La memoria como resistencia: Un Tributo
El Tributo de AWID es una exhibición de arte que honra a feministas, a activistas por los derechos de las mujeres y de la justicia social de todo el mundo que ya no están con nosotrxs.
En 2020, hacemos un cambio
El Tributo de este año cuenta y comparte las historias y narraciones de quienes crearon conjuntamente realidades feministas, ofrecieron visiones de alternativas a los sistemas y actores que nos oprimen, y propusieron nuevas formas de organizarnos, de movilizarnos, de luchar, de trabajar, de vivir y de aprender.
Se agregan a la galería 49 retratos nuevos de feministas y defensorxs de derechos humanos. Aunque muchxs feministas y defensorxs han fallecido debido a edad avanzada o enfermedad, muchísimxs han sido asesinadxs debido a su trabajo y por ser quienes eran.
Esta violencia creciente (de parte de Estados, empresas transnacionales, crimen organizado, sicarios no identificados, etc.) no se dirige solo a activistas individuales sino a nuestro trabajo común y a las realidades feministas.
Al compartir las historias de lxs activistas en este Tributo, mantenemos vivo su legado y nos inspiran para el trabajo futuro de nuestros movimientos.
Visita nuestra exhibición en línea
Lors retratos de 2020 fueron diseñados por la ilustradora y animadora galardonada, Louisa Bertman.
En AWID nos gustaría agradecer a las familias y organizaciones que nos compartieron sus historias personales, y así haber contribuido a este memorial. Nos unimos a ellxs para continuar el extraordinario trabajo de estxs activistas y defensorxs, y en el esfuerzo para asegurarnos de que se logre justicia en los casos que permanecen en la impunidad
"Ellos trataron de enterrarnos pero no sabían que éramos semillas."‐ Proverbio Mexicano
Presentamos el Tributo por primera vez en 2012
Primero tomó forma como una exposición física de retratos y biografías de feministas y activistas que habían fallecido, en el 12º Foro Internacional de AWID, en Turquía. Ahora vive como una galería en línea, que actualizamos cada año.
Desde 2012 hemos presentado más de 467 feministas y defensorxs.
Contenido relacionado
Snippet “Gender Ideology” Narratives (ES)
Narrativas sobre la «Ideología de género»
Durante décadas, lxs investigadorxs y activistas feministas han articulado conceptos importantes en relación al género para entender y cuestionar la opresión y la discriminación. Ahora, esos conceptos se han convertido en el blanco de los actores anti-derechos, quienes afirman que los roles de género patriarcales y opresivos son de «sentido común» y, estratégicamente, presentan a todas las otras ideas, normas culturales y formas de vida social como una peligrosa ideología conspirativa.
Lee nuestro resumen Narrativas sobre la «Ideología de género»: Una amenaza para los derechos humanos
CFA FAQ - Other questions - AR
اسئلة أخرى
Feminist propositions: Glossary of terms
An economic system in which production and consumption patterns are based on profit using privately owned capital goods and wage labour. The system builds on individual wealth and capital accumulation at the lowest cost to the investor, with little regard for the societal costs and exploitation of the workforce - both paid and unpaid.
Commodification of land:
The conversion of land and activities related to it (like agriculture) into commodities that can be bought or sold for profit.
International Financial Institutions (IFIs):
Institutions (like the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, or regional development banks) that provide loans to countries lacking sufficient money to cover funding shortfalls or to finance development projects. Historically, the lending policies of these institutions have been determined by economically powerful Western countries and private enterprises. Loans to low-income countries in particular typically include conditionalities that prompt economic reforms in these countries to support neo-liberalism.
A set of economic and political theories in which market forces, rather than governments, determine key aspects of the economy with governments acting to support globalized markets and the interests of capital. Neo-liberal economic policies typically include promotion of free trade, privatisation, reduced government spending on social programs, subsidies and tax exemptions for business, deregulation of financial sector and foreign investments, low taxes on the wealthy and corporations, flexible labour and weak environmental protection.
Refers to systemic and institutionalized male domination embedded in and perpetuated by cultural, political, economic and social structures and ideologies. Hetero-patriarchy in addition, is a patriarchal system that is also based on the belief that heterosexuality is the only normal and acceptable sexual orientation.
What is the 14th AWID Forum theme?
The 14th Forum theme is “Feminist Realities: our power in action”.
We understand Feminist Realities as the different ways of existing and being that show us what is possible, despite dominant power systems, and in defiance and resistance to them. We understand these feminist realities as reclamations and embodiments of hope and power, and as multi-dimentional, dynamic and rooted in specific contexts and historical moments.
Read more about Feminist Realities
Snippet FEA Title Menu (FR)
Les Économies Féministes
Maria Margarita Che Chub
Snippet - CSW68 - March 11 - EN
Día 1
11 de marzo
Key opposition actors
We are witnessing an unprecedented level of engagement of anti-rights actors in international human rights spaces. To bolster their impact and amplify their voices, anti-rights actors increasingly engage in tactical alliance building across sectors, regional and national borders, and faiths.
