Analyses Spéciales

L´AWID est une organisation féministe mondiale qui consacre ses efforts à la justice de genre, au développement durable et aux droits humains des femmes

Activisme des jeunes féministes

S'organiser de manière créative face à des menaces croissantes

Les jeunes activistes féministes jouent un rôle crucial au sein des organisations et des mouvements pour les droits des femmes à travers le monde. Ce sont elles qui soulèvent les nouveaux problèmes auxquels les féministes sont confrontées aujourd'hui. Leur force, leur créativité et leur adaptabilité sont vitales pour assurer la viabilité des organisations féministes.

Pourtant,  elles sont confrontées à toute une série d’obstacles particuliers, notamment l'accès limité au financement et au soutien, le manque de possibilités de renforcement des capacités et une augmentation considérable des agressions sur les jeunes défenseuses des droits humains. Ces obstacles entraînent un manque de visibilité qui rend leur intégration et leur participation effective au sein des mouvements pour les droits des femmes encore plus difficiles.

Une approche multigénérationnelle

Le Programme d’activisme des jeunes féministes de l'AWID a été mis en place pour veiller à ce que les voix des jeunes femmes soient entendues et représentées dans le discours féministe. Nous voulons faire en sorte que les jeunes féministes aient un meilleur accès à du financement, à des opportunités de renforcer leurs capacités et aux processus internationaux.

En plus de soutenir directement les jeunes féministes, nous travaillons également avec des activistes des droits des femmes de tout âge pour élaborer des modèles et des stratégies d’organisation multigénérationnelles plus efficaces.

Nos actions

Nous souhaitons que les jeunes féministes puissent jouer un rôle actif dans les prises de décisions qui concernent leurs droits. Nos actions incluent :

  • Favoriser la mise en commun et le partage d'informations par la Plateforme de jeunes féministes. Étant donné l'importance des médias en ligne pour le travail des jeunes féministes, notre équipe a lancé la Plateforme de jeunes féministes en mai 2010. Elle a pour objectifs d’échanger des renseignements, de renforcer les capacités des membres par le truchement de webinaires et de  discussions en ligne, et d'encourager la consolidation d’une communauté de jeunes féministes.

  • Soutenir la recherche et le renforcement des connaissances sur l'activisme des jeunes féministes, pour accroître la visibilité et l'influence de leur activisme au sein et entre les mouvements pour les droits des femmes et auprès d'autres acteurs-trices clés, tels les donateurs.

  • Faire la promotion de la collaboration multigénérationnelle, en explorant de meilleures façons de travailler ensemble.

  • Inciter les jeunes féministes à s’engager dans les processus internationaux relatifs au programme de développement, notamment ceux des Nations Unies.

  • S’assurer leur collaboration dans tous les domaines prioritaires de l'AWID, y compris le Forum, pour faire en sorte que leurs contributions, leurs perspectives, leurs besoins et leur activisme se traduisent dans les débats, les politiques et les programmes qui les concernent.

Contenu lié

Paseo de las Artes Feministas

Paseo de las Artes Feministas

Declaración de Rula Khoury

Como parte de nuestro compromiso de lograr una interacción más profunda con artistas y la práctica de la creación conjunta de las Realidades Feministas, AWID colaboró con un para promover y fortalecer las agendas y realidades feministas en sus comunidades y movimientos a través de sus expresiones creativas. Nuestra intención en este punto es reunir a creativxs feministas en un espacio pujante y valiente donde puedan desarrollarse y vivir en libertad, y donde puedan romper las narrativas tóxicas para sustituirlas por alternativas transformadoras. 

