Human Rights Council (HRC)
The Human Rights Council (HRC) is the key intergovernmental body within the United Nations system responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights around the globe. It holds three regular sessions a year: in March, June and September. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is the secretariat for the HRC.
The HRC works by:
Debating and passing resolutions on global human rights issues and human rights situations in particular countries
Examining complaints from victims of human rights violations or activist organizations on behalf of victims of human rights violations
Appointing independent experts (known as “Special Procedures”) to review human rights violations in specific countries and examine and further global human rights issues
Engaging in discussions with experts and governments on human rights issues
Assessing the human rights records of all UN Member States every four and a half years through the Universal Periodic Review
AWID works with feminist, progressive and human rights partners to share key knowledge, convene civil society dialogues and events, and influence negotiations and outcomes of the session.
With our partners, our work will:
◾️ Raise awareness of the findings of the 2017 and 2021 OURs Trends Reports.
◾️Support the work of feminist UN experts in the face of backlash and pressure
◾️Advocate for state accountability
◾️ Work with feminist movements and civil society organizations to advance rights related to gender and sexuality.
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مفضّلتي: لا مزاح في حضرة القوى العظمى
عزمي الوصول الى الذروة الجنسية، كفيلة بإيقاظ الأجداد من مثواهم الأخير وإعادتهم الى صفوف الثورة التقدميّة
Jacqueline Coulibaly Ki-Zerbo
Jacqueline was a pioneering Malian/Burkinabe feminist, nationalist and educator.
She taught English in Senegal, before being recruited in 1961 as an English teacher at the Lycée Philippe Zinda Kaboré in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Through her activism, she was involved in the popular uprising of January 3, 1966. Between 1961 and 1966, Jacqueline was also responsible for the trade union press, Voices of the Teachers. She was appointed as the head of the Normal Course for Young Girls (now known as Nelson Mandela High School) until 1974, and dedicated herself to girls’ education and advancing women’s rights.
In 1984 she was awarded the Paul G. Hoffmann Award for outstanding work in national and international development.
2020: Annual Report
For many of us, 2020 was an especially challenging year due to the global health pandemic. Feminists and activists rose to the new challenges meeting community needs in innovative ways. Here are 5 highlights of how AWID contributed to feminist co-creation and resistance.
Watch our Annual Report Video below
Parvin Paidar
Ika Vantiani Snippet EN
Ika Vantiani
Ika Vantiani is an Indonesian artist, curator and crafter based in Jakarta. Her works explores the idea of being a woman in today’s society with the intertwined between media and consumption. Ika uses the discipline of collage and expands it into workshop, installation, and street art. Ika is the member of artist collectives including Micro Galleries, The Collage Club and It’s In Your Hands Collective.
Lara Kruger
Lara fue una muy conocida y querida DJ de radio en la FM Motsweding, en Sudáfrica.
Fue una de las primeras conductoras abiertamente transgénero en una estación de radio comercial. Trabajó mucho para echar luz sobre los temas LGTBI.
El activismo de Lara comenzó a temprana edad, cuando defendía vivamente su derecho a vestirse y comportarse de una forma que le resultara cómoda y lo hacía frente a integrantes de su comunidad que todavía no entendían qué significaba ser transgénero.
Inna Michaeli
Inna is a feminist queer activist and sociologist with many years of deep engagement in feminist and LGBTQI+ struggles, political education and organizing by and for migrant women, and Palestine liberation and solidarity. She joined AWID in 2016 and served in different roles, most recently as Director of Programs. She is based in Berlin, Germany, grew up in Haifa, Palestine/Israel, was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, and carries these political geographies and resistance to colonial past and present into her feminism and transnational solidarity.
Inna is the author of “Women's Economic Empowerment: Feminism, Neoliberalism, and the State” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022), based on the dissertation which earned her a doctoral degree from the Humboldt University of Berlin. As an academic, she taught courses on globalization, knowledge production, identity and belonging. Inna holds an MA in Cultural Studies from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is a Board Member of the Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East (Germany), and previously of +972 Advancement of Citizen Journalism. Previously Inna worked with the Coalition of Women for Peace and she is passionate about mobilizing resources for grassroots activism.
Saskia Poldervaart
Referencias de interés
Explora estos proyectos elaborados por los equipos de AWID para promover la defensoría de derechos y perspectivas feministas.
María Cecilia Alfaro Quesada
Maria a consacré la majeure partie de sa vie à l’intégration d’une perspective féministe et de la parité hommes-femmes dans les activités institutionnelles et organisationnelles, ainsi qu’au renforcement des capacités.
Enfant, Maria s'intéressait beaucoup à l'art, à la communication, à la nature, à la littérature et à la justice, en particulier pour les femmes et les groupes marginalisés.
