Análisis Especiales

AWID es un organización feminista internacional de membresía, que brinda apoyo a los movimientos que trabajan para lograr la justicia de género y los derechos de las mujeres en todo el mundo.

Confrontando al extractivismo y al poder corporativo

Defensoras de derechos humanos de todo el planeta defienden sus tierras, medios de subsistencia y sus comunidades ante las industrias extractivas y el poder corporativo. Ellas hacen frente a fuertes intereses económicos y políticos que promueven el robo de tierras, el desplazamiento de comunidades, la pérdida de los medios de subsistencia y la degradación del medioambiente.

¿Por qué resistir a las industrias extractivas?

El extractivismo es un modelo económico y político de desarrollo que mercantiliza la naturaleza y prioriza la ganancia por sobre los derechos humanos y el medioambiente. Arraigado en la historia colonial, refuerza las desigualdades sociales y económicas tanto a nivel local como global. Muchas veces, las mujeres negras, rurales e indígenas son las más afectadas por el extractivismo, y además son notablemente excluidas de la toma de decisiones. Desafiando estas fuerzas patriarcales y neocoloniales, las mujeres se alzan en defensa de los derechos, las tierras, las personas y la naturaleza.

Riegos críticos y violencia específica de género

Las defensoras que enfrentan a las industrias extractivas, experimentan una diversidad de riesgos, amenazas y violaciones, incluidas la criminalización, la estigmatización, la violencia y laintimidación. Sus historias dan cuenta de marcados aspectos de violencia sexual y de género. Entre los perpetradores se incluyen autoridades estatales y locales, las corporaciones, la policía, el ejército, las fuerzas paramilitares y de seguridad privada, y en algunos casos, sus propias comunidades.

Actuar juntxs

AWID y la Coalición Internacional de Mujeres Defensoras de Derechos Humanos (WHRDIC por su sigla en inglés) tienen el placer de anunciar «Defensoras de derechos humanos confrontado al extractivismo y al poder corporativo»; un proyecto interregional de investigación que documenta las experiencias vividas por las defensoras de Asia, África y América Latina.

Alentamos a activistas, integrantes de movimientos sociales, la sociedad civil organizada, donantes y responsables de políticas públicas, a leer y utilizar estas producciones para el trabajo de incidencia, con fines educativos y como fuente de inspiración:

¡Comparte tu experiencia y tus preguntas!

Cuéntanos cómo estás utilizando la herramienta sobre las defensoras que confrontan a las industrias extractivas y al poder corporativo.

◾️ ¿De qué manera estos recursos pueden ayudarte en tu activismo y tu trabajo de defensa?

◾️ ¿Qué informaciones o conocimientos adicionales necesitas para la mejor utilización de estos recursos?

Comparte tus comentarios


AWID reconoce con gratitud las invaluables contribuciones de cada Defensora de Derechos Humanos que ha sido parte de este proyecto. Esta guía ha sido posible gracias su generosidad y apertura al compartir sobre sus experiencias y lecciones. Su coraje, creatividad y resiliencia son una inspiración para todxs nosotrxs. ¡Muchas gracias!

Contenido relacionado

Joanne Kobuthi-Kuria


Joanne is an African feminist who is passionate about dismantling gender inequalities on the African continent. Joanne has worked with a number of global organizations, media and think tanks including Amnesty International, Wrthy, Local Development Research Institute, BBC, East African Community (EAC) among others.She serves on a couple of boards including Freely in hope-an NGO based in Kenya and Zambia that seeks to equip survivors and advocates to lead in ending sexual violence and Msingi Trust-a movement of activists that meet at the confluence of faith and human rights. She has a Masters in Business Administration, Masters of Public Policy and a Bachelor of Laws. She is a book junkie with a penchant for fiction.

Manager, Membership and Constituency Engagement
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Snippet Kohl - Panel: Pleasure Across Borders

Panel Pleasure Across Borders

with Lindiwe Rasekoala, Lizzie Kiama, Jovana Drodevic, and Malaka Grant.


The 2023 Feminist Calendar

Image of a calendar on a flat surface. The images decorating each month change every second: first there is a naked person sitting enjoying a hot drink in relaxation, then we see two pink hands over a blue background and finally a couple riding a motorcycle. This looks indefinitely.

AWID is a part of an incredible ecosystem of feminist movements working to achieve gender justice and social justice worldwide. With our 40th anniversary, we are celebrating all that we’ve built over these last 40 years. As a global feminist movement support organization we know that working with fierce feminisms is our way forward, acknowledging both the multiplicity of feminisms and the value of fierce and unapologetic drive for justice. The state of the world and of feminist movements calls for brave conversations and action. We look forward to working together with our members, partners and funders in creating the worlds we believe in, celebrating the wins and speaking truth to power in service of feminist movements globally.

The 2023 Feminist Calendar is our gift to movements. It features the artwork of some of our amazing AWID members.