This “unholy alliance” of traditionalist actors from Catholic, Evangelical, Mormon, Russian Orthodox and Muslim faith backgrounds have found common cause in a number of shared talking points and advocacy efforts attempting to push back against feminist and sexual rights gains at the international level.
Holy See
Key activities: As the government of the Roman Catholic Church, the “Holy See” uses its unique status as Permanent Observer state at the UN to lobby for conservative, patriarchal, and heteronormative notions of womanhood, gender identities and “the family”, and to propagate policies that are anti-abortion and -contraception
Based in: Vatican City, Rome, Italy.
Religious affiliations: Catholic
Connections to other anti-rights actors: US Christian Right groups; interfaith orthodox alliances; Catholic CSOs
Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
Key activities: Self-described as the “collective voice of the Muslim world”, the OIC acts as a bloc of states in UN spaces. The OIC attempts to create loopholes in human rights protection through references to religion, culture, or national sovereignty; propagates the concept of the “traditional family”; and contributes to a parallel but restrictive human rights regime (e.g. the 1990 Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam).
Based in: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Religious affiliations: Muslim
Connections to other anti-rights actors: Ultra conservative State missions to the UN, such as Russia
World Congress of Families
Key activities: International and regional conferences; research and knowledge-production and dissemination; lobbying at the United Nations “to defend life, faith and family”
Based in: Rockford, Illinois, U.S.
Religious affiliation: Predominantly Catholic and Christian Evangelical
Connections to other anti-rights actors: Sutherland Institute, a conservative think-tank; the Church of Latter-Day Saints; the Russian Orthodox Church’s Department of Family and Life; the anti-abortion Catholic Priests for Life; the Foundation for African Culture and Heritage; the Polish Federation of Pro-Life Movements; the European Federation of Catholic Family Associations; the UN NGO Committee on the Family; and the Political Network for Values; the Georgian Demographic Society; parliamentarians from Poland and Moldova, etc; FamilyPolicy; the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies; and HatzeOir; C-Fam; among others
Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam)
Key activities: Lobbying at the United Nations, particularly the Commission of the Status of Women to “defend life and family”; media and information-dissemination (Friday Fax newsletter); movement building; trainings for conservative activists
Based in: New York and Washington D.C., U.S.
Religious affiliations: Catholic
Connections to other anti-rights actors: International Youth Coalition; World Youth Alliance; Human Life International; the Holy See; coordinates the Civil Society for the Family; the Family Research Council (U.S.) and other Christian/Catholic anti-rights CSOs; United States CSW delegation
Family Watch International
Key activities: Lobbying in international human rights spaces for “the family” and anti-LGBTQ and anti-CSE policies; training of civil society and state delegates (for example, ‘The Resource Guide to UN Consensus Language on Family Issues’); information dissemination; knowledge production and analysis; online campaigns
Based in: Gilbert, Arizona, U.S.
Religious affiliations: Mormon
Connections to other anti-rights actors: leader of the UN Family Rights Caucus; C-Fam; Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality (JONAH); the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH); World Congress of Families; CitizenGo; Magdalen Institute; Asociación La Familia Importa; Group of Friends of the Family (25 state bloc)
World Youth Alliance
Key activities: Advocacy in international policy spaces including the United Nations, the European Union, and the Organization of American States for “the family”, against sexual and reproductive rights; training youth members in the use of diplomacy and negotiation, international relations, grassroots activities and message development; internship program to encourage youth participation in its work; regular Emerging Leaders Conference; knowledge production and dissemination
Based in: New York City (U.S.) with regional chapter offices in Nairobi (Kenya), Quezon City (The Philippines), Brussels (Belgium), Mexico City (Mexico), and Beirut (Lebanon)
Religious affiliations: primarily Catholic but aims for interfaith membership
Connections to other anti-rights actors: C-Fam; Human Life International; the Holy See; Campaign Life coalition
Russian Orthodox Church
Key Activities: The Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), capitalizing on its close links to the Russian state, has operated as a “norm entrepreneur” in human rights debates. Russia and the ROC have co-opted rights language to push for a focus on “morality” and “traditional values” as supposed key sources of human rights. Russia led a series of “traditional values” resolutions at the Human Rights Council and has been at the forefront of putting forward hostile amendments to progressive resolutions in areas including maternal mortality, protection of civil society space, and the right to peaceful protest.
Connections to other anti-rights actors: Organization of Islamic Cooperation; Eastern European and Caucasus Orthodox churches, e.g. Georgian Orthodox Church; U.S. Christian Right including U.S. Evangelicals; World Congress of Families; Group of Friends of the Family (state bloc)
Other Chapters
What will be different about this Forum?
