Jean-Marc Ferré | Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
A general view of participants at the 16th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland.

Human Rights Council (HRC)

The Human Rights Council (HRC) is the key intergovernmental body within the United Nations system responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights around the globe. It holds three regular sessions a year: in March, June and September. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is the secretariat for the HRC.

The HRC works by:

  • Debating and passing resolutions on global human rights issues and human rights situations in particular countries

  • Examining complaints from victims of human rights violations or activist organizations on behalf of victims of human rights violations

  • Appointing independent experts (known as “Special Procedures”) to review human rights violations in specific countries and examine and further global human rights issues

  • Engaging in discussions with experts and governments on human rights issues

  • Assessing the human rights records of all UN Member States every four and a half years through the Universal Periodic Review

Learn more about the HRC

AWID works with feminist, progressive and human rights partners to share key knowledge, convene civil society dialogues and events, and influence negotiations and outcomes of the session.

With our partners, our work will:

◾️ Monitor, track and analyze anti-rights actors, discourses and strategies and their impact on resolutions

◾️ Raise awareness of the findings of the 2017 and 2021 OURs Trends Reports.

◾️Support the work of feminist UN experts in the face of backlash and pressure

◾️Advocate for state accountability
◾️ Work with feminist movements and civil society organizations to advance rights related to gender and sexuality.

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Paula Andrea Rosero Ordóñez

« C’[elle] était une personne qui se caractérisait par son travail acharné en faveur de la défense des droits humains et la construction de la paix à Nariño, notamment dans la municipalité de Samaniego-Nariño »  - Jorge Luis Congacha Yunda pour Página10

Paula Andrea Rosero Ordóñez était avocate au sein du bureau du Ministère public à Samaniego, Nariño, l’agence principale qui défend les droits des citoyen·ne·s en Colombie.

Elle s’est concentrée sur les droits civils et politiques, les enjeux d’impunité et de justice, et a contribué à dévoiler les abus de pouvoir, dont la corruption.  Elle a également participé à des projets de construction de la paix dans sa ville natale, Samaniego, comme le Conseil municipal pour la paix et le Bureau municipal de femmes. 

Paula a reçu des menaces de mort après avoir exposé une gestion irrégulière des ressources, de même que porté plainte contre des actes de corruption au sein de l’Hôpital Lorencita Villegas dans la municipalité de Nariñense. Elle a été assassinée le 20 mai 2019, lorsque deux hommes se sont approchés d’elle et l’ont abattue à bout portant. 

Our Companion Sites

The Young Feminist Wire

An online community for and by young feminists working on women’s human rights, gender equality and social justice around the world.

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The Observatory on the Universality of Rights (OURs)

The platform is the go-to place for information and resources on safeguarding the universality of rights in international and regional human rights spaces.

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The Young Feminist Fund-FRIDA

Provides funding for young feminist-led initiatives. It aims to strengthen the capacity of young feminist organizations to leverage resources for their work and to increase donors’ and allies’ commitments to resourcing young feminist activism.

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Online Directory of Urgent Responses for WHRDs

A go-to site to learn about the urgent responses undertaken to protect women human rights defenders and to find tools and resources to support the work and wellness of WHRDs.

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IM-Defensoras (Mesoamerican Initiative for Women Human Rights Defenders)

A regional initiative created to prevent, respond, document and make public all cases of violence against women human rights defenders in the Mesoamerican region.

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The WHRD International Coalition

The WHRD IC is a resource and advocacy network for the protection and support of women human rights defenders worldwide.

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Post-2015 Women´s Coalition

A Coalition of feminist, women´s rights, women´s development, grassroots and social justice organisations working to challenge and reframe teh global development agenda. 

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Women´s Major Group on Development

The role of the Women’s Major Group is to assure effective public participation of women’s non-governmental groups in the UN policy processes on Sustainable Development, Post2015 and Environmental matters. 

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Women Working Group on Financing for Development

An alliance of women’s organizations and networks to advocate for the advancement of gender equality, women’s empowerment and human rights in the Financing for Development (FfD) related UN processes.

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Snippet FEA NSS has a vision of an Africa (ES)

“Nous Sommes la Solution tiene una visión de una África donde, en solidaridad, las mujeres rurales involucradas en la toma de decisiones puedan cultivar, procesar, vender y consumir productos de la agricultura familiar preservando el medio ambiente, para un desarrollo sostenible, armonioso y duradero”.