Esta exhibición reúne la obra de artistas y colectivos de todo el globo que están creando activamente la diferencia que queremos ver plasmada en el mundo. Entre estxs creativxs feministas se encuentran Upasana Agarwal, Nicole Barakat, Siphumeze Khundayi, Katia Herrera, Ali Chavez Leeds, el Colectivo Morivivi, Ika Vantiani, y lxs curadorxs detrás de la exhibición #MeToo en China. Sus voces se mantienen firmes en su rechazo a aceptar las limitaciones que impone el patriarcado, y para amplificar sus compromisos con las comunidades con las que trabajan. A su propio modo, cada obra de arte representa los actos cotidianos de resistencia, las historias e identidades que no se han narrado, las conexiones con la tierra y lo ancestral y, lo que es más importante, la solidaridad que existe en el interior de las luchas y los movimientos feministas y entre ellos. Estxs artistas se inspiran en y a la vez inspiran estrategias creativas de  resistencia e iniciativas feministas que nos muestran cómo podemos vivir en un mundo más justo, un mundo que pone en el centro los cuidados y la sanación.

So'oalo Roger

So'oalo fue una ferviente defensora de los derechos humanos, especialmente de los derechos de la comunidad LGBTQI en el Pacífico.

Fue integrante de la Asociación Fa’afafine de Samoa (SFA) y una apasionada activista por el reconocimiento de un tercer género en el país insular. Bajo su liderazgo, la SFA luchó por el reconocimiento de la validez y los derechos de la comunidad fa’afafine.

También fue pionera en articular los vínculos entre derechos humanos, explotación de lxs fa’afafines en Samoa y el Pacífico y la salud, el bienestar y la seguridad de la comunidad LGBTQI.

Fue fuente de inspiración, visionaria y su dedicación a la lucha por los derechos de su comunidad es admirable y será recordada  por siempre.


So'oalo Roger, Samoa

Demo WYSIWYG page for testing

In a context like Colombia’s, the work of imagining, dreaming and even creating processes of transformation so we can live in worlds that are decent, just, careful, and affectionate is worthy of admiration. It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated.

  1. It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated.

Privacy is a fundamental right not just for the most powerful and privileged

In a context like Colombia’s, the work of imagining, dreaming and even creating processes of transformation so we can live in worlds that are decent, just, careful, and affectionate is worthy of admiration. This is an emboldened paragraph.

We are thinking of them and of all the women leaders who are continuing the fight, having gained consciousness, from their respective ethnic, political, cultural, and identity locations and from their work, of their selves and the social problems facing their communities.

This link goes somewhere, but this sentence doesn't, it only exists to show how a link works. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

£2600 is an amount of money that I've wrapped some <strong> tags around, while 4 weeks – a length of time – also has had the same treatment for the purposes of just testing how typography appears on the page. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Find out how links are made into buttons

Header Level 2

In a context like Colombia’s, the work of imagining, dreaming and even creating processes of transformation so we can live in worlds that are decent, just, careful, and affectionate is worthy of admiration.

We are thinking of them and of all the women leaders who are continuing the fight, having gained consciousness, from their respective ethnic, political, cultural, and identity locations and from their work, of their selves and the social problems facing their communities.

Header Level 3

Women leaders and human rights defenders in Colombia: A legacy of dreams, struggles and affection that we will not silence

It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated.

These are hyperlinks in paragraphs where they're needed the most, right in a demo page.

£2600 is an amount of money that I've wrapped some <strong> tags around, while 4 weeks – a length of time – also has had the same treatment for the purposes of just testing how typography appears on the page. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Header Level 4

It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated. These are hyperlinks in paragraphs where they're needed the most, right in a demo page.

£2600 is an amount of money that I've wrapped some <strong> tags around, while 4 weeks – a length of time – also has had the same treatment for the purposes of just testing how typography appears on the page. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Header Level 5

It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated. These are hyperlinks in paragraphs where they're needed the most, right in a demo page.

£2600 is an amount of money that I've wrapped some <strong> tags around, while 4 weeks – a length of time – also has had the same treatment for the purposes of just testing how typography appears on the page. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Header Level 6

It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated.

These are hyperlinks in paragraphs where they're needed the most, right in a demo page. £2600 is an amount of money that I've wrapped some <strong> tags around, while 4 weeks – a length of time – also has had the same treatment for the purposes of just testing how typography appears on the page.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.