We have always worked towards ensuring that our Forums are co-developed with partners, movements and our priority constituencies.
For our upcoming Forum, we aim to deepen and strengthen that spirit and practice of co-creation and collaboration. We also recognize the need to improve the balance between the inclusion of many voices and experiences with room for participants and staff to breathe, take pause and enjoy some downtime.
This Forum will be different in the following ways:
- We will have far less organized Forum activities because we want people to have time to engage, experience, process, talk to each other, etc. This is key to communicate: you can come to the Forum, be very engaged and active and not facilitate any organized activity (or “session”).
- We will have Open Spaces - at least one whole afternoon without any organized activities - but also physical spaces available throughout the Forum for people to self-organize meetings, etc.
- We have a Content and Methodology Committee made up of feminists from different regions with expertise on participatory methodologies to support us and all those leading activities at the Forum to use creative and engaging formats for the Forum activities.
Snippet FEA Carmen Silva (EN)
Ocupação 9 de Julho
When you come to the center of São Paulo, you will see the building of the Ocupação 9 de Julho - a landmark in the struggle for social housing and an important cultural site. This is the work of The Homeless Workers Movement (Movimento dos Sem-Teto do Centro, MSTC) a movement of over 2000 people that operates in the city center and converts abandoned spaces into housing for low-income workers, children, women, adults, the elderly, migrants and refugees. In this particular building, they provide food and shelter to 122 families.
Sonia Pierre
Snippet - CSW68 - Feminist Community Evening - ES
🎤 Noche de la comunidad feminista:
una reunión para les activistas feministas que asisten a la CSW68
(¡con invitades especiales!)
📅Martes 12 de marzo
🕒6:00 p. m. - 9:30 p. m. EST
🏢 Blue Gallery, 222 E 46th St, New York
Entrada solo con confirmación previa
So'oalo Roger
So'oalo était une fervente défenseure des droits humains, notamment en ce qui concerne les droits de la communauté LGBTQI dans le Pacifique.
Elle était membre de la Samoa Fa’afafine Association (SFA) et militait avec passion pour la reconnaissance d’un troisième genre dans le pays insulaire. Sous sa direction, la SFA a fait pression pour la reconnaissance du bien-fondé des droits de la communauté des fa’afafine et leur respect.
Elle a également été une pionnière dans l’articulation des liens entre les droits humains, l’exploitation des fa’afafines à Samoa et dans le Pacifique et la santé, le bien-être et la sécurité de la communauté LGBTQI.
Inspirante et visionnaire, on se souviendra de son dévouement admirable au service des droits de sa communauté.
Defendiendo nuestra tierra del poder corporativo
Estas industrias 'extraen' materias primas de la tierra: minería, gas, petróleo y madera son algunos ejemplos.
Este modelo económico explota desenfrenadamente la naturaleza e intensifica las desigualdades norte, donde sus grandes corporaciones se benefician y sur, de donde extraen los recursos.
Contaminación del agua, daño irreparable al medioambiente, comunidades forzadas a desplazarse son algunas de las consecuencias inmediatas.
Lee nuestro reporte de INDUSTRIAS EXTRACTIVAS
Hay alternativas sostenibles para el medioambiente y los derechos humanos de la mujer.
Descubre además cómo nos afecta económicamente
How can I fund my participation in the AWID Forum? Many activists will not be able to afford the cost of the Forum – is AWID doing anything to provide assistance?
Please visit the "Funding ideas" page to get some ideas and inspiration for how you can fund your participation at the next Forum, including the limited support AWID will be able to provide.
Asociación de Mujeres Afrodescendientes del Norte del Cauca (ASOM)
Ray Alexander Simons
Snippet - WITM Who should - FR
Qui devrait participer à cette enquête?*
L’enquête s’adresse aux groupes, organisations et mouvements qui travaillent spécifiquement, ou principalement, à la défense des droits des femmes, des personnes LBTQI+ et pour la justice de genre dans tous les contextes, à tous les niveaux, dans toutes les régions. Si c’est un des principaux piliers du travail de votre groupe, collectif, réseau ou tout autre type d’organisation, que votre structure soit déclarée ou non, récemment constituée ou plus ancienne, nous vous invitons à participer à cette enquête.
*Nous ne collectons pas les réponses à titre individuel ou de fonds féministes et pour les femmes à l’heure actuelle.
En savoir plus sur l'enquête :
Consultez la foire aux questions
Mariam Uy Acob
Mariam was a paralegal at the Kawagib Moro Human Rights Alliance.
Mariam was a staunch critic of militarization in Moro communities, and consistently denounced aerial bombardment and encampment. She had to seek sanctuary after exposing and calling out the injustices committed against Muslim communities in the Philippines.
She is believed to have been killed by suspected military agents because of her work as a WHRD. The assailants who killed Mariam waited for her, caught up with the vehicle she was using and shot her seven times.