Elle a milité en faveur droits sexuels et reproductifs et était membre du Conseil national pour une éducation intégrale à la sexualité. Celleux qui l’aimaient se souviennent d’elle comme d’une « combattante passionnée et infatigable », résolument engagée en faveur des droits des femmes et des enfants
Margo Okazawa-Rey
Dr. Margo Okazawa-Rey ocupa la Cátedra Distinguida Barbara Lee en Liderazgo de Mujeres y es Profesora visitante de Estudios de Mujeres, Género y Sexualidad, y de Políticas Públicas en Mills College, en Oakland, California. También es Profesora Emérita en la Universidad Estatal de San Francisco.
Sus principales áreas de investigación y activismo durante los últimos 25 años han sido el militarismo, los conflictos armados y la violencia contra las mujeres, examinados de manera interseccional. La profesora Okazawa-Rey participa en el Consejo Consultivo Internacional de Du Re Bang en Uijongbu, Corea del Sur; en la Junta Internacional de Mujeres de Paz en el Mundo (PeaceWomen Across the Globe) en Berna, Suiza; y es co-presidente de la Junta del Centro Highlander para la Investigación y Educación en New Market, Tennessee, EE. UU.
Sus publicaciones recientes incluyen “Nation-izing” Coalition and Solidarity Politics for US Anti-militarist Feminists [«Coalición “nacio-nalizadora” y políticas de solidaridad para las feministas antimilitaristas de EE. UU.»], en prensa; “No Freedom without Connections: Envisioning Sustainable Feminist Solidarities” [«No hay libertad sin conexiones: contemplando solidaridad feminista sostenible»] (2018) in Feminist Freedom Warriors: Genealogies, Justice, Politics, and Hope [«Guerreras feministas por la libertad: genealogías, justicia, política y esperanza»], Chandra Talpade Mohanty and Linda Carty (eds.); Between a Rock and Hard Place: Southeast Asian Women Confront Extractivism, Militarism, and Religious Fundamentalisms [«Entre la espada y la pared: Las mujeres del sudeste asiático enfrentan el extractivismo, el militarismo y los fundamentalismos religiosos»] (2018); “Liberal Arts Colleges Partnering with Highlander Research and Education Center: Intergenerational Learning for Student Campus Activism and Personal Transformation,” Feminist Formations Special Issue on Feminist Social Justice Pedagogy (2018) [«Las universidades de artes liberales se asocian con el Centro Highlander para la Investigación y Educación: aprendizaje intergeneracional para el activismo estudiantil y la transformación personal», número especial de Formaciones Feministas sobre pedagogía de la justicia social feminista]
Widad Mitri
Snippet Welcome Message_Fest (FR)
Message de bienvenue
Hakima Abbas, AWID
"Nous utilisons les outils dont nous disposons pour partager notre résistance, nos stratégies et continuer à renforcer notre pouvoir d'agir et de créer de nouveaux mondes courageux et justes."
Umyra Ahmad
Umyra Ahmad est une féministe malaisienne expérimentée en plaidoyer international et régional et en éducation aux droits humains. Au sein de l'AWID, elle travaille à la promotion des droits liés au genre et à la sexualité à l'ONU. Avant de nous rejoindre, elle était chargée de programme à IWRAW Asie-Pacifique, où elle a aidé des organisations de terrain régionales, nationales et locales à utiliser les mécanismes des organes conventionnels de l'ONU comme outils de redevabilité des États et d'accès à la justice. En Malaisie, elle travaille avec des collectifs queer et de réfugié·e·s, et soutient la coordination de diverses initiatives d'entraide.
Cecilia Loria
Snippet Festival Day 5, 6 Fest (EN)
Assembly as Pleasure: Weaving Feminist Collaborative ProjectsGhiwa Sayegh, Kohl: A Journal for Body and Gender Research Witchcraft, shamanism and other insurgent knowledge against patriarchySofía Blanco Sixtos, Colectiva Feminista MAPAS |
Gopika Bashi
Gopika is an Indian feminist activist & campaigner in the field of gender justice and human rights. Her experience is rooted in working with women & diverse young people on issues including access to justice, sexual & gender-based violence, gender & sexuality, resourcing feminist activism and labor rights. Gopika has played advisory roles on funding feminist movements, including at FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund and the Global Resilience Fund; and previously managed the Resourcing Feminist Movements program at AWID. She is passionate about the intersection of feminist activism & creative practice, and was an editor and Equitable Practices Lead for the 'Bystander Anthology' by South Asian graphic story-telling group Kadak Collective. She has recently discovered a deep love for climbing outdoors and continues to learn and grow through this journey. Gopika is based in Bangalore, India.