It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated.

Master Quotation Writer, Head of Placeholder Typography

Short (Big)

It is an attack on life itself.

Master Quotation Writer, Head of Placeholder Typography

Long (Small)

It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated. It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated. It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated.

Master Quotation Writer, Head of Placeholder Typography


It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated.

Master Quotation Writer, Head of Placeholder Typography

Boxed (white)

It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated.

Master Quotation Writer, Head of Placeholder Typography

Boxed (primary theme)

It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated.

Master Quotation Writer, Head of Placeholder Typography

Boxed (secondary theme)

It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated.

Master Quotation Writer, Head of Placeholder Typography



Transnational Embodiments | Small Snippet FR HOME

Explorez Incarnations transnationales

Cette édition du journal, en partenariat avec Kohl : a Journal for Body and Gender Research (Kohl : une revue pour la recherche sur le corps et le genre) explorera les solutions, propositions et réalités féministes afin de transformer notre monde actuel, nos corps et nos sexualités.


#MeToo in China

The #MeToo movement in China was ignited in January 2018, impelled by the momentum of the #MeToo movement around the globe. The movement was a response to cultural and systemic problems in relation to gender and power within China. The foundation of the movement was laid over decades, with many years of debate and advocacy for gender equality finally erupting into a tremendous force across society. #MeToo has been driven mainly by young people, among whom are countless anonymous women and their allies, and they search for opportunities to realize the ultimate “Chinese Dream”: to transform China into a country with gender equality.
The environment for #MeToo movement is extremely adverse in China: the rule of law, the fairness and transparency of government action, and freedom of speech cannot be taken for granted by the movement in China but are the very goals it fights for. From the beginning, it has been an intense struggle, with every victim or activist who comes forward running tremendous risks. From being silenced, humiliated, or retaliated against, to having their safety jeopardized, every success of the #MeToo movement has been won by those who are courageous enough to bear the costs of speaking out and defying censorship.
#MeToo in China Exhibition was first held in 2019 and toured in 5 cities. The aim of the exhibition is to bring the personal experiences of the victims and activists to greater prominence and, through engagement with these stories, to inspire our audience to join in the fight. The exhibition has itself become a part of the #MeToo struggle—the exhibition has been beset by challenges on its tour throughout China, on more than one occasion even facing closure.

#MeToo China Image
#MeToo China Image
#MeToo China Image

Snippet Feminist Propositions for a Just Economy EN

AWID, the Center for Women’s Global Leadership (CWGL), and the African Women's Development and Communication Network (FEMNET), offers this think piece to challenge mainstream understandings of development and put forward initial propositions for a feminist agenda for development, economic and gender justice.

Learn more about where this project comes from

The propositions

These propositions are intended to be just that - proposals, to be discussed, debated, added to, taken apart, adapted, adopted, and even to inspire others.

Nicole Barakat

nicole barakat -verge exhibition april 2018
“We transcend time and place” [«Trascendemos el tiempo y el lugar»], papel recuperado cortado a mano (2017)
nicole barakat -verge exhibition april 2018
“We will remember who we are and we will persist” [«Recordaremos quiénes somos y persistiremos»], lamé cortado a mano bordado en algodón sobre seda de lana (2018)
nicole barakat -verge exhibition april 2018
“We will return home” [«Regresaremos a casa»], lamé cortado a mano bordado en seda sobre terciopelo de algodón (2018)
verge march 18 - document photography
“We will heal in the now” [«Sanaremos en el ahora»], seda cortada a mano, lana, lamé, algodón, impresión digital directa de satén sobre tela de lino (2018)

somos infinitxs 

Una exposición de Nicole Barakat que encarna su reconexión con los objetos de la diáspora de sus tierras ancestrales en la región del Sudoeste Asiático y África del Norte (SWANA, por sus siglas en inglés).
Barakat presenta una colección de obras textiles como manifestaciones de su práctica de conectarse con los objetos desplazados, y a menudo robados, que son exhibidos en colecciones de museos occidentales que incluyen  el Museo del Louvre de París, el Museo Británico de Londres y el Nicholson Museum de Sydney.
Para burlar a los guardianes y fisurar las vitrinas que retienen estos objetos ancestrales, Barakat recupera formas de conocimiento precoloniales, no lineales y receptivas que son, a menudo, devaluadas y desestimadas por las instituciones coloniales y patriarcales, utilizando la adivinación con la borra del  café, el trabajo con los  sueños, la escucha intuitiva y las conversaciones con los objetos mismos (fuente).

