Philippe Leroyer | Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Women Human Rights Defenders

WHRDs are self-identified women and lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LBTQI) people and others who defend rights and are subject to gender-specific risks and threats due to their human rights work and/or as a direct consequence of their gender identity or sexual orientation.

WHRDs are subject to systematic violence and discrimination due to their identities and unyielding struggles for rights, equality and justice.

The WHRD Program collaborates with international and regional partners as well as the AWID membership to raise awareness about these risks and threats, advocate for feminist and holistic measures of protection and safety, and actively promote a culture of self-care and collective well being in our movements.

Risks and threats targeting WHRDs  

WHRDs are exposed to the same types of risks that all other defenders who defend human rights, communities, and the environment face. However, they are also exposed to gender-based violence and gender-specific risks because they challenge existing gender norms within their communities and societies.

By defending rights, WHRDs are at risk of:

  • Physical assault and death
  • Intimidation and harassment, including in online spaces
  • Judicial harassment and criminalization
  • Burnout

A collaborative, holistic approach to safety

We work collaboratively with international and regional networks and our membership

  • to raise awareness about human rights abuses and violations against WHRDs and the systemic violence and discrimination they experience
  • to strengthen protection mechanisms and ensure more effective and timely responses to WHRDs at risk

We work to promote a holistic approach to protection which includes:

  • emphasizing the importance of self-care and collective well being, and recognizing that what care and wellbeing mean may differ across cultures
  • documenting the violations targeting WHRDs using a feminist intersectional perspective;
  • promoting the social recognition and celebration of the work and resilience of WHRDs ; and
  • building civic spaces that are conducive to dismantling structural inequalities without restrictions or obstacles

Our Actions

We aim to contribute to a safer world for WHRDs, their families and communities. We believe that action for rights and justice should not put WHRDs at risk; it should be appreciated and celebrated.

  • Promoting collaboration and coordination among human rights and women’s rights organizations at the international level to  strengthen  responses concerning safety and wellbeing of WHRDs.

  • Supporting regional networks of WHRDs and their organizations, such as the Mesoamerican Initiative for WHRDs and the WHRD Middle East and North Africa  Coalition, in promoting and strengthening collective action for protection - emphasizing the establishment of solidarity and protection networks, the promotion of self-care, and advocacy and mobilization for the safety of WHRDs;

  • Increasing the visibility and recognition of  WHRDs and their struggles, as well as the risks that they encounter by documenting the attacks that they face, and researching, producing, and disseminating information on their struggles, strategies, and challenges:

  • Mobilizing urgent responses of international solidarity for WHRDs at risk through our international and regional networks, and our active membership.

Related Content

English article

English body

En quoi ce Forum sera-t-il différent?

Nous avons toujours veillé à ce que nos Forums soient développés conjointement avec nos partenaires, nos mouvements et nos groupes prioritaires.

Pour cette édition 2020, nous visons à approfondir et renforcer cet esprit et cette pratique de co-création et de collaboration. Nous reconnaissons également la nécessité d’améliorer l’équilibre entre l’inclusion de nombreuses voix et les expériences, tout en laissant aux participant-e-s et au personnel la possibilité de respirer, faire une pause et profiter de certains temps d’arrêt.

Ce Forum sera différent des diverses façons suivantes: 

  • Nous aurons beaucoup moins d’activités sur le Forum car nous voulons que les personnes aient le temps de s’impliquer, d’expérimenter, d’assimiler, de se parler, etc. C’est un élément fondamental à la communication: vous pouvez venir au Forum, être très impliqué-e et actif-ve et n’animer aucune activité organisée (ou “session”). 
  • Nous aurons des espaces ouverts - au moins une après-midi entière sans activité organisée - mais aussi des espaces physiques disponibles sur toute la durée du Forum pour que les personnes puissent organiser elles-mêmes des réunions, etc.  
  • Nous avons un Comité « contenu et méthodologie » composé de féministes provenant de différentes régions et possédant une expertise sur les méthodologies participatives pour nous soutenir, et encourager tou-te-s ceux-celles menant des activités sur le Forum à utiliser des formats créatifs et attrayants.