How many questions are in the survey?

There are 47 questions in total, of which 27 are mandatory* and the remaining 20 are optional. The majority of questions are multiple-choice. We invite you to respond to all the questions.


Magaly Quintana

Magaly Quintana was known by many in Nicaragua as ‘La Maga’ (meaning wizard). She was a feminist historian, activist, and an unyielding defender of women’s rights demanding justice for the victims of femicide.

Magaly was committed to documenting and building statistics on women and girls who were killed as a result of sexual violence in the country. 

“She rebuilt the life of each one, of their families, to show those lives that had been torn away.” - Dora María Téllez

Magaly also criticized the government for reforming Law 779 addressing violence against women. A product of the hard work of Nicaraguan women’s movements, this law included important provisions to criminalize femicide before its reform. She argued that legislative reforms weakened the law and limited the definition of femicides to homicides, as a result invisibilizing violent crimes against women.

Magaly’s feminist organizing began in the early 1980s. She was the director of Catholic Women for the Right to Choose, advocating for the right to therapeutic abortion after it was banned in 2006. In 2018, she supported the protests against Daniel Ortega’s government.

Magaly was born in May 1952 and passed away in May 2019.

“See you later, my dearest Magaly Quintana. Thanks so much, thanks for your legacy. We’ll see you again, as strong and powerful as ever.”- Erika Guevara Rosas (American Director of Amnesty International)

English article

English article created from Spanish site

Snippet FEA Objectives NSS - Traditional Knowledge (FR)


Brown hands with yellow seeds in the palms
Utiliser et promouvoir les savoirs et pratiques traditionnels transmis de génération en génération, qui soutiennent la souveraineté alimentaire et la préservation des semences paysannes

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Mereani Naisua Senibici

Mereani Naisua Senibici, también llamada "Sua", fue, durante mucho tiempo,  integrante del movimiento de la Asociación Cristiana de Mujeres Jóvenes de Fiji (YWCA, por sus siglas en inglés).

Trabajó con diversos grupos de mujeres en entornos multirraciales, rurales y urbanos y se comprometió a apoyar y promover los derechos de las mujeres y las jóvenes.

En el YWCA de Lautoka, Sua trabajó con mujeres de ascendencia india, y se convirtió en  una figura destacada en el desarrollo del deporte y de la participación de atletas mujeres y personas trans en Lautoka.

"Sua es muy querida por lxs integrantes del YWCA de Fiji, a causa de su dedicación y apoyo persistente a todo lo que la organización se ha esforzado por hacer". - Tupou Vere

Mereani formaba parte de House of Sarah [La Casa de Sarah] (HoS, por sus siglas en inglés ), una iniciativa de la Asociación de Mujeres Anglicanas (AAW), lanzada en 2009, que tenía por objetivos tanto sensibilizar sobre los problemas relacionados con la violencia de género, como brindar apoyo a las mujeres que sufren violencia. Mereani empezó como una voluntaria comprometida y ofreció apoyo a las mujeres de todo el Pacífico.

Mereani falleció en 2019.

"Una persona  con don de gente y  una trabajadora todoterreno en el empoderamiento de las mujeres y construcción de movimientos a nivel comunitario. Descansa en paz, Sua". - Tupou Vere

Activism in the Middle East and North Africa

In our 2015 Online Tribute we honor five Women Human Rights Defenders murdered in the Middle East and North Africa region. These defenders worked for women and civil rights as lawyers and activists. Their death highlights the often dangerous and difficult working conditions in their respective countries. Please join AWID in honoring these women, their activism and legacy by sharing the memes below with your colleagues, networks and friends and by using the hashtags #WHRDTribute and 16Days.

Please click on each image below to see a larger version and download as a file


Snippet FEA NSS Quote (EN)

“It’s the indigenous knowledge and the practices that have always supported food sovereignty and this knowhow is in the hands of the women … Ecofeminism for me is the respect for all that we have around us.”

Mariama Sonko
Interview to The Guardian

Je ne me sens pas à l’aise à l’idée de communiquer le nom de mon groupe et nos coordonnées à l’AWID. Puis-je quand même participer à l’enquête?

Tout à fait, ces questions sont facultatives, et nous reconnaissons votre droit à l’anonymat. Merci de répondre aux questions de l’enquête, peu importe votre décision quant à la mention du nom de votre groupe, organisation et/ou mouvement et de vos coordonnées.