Sobre Nicole Barakat

Nicole Barakat portrait
Nicole Barakat es una artista femme queer de SWANA, que nació y vive en las tierras de Gadigal (llamadas Sydney) en Australia. Trabaja con procesos intuitivos y de escucha profunda, con la intención de transformar las condiciones de la vida cotidiana. Su obra se desarrolla a través de métodos artísticos no convencionales, creando objetos intrincados que plasman el amor y la paciencia característicos de las prácticas textiles tradicionales.
Sus trabajos incluyen dibujos en papel y en tela cortados y cosidos a mano, esculturas realizadas con su propio cabello, tela y materiales vegetales, así como obras en vivo en las que utiliza su voz como material.
La práctica creativa de Nicole está arraigada en el re-cuerdo y la re-colección de sus conocimientos ancestrales, incluyendo la adivinación con la borra del café y, más recientemente, el trabajo con esencias de plantas y flores para el cuidado y la sanación comunitaria.

Nicole’s creative practice is rooted in re-membering and re-gathering her ancestral knowing, including coffee divination and more recently working with plants and flower essences for community care and healing. 

Snippet From the Heart of the Commune_Fest (ES)

Desde el Corazón de la Comuna

por María Bonita 


ver video

Les tendances antidroits au sein des systèmes régionaux des droits humains

Chapter 6

À la Commission africaine et au Système interaméricain, les antidroits promeuvent les notions essentialistes de culture et de genre pour miner les avancées en matière de droits et décrédibiliser la redevabilité. Les antidroits gagnent en influence dans les systèmes de protection des droits humains régionaux et internationaux.

2019 JUN 27 Meeting of the Summit Implementation Review Group in Colombia
© Juan Manuel Herrera/OAS/Flickr
2019 JUIN 27 Réunion du Groupe d'examen de la mise en œuvre du Sommet en Colombie

La Commission africaine des droits de l’Homme et des peuples commence à présenter les droits des femmes et droits sexuels comme mettant en danger sa capacité à adresser les « droits réels » et contraires aux « valeurs africaines », un précédent inquiétant à l’égard des droits. Le retrait de son statut d’observatrice à la Coalition des lesbiennes africaines est un exemple de cette tendance, et traduit la répression de l’engagement féministe panafricaniste.

Au sein de l’Organisation des États américains (OEA) et du Système interaméricain de protection des droits humains, les stratégies antidroits incluent l’ONGisation de groupes religieux, l’adoption d’un langage séculier et la prise de contrôle de cadres discriminatoires. L’influence antidroits a pris plusieurs formes, et notamment l’intimidation d’activistes trans et l’entrave à l’introduction d’un langage progressif dans les résolutions.


  • Réduire les féministes au silence au sein du Système africain de protection des droits humains
  • Les groupes antidroits en Amérique latine : l’Assemblée générale de l’Organisation des États américains (OEA) et le Système interaméricain de protection des droits humains

Lire le chapitre complet

CFA FAQ - Travelling to Bangkok - AR

السفر إلى بانكوك

Snippet Organising to Win_Fest (FR)

Session plénière:

S’organiser pour gagner

Margarita Salas, AWID
Nazik Abylgaziva, Labrys
Amaranta Gómez Regalado, Secretariado Internacional de Pueblos Indígenas frente al VIH/sida, la Sexualidad y los Derechos Humanos
Cindy Weisner, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
Lucineia Freitas, Movimento Sem Terra

regardez la session (anglais)