Human Rights Council (HRC)
The Human Rights Council (HRC) is the key intergovernmental body within the United Nations system responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights around the globe. It holds three regular sessions a year: in March, June and September. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is the secretariat for the HRC.
The HRC works by:
Debating and passing resolutions on global human rights issues and human rights situations in particular countries
Examining complaints from victims of human rights violations or activist organizations on behalf of victims of human rights violations
Appointing independent experts (known as “Special Procedures”) to review human rights violations in specific countries and examine and further global human rights issues
Engaging in discussions with experts and governments on human rights issues
Assessing the human rights records of all UN Member States every four and a half years through the Universal Periodic Review
AWID works with feminist, progressive and human rights partners to share key knowledge, convene civil society dialogues and events, and influence negotiations and outcomes of the session.
With our partners, our work will:
◾️ Raise awareness of the findings of the 2017 and 2021 OURs Trends Reports.
◾️Support the work of feminist UN experts in the face of backlash and pressure
◾️Advocate for state accountability
◾️ Work with feminist movements and civil society organizations to advance rights related to gender and sexuality.
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Hybride comme jamais auparavant
Pour la première fois, le Forum de l'AWID propose trois modes de participation :
En personne
Les participant.e.s se réuniront à Bangkok, en Thaïlande. Nous sommes impatient.e.s de vous y retrouver!
Florita Nang Flor Caya
AWID at CSW67: a Portal to Feminist Power
Imagine opening a door which takes you into a conversation with feminist activists in other continents. This portal will transcend the barriers of UN CSW by pushing beyond language barriers, unaffordable travel, unequal protection from COVID19, and racist visa regimes.
This week, we’re putting a virtual spin on CSW by connecting and amplifying feminist activists' voices, to challenge the discriminatory barriers that limit participation and influence. By setting up connecting “portals” in New York City, Nairobi & Bangalore, we'll host a physical-virtual hybrid space for feminists to connect their struggles and build collective power.
Follow us to join the livestreams:
What are we covering?
Day 1: March 6 - Accessibility
Day 2: March 7- Challenging Anti-Rights Actors And Corporations
Day 3: March 8 - Challenging Anti-Rights Actors And Corporations
Day 4: March 9- Reclaiming Multilateralism
Find the program for this week's activities here:
Download full program here (PDF)
Bangalore Schedule (PNG) Nairobi Schedule (PNG) New York City Schedule (PNG)
CFA 2023 - Submit application card - ar
نرحب بالطلبات عبر مجموعة كاملة من المواضيع والتقاطعات المهمة للحركات النسوية وحركات العدالة الجندرية.
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Zuhour Mahmoud est la stratège en communication de Kohl. Écrivaine, rédactrice et DJ à ses heures, elle est basée à Berlin. Son travail se concentre sur les approches critiques de la musique, de la technologie et de la politique et sur leurs cycles de vie au sein de la sphère numérique.
Elise Ama Esso
Izabela Jaruga Nowacka
Una estrategia, un mercado y nuevas voces: Las mujeres indígenas y los Foros AWID
Esta historia es sobre la manera en que un grupo cada vez más diverso de feministas del Pacífico se organizaron a lo largo de los años para asistir a los Foros de AWID, y el modo en que ese proceso lxs transformó en forma personal, como organizaciones y como movimiento a través de lo que aprendieron, descubrieron y experimentaron. Ilustra la importancia de los Foros como espacio que permitió que una región que tiende a ser marginada o ignorada a nivel global pueda construir una presencia sólida en el movimiento feminista, que luego es replicada en otros espacios internacionales de derechos de las mujeres.
En sus propias voces: mira la entrevista con María Manuela Sequeira & Mónica Alemán
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Informations générales
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Celluloid Ishtar
When I was 6, I learned that my grandfather owned a movie theater. My mother recounted to me how it had opened in the early 1960s, when she was also about 6 years old. She remembered that they screened The Sound of Music on the first night...
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Thank you
Thanks for visiting AWID. Please find more about AWID at
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Appel à activités
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استنارة بضوء البدر: تجربة “بي دي إس إم” أفريقية
هل اختبرتم من قبل لحظات من الصفاء الذهني العميق أثناء أو بعد ممارسة الجنس؟