This is the cover for the 2023 Feminist Calendar. It shows a diverse group of people of all ages embracing and holding hands.

Use it. Print it. Share it. 

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CFA 2023 - Hybrid like never before: in person - EN

Hybrid like never before

For the first time, the AWID Forum offers three modes of participation


Participants will come together in Bangkok, Thailand. We can’t wait!

Jessica Whitbread


Jessica es une artista activista queer de Toronto (Canadá), aunque actualmente reside en Bulgaria. Posee más de 15 años de experiencia de trabajo en la respuesta al VIH en las intersecciones del género y el VIH con poblaciones clave (trabajadoras/es sexuales, mujeres que usan drogas, comunidades LGBTQI, personas privadas de su libertad y, desde luego, personas que viven con el VIH). A Jessica le encanta la construcción de movimientos y pensar, organizar y trazar estrategias para intervenciones artísticas. Un divertido proyecto que comenzó en 2013 fue LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN, en el que participan más de 125 agrupaciones y organizaciones comunitarias de todo el mundo. Este tiene lugar cada año entre el 1 y el 14 de febrero para celebrar a las mujeres que viven con el VIH en sus comunidades.

Responsable, Participación de la Membresía y las Bases de Apoyo
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Crear | Résister | Transform:  un recorrido por el Festival - smaller snippet

Ghiwa-Sayegh - un recorrido por el festival

Crear | Résister | Transform: 
un recorrido por el Festival

Mientras el capitalismo heteropatriarcal continúa forzándonos al consumismo y el acatamiento, observamos que nuestras luchas están siendo compartimentadas y separadas por fronteras tanto físicas como virtuales.

Leer más


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CFA 2023 - Call for Activities is live- EN

The Call for Activities is Live!

The Deadline to submit activities has been extended to February 1st, 2024


In the spirit of the Forum’s theme, we invite a diversity of activity topics and formats that:

  • Facilitate genuine connection and interaction among participants
  • Foster healing and regeneration in various forms, as individuals, as communities and as movements
  • Inspire and challenge us to thrive together as communities and movements

Ȃurea Mouzinho


Âurea Mouzinho est une organisatrice féministe dans le domaine de la justice économique. Originaire de Louanda en Angola, elle compte 10 ans de carrière dans la recherche, le subventionnement, le plaidoyer et le renforcement de mouvement pour les droits des femmes et la justice économique en Afrique et dans le Sud global. Actuelle responsable des programmes pour l’Afrique chez Thousand Currents, elle participe également au comité de rédaction de Feminist Africa et est membre d’Ondjango Feminista, un collectif féministe qu’elle a co-fondé en 2016. Tout juste maman d’un petit garçon Gémeaux, urea aime les journées tranquilles avec sa petite famille et les longues promenades sur la plage. Il lui arrive parfois de tweeter via son compte​​​​​​ @kitondowe.

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#1 - Sexting like a feminist Tweets Snippet ES

Y mi número 1: porque sabes que la cosa va en serio cuando se invoca a los poderes superiores

Image of a tweet with a woman fainted on a set of stairs. Text says: I want to cum so hard my ancestors awaken and rejoin the struggle.

‘Quiero acabar/venirme/correrme tan fuerte que despierte a mis ancestrxs y haga que vuelvan a sumarse a la lucha’

Edith "Edie" Windsor

Privacy and cookies - before 25 Apr 2023

AWID Privacy Policy, Your rights to privacy and cookies

This policy governs all pages hosted at, and any other websites under the control of the AWID (the “Website”) and registrations for these sites. It does not apply to pages hosted by organisations other than AWID, to which we may link and whose privacy policies may differ. Please read the following policy to understand our privacy policy regarding nature, purpose, using and sharing of your personal identifiable information that is collected via this website.

1. Types of information collected on this site

Generally, you can browse this website without submitting your personal information to us. However, in some circumstances, we will ask for your personal information.

1.1 Information you provide to us

When you are on the website and are asked for personal information, you are sharing that information only with AWID.

1.1.1 The information you provide to get updates from AWID:

When you register to use the website – for example, subscribe to receive emails from us or apply to become a member - you provide us with the mandatory information about you like Name, country, language to receive email updates and email address. This information is provided by you through secure forms and is stored on secure servers.

1.1.2 The payment information you provide to become member or registering for a paid event:

Also, while becoming a member or registering for events, you may need to provide payment information. AWID doesn’t store any credit card information on its servers and uses payment gateway to process the payment information.

1.1.3 The optional information you chose to give us as AWID member (with consent)

When you communicate with AWID, provide optional information through forms on the website or use the site to communicate with other members, we collect information about your communication and any information you choose to provide.

1.1.4 Information you provide us through contact forms or when you directly communicate with us

When you communicate with us, we collect your communication and any other information you choose to provide us.