هل هناك منهجية مفضلة للجلسات؟

تقترح الدعوة للتقدم بالمقترحات عددًا من التنسيقات والمنهجيات المقترحة. كن/ كوني مبدعًا/ة وتأكد/ي من قراءة قسم "ما تحتاج/ين إلى معرفته".

Sexting Like a Feminist: Humor in the Digital Feminist Revolution Snippet Small | AR

الصياغات النسوية للرسائل النصّية ذات المحتوى الجنسي:الدُّعابة الجنسانيّة في فضاء الثورة النسوية الرقمية

تشينيلو أونوالو

في الثاني من أيلول/ سبتمير 2021، التمّ شمل مجموعة رائعة من الناشطات النسويات والمناديات بالعدالة الاجتماعية ضمن فعاليات مهرجان (AWID Crear | Résister | Transform). لم يقتصر هدف اجتماعهنّ على مشاركة استراتيجيات المقاومة وعمليات الابتكار الخلّاقة المشتركة التي ترمي إلى تغيير العالم. لقد اجتمعت الناشطات ليتبادلن الغزَل الإباحي على «تويتر».


اقرأ أكثر


Ursula K Le Guin

Ursula was an American novelist who worked mainly in the genres of fantasy and science fiction.

She found fame with The Left Hand Of Darkness, which imagines a future society where people are ambisexual – they have no fixed sex. It explores the effects of gender and sex in society, and was one of the first major feminist science fiction books. Ursula was inspiring in her subversive and original writing, and also for the themes of feminism and freedom she held so dearly.

In a 1983 address at Mills College in California, she told graduates: “Why should a free woman with a college education either fight Macho-man or serve him? Why should she live her life on his terms? I hope you live without the need to dominate, and without the need to be dominated.”



Ursula K Le Guin, USA

Défendre les droits des personnes LGBT*QI

Une étudiante, une scénariste, une leader, une avocate. Les quatre femmes auxquelles nous rendons hommage ci-dessous avait toutes leur propre façon de vivre leur activisme, mais elles avaient en commun la promotion et la défense des droits des personnes lesbiennes, gaies, bisexuelles, trans*, queer et intersexes. Nous vous invitons à vous joindre à nous pour commémorer ces défenseuses, leur travail et l'héritage qu’elles nous ont laissé. Faites circuler ces mèmes auprès de vos collègues et amis ainsi que dans vos réseaux et twittez en utilisant les hashtags #WHRDTribute et #16Jours.

S'il vous plaît cliquez sur chaque image ci-dessous pour voir une version plus grande et pour télécharger comme un fichier 


CFA FAQ - Travelling to Bangkok - Thai


#MeToo in China Snippet EN

#MeToo in China

#MeToo in China Exhibition was first held in 2019 and toured in 5 cities. The aim of the exhibition is to bring the personal experiences of the victims and activists to greater prominence and, through engagement with these stories, to inspire our audience to join in the fight. The exhibition has itself become a part of the #MeToo struggle—the exhibition has been beset by challenges on its tour throughout China, on more than one occasion even facing closure.

Explore #MeToo in China Exhibition

Barin Kobane

Barin integraba la unidad de batalla formada íntegramente por mujeres de la Unidad de Protección del Pueblo Kurdo (YPG).

La mataron cuando estaba en servicio activo.

La periodista libanesa Hifaa Zuaiter escribió: «Barin representa todo lo que hemos oído acerca del coraje de las combatientes kurdas, y su muerte es mucho más que el matar a un rival o el resultado de una lucha política o étnica. El horror de exhibir su cuerpo sólo porque es una mujer surge del hecho de que ella se atrevió a amenazar la hegemonía masculina al convertirse en una combatiente en un campo de batalla que se suponía era solo para hombres».


Barin Kobane, Kurdistan

Trans* rights require stronger protection

These transgender women were murdered because of their activism and their gender identity. There are insufficient laws recognizing trans* rights, and even where these laws exist, very little is being done to safeguard the rights of trans* people. Please join AWID in honoring these defenders, their activism and legacy by sharing the memes below with your colleagues, networks and friends and by using the hashtags #WHRDTribute and #16Days.

Please click on each image below to see a larger version and download as a file 




在論壇之前瞭解有關女權主義現實實踐之旅的更多信息。(In English) 加入我們的郵件列表,可隨時關注論壇結束後的公告!


