produce conocimiento en Beirut. Es codirectora de The Knowledge Workshop [«Taller del conocimiento»], una organización feminista con sede en Beirut que trabaja en la historia oral y el archivo feminista. Sara es actualmente la Coordinadora Regional de la Coalición Regional para Defensoras de los Derechos Humanos en el Medio Oriente y África del Norte.

Sara lucha para ayudar a crear espacios de transformación feminista y solidaridad. Su trabajo se centra principalmente en la construcción de movimientos sostenibles en la región del MOAN. Sara se empeña en temas de la Palestina, la producción de conocimiento y la transformación feminista. Publica regularmente en y su obra de ficción también aparece en la revista electrónica Romman


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Corporalidades Transnacionales | Small Snippet ES HOME

Corporalidades Transnacionales

Esta edición en alianza con Kohl: una publicación para Body and Gender Research analizará soluciones, propuestas y realidades feministas para transformar nuestro mundo actual, nuestros cuerpos y nuestras sexualidades.