1.2 Information that is automatically collected (third party cookies)

In addition, when you interact with the Website, our servers may keep an activity log that does not identify you individually (“Non-Personal Information”). Generally, we collect the following categories of Non-Personal Information:

  • We may collect certain demographic data such as age and gender as part of collecting personal information;
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  • We automatically log certain usage information about your use of the Website. This information includes a reading history of the pages you view. We use this information to provide you with a more customized experience on the Website;
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  • We collect and store your search terms and search results.
  • We also collect and store certain other information regarding our users’ use of the Website so that third parties may provide us with reports and analysis regarding usage and browsing patterns of the Website.

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2. Use of information collected on this website

AWID uses the information we collect about you to:

  • Better understand how you are using our website and what we could do to improve your experience.
  • Communicate with you via email to share resources and analysis in the field of women's rights, connect with you and provide opportunities to engage with our work, keep you updated about developments at AWID and with our partners.
  • Comply with our legal obligations to:
    • Detect and prevent fraud, spam, abuse, security incidents, and other harmful activity.
    • Conduct security investigations and risk assessments.
    • Verify or authenticate information provided by you (such as to verify your authorization to act as an agent on behalf of a nonprofit organization).
    • Conduct checks against databases and other information sources, to the extent permitted by applicable laws.
    • Resolve any disputes with any of our users or customers and enforce our agreements with third parties.
    • Enforce our Terms of Use and other policies.

3. Distribution of information

If you have subscribed to AWID´s e-newsletters or email updates or you have become a member, we will send you regular communications as specified in the relevant area of the website. You are able to unsubscribe from any of the e-newsletters or email updates at any time by using the unsubscribe information provided in our emails.

4. Accessing, changing and removing information

The accuracy of your individual identifying information is important to AWID. We are always looking for ways to make it easier for you to review and correct the information that AWID maintains about you through our website. If you change your email address, or if any of the other information we hold is inaccurate or out of date, please write to us here.

  • Where you have provided AWID with consent to use your personal data, you can withdraw it any time by sending us a communication and specifying which consent you are withdrawing. Please note that the withdrawal of your consent does not affect the lawfulness of any processing activities based on such consent before its withdrawal.
  • Where applicable, you may also have a right to receive a machine-readable copy of your personal data. If you would like to have a copy of the personal data we hold on you or if you think that we hold incorrect personal data about you, please write to us.
  • You also have the right to ask us to delete your personal data or restrict how it is used. There may be exceptions to the right to erasure for specific legal reasons which, if applicable, we will set out for you in response to your request.
  • At any time, regardless of applicable law, you may object to us processing your personal information for direct marketing purposes. You may, at any time, ask AWID to cease processing your data for these direct marketing purposes by Contacting Us.


5. Sharing information

Except as explained below, AWID will not disclose any of your personally identifiable information, and will not sell or rent lists containing your information to third parties. AWID may disclose information when it has your permission to do so or under special circumstances, such as when it believes in good faith that the law requires it.

6. Information security

We are continuously implementing and updating administrative, technical, and physical security measures to help protect your information against unauthorized access, loss, destruction, or alteration. Some of the safeguards we use to protect your information are firewalls and data encryption, and information access controls. If you know or have reason to believe that your AWID membership credentials have been lost, stolen, misappropriated, or otherwise compromised or in case of any actual or suspected unauthorized use of your AWID membership account, please contact us through on Contact Us.

7. Changes to this policy & Contacting us

This policy may change from time to time. The changed policy will be posted on this website and Last updated date at the end of the policy will be updated. There will be an email update sent to you for the revised policy and if you do not agree with the revised policy, you will have the option to cancel you registration(s) with us. You can also write to us here. We welcome your feedback!

Last updated: May 2019

CFA 2023 - Submit Button - EN

Deya Bhattacharya


Deya is a queer nonbinary trans feminist movement organizer, human rights practitioner, and researcher, whose work is grounded in queer-feminist and participatory methods. They have worked within the feminist funding ecosystem for over seven years, and have been within feminist movement spaces for far longer - for over a decade now, and their work is situated at the intersection of money and movements. Before joining AWID, Deya was an independent consultant with Mama Cash, Kaleidoscope Trust, Comic Relief, Global Fund for Children and others, co-creating movements-centered processes, spaces and mechanisms for resourcing, programmes and research. Deya holds an LLM in International Justice and Human Rights from Central European University.

At AWID, Deya leads RFM’s Movement Support and Engagement Strategy, and supports the centering of key feminist movements in defining and driving feminist resourcing agendas. Outside of work, Deya is a masters swimmer, a lover of contemporary literary fiction, and a dog parent.

Movement Engagement Lead - Resourcing Feminist Movements Initiative
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Intro to tweets snippet FR

Comme ces tweets le montrent, sextoter comme une féministe est à la fois sexy, drôle – et chaud. Mais sans jamais perdre de vue son engagement en faveur de l’équité et de la justice.