Ika Vantiani Snippet ES

Ika Vantiani

Ika Vantiani es una artista, curadora y artesana de Yakarta, Indonesia. Su obra explora la idea de ser mujer en la sociedad actual, en la cual los medios de comunicación y el consumo están entretejidos. Ika usa la disciplina del collage, y la expande al arte callejero, a talleres e instalaciones. Integra colectivos artísticos tales como Micro Galleries, The Collage Club y It’s In Your Hands Collective.

Visitar la exposición

Jacqueline Coulibaly Ki-Zerbo

Jacqueline était une éducatrice malienne pionnière de la cause féministe et nationaliste.

Elle a d’abord enseigné l'anglais au Sénégal avant d'être recrutée en 1961 par le Lycée Philippe Zinda Kaboré à Ouagadougou, au Burkina Faso. Etant donné son engagement militant, elle a pris part au soulèvement populaire du 3 janvier 1966. Entre 1961 et 1966, Jacqueline était par ailleurs responsable de la presse syndicale, La voix des enseignants. Elle a été nommée directrice du Cours normal des jeunes filles (aujourd’hui connu sous le nom de lycée Nelson Mandela) jusqu'en 1974 et s'est consacrée à l'éducation des filles et à la promotion des droits des femmes.

En 1984, elle a reçu le prix Paul G. Hoffmann pour sa contribution remarquable en matière de développement national et international.


Jacqueline Coulibaly Ki-Zerbo, Mali/ Burkina Faso

1. Gather your resources

This section highlights key resources recommended by AWID so you can conduct your own WITM research.

In this section

People needed

  • 1 or more person(s) to lead overall implementation of research methodology and ensure all key pieces are on track (Sections 2-11)
  • 1 or more person(s) to conceptualize the key research objectives and guiding questions
  • 1 or more person(s) to refine and conduct the research methodology, including collecting data
  • 1 or more person(s) to conduct relevant qualitative and quantitative analysis of collected data
  • 1 or more person(s) to document and package research findings for desired audience(s)
  • 1 or more person(s) to serve as an editor to your final products
  • 1 or more person(s) to conduct outreach to spread the word about your survey and advocacy using your research results

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Potential expenses

  1. Staff and/or consultant salaries
  2. Data analysis software if conducting analysis of large dataset in-house. Options:
    - SPSS
    - Stata
    - R (this is free)
  3. Cost of producing publications and research products
  4. If desired, incentive prize that survey participants can win if they complete the survey
  5. If desired, incentives to offer your advisors

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Estimated time

  • For research process: 6 to 18 months, depending on size of dataset(s) and staff capacity
  • For advocacy: 1-2 years, as determined by your organizational goals

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Resources needed

  • List of advisor organizations, donors and activists
  • List of online spaces and events/networks to distribute your survey and present your survey results
  • List of donors, activists, and women’s rights organizations to interview
  • Prepared interview questions
  • List of publication sources to use for desk research

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Resources available

Online tools

Once you gather these resources, you can estimate the costs for your research using our “Ready to Go? Worksheet”

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Previous step

Before you begin

Next step

2. Frame your research

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Before you begin

Next step

2. Frame your research

The Ready to Go? Worksheet helps you estimate resources, staff and budget needed for your research

Download the toolkit in PDF





更多資訊 (in English)

Références intéressantes

Découvrez ces projets élaborés par les équipes de l'AWID pour promouvoir le plaidoyer et les perspectives féministes.

Annaliza Dinopol Gallardo Capinpin

Known as “Ate Liza,” Annaliza was the president of the Agrarian Reform Council for Mindanao Pioneers, an umbrella group in Tacurong City, Philippines.

A loved mother of four, teacher and community leader, Annaliza is remembered by her community as “she who leads when no one wants to lead, she who talks when no one wants to talk, she who stood with courage to help the agrarian reform beneficiaries to own lands.”

Annaliza was shot dead by unknown assailants in front of the Sultan Kudarat State University (SKSU) while on her way to Salabaca National High School in Esperanza.

Her family have said “Naghihintay pa rin kami ng hustisya para sa kanya” (we are still waiting justice for her).