Confronting Extractivism & Corporate Power

Women human rights defenders (WHRDs) worldwide defend their lands, livelihoods and communities from extractive industries and corporate power. They stand against powerful economic and political interests driving land theft, displacement of communities, loss of livelihoods, and environmental degradation.

Why resist extractive industries?

Extractivism is an economic and political model of development that commodifies nature and prioritizes profit over human rights and the environment. Rooted in colonial history, it reinforces social and economic inequalities locally and globally. Often, Black, rural and Indigenous women are the most affected by extractivism, and are largely excluded from decision-making. Defying these patriarchal and neo-colonial forces, women rise in defense of rights, lands, people and nature.

Critical risks and gender-specific violence

WHRDs confronting extractive industries experience a range of risks, threats and violations, including criminalization, stigmatization, violence and intimidation.  Their stories reveal a strong aspect of gendered and sexualized violence. Perpetrators include state and local authorities, corporations, police, military, paramilitary and private security forces, and at times their own communities.

Acting together

AWID and the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition (WHRD-IC) are pleased to announce “Women Human Rights Defenders Confronting Extractivism and Corporate Power”; a cross-regional research project documenting the lived experiences of WHRDs from Asia, Africa and Latin America.

We encourage activists, members of social movements, organized civil society, donors and policy makers to read and use these products for advocacy, education and inspiration.

Share your experience and questions!

Tell us how you are using the resources on WHRDs Confronting extractivism and corporate power.

◾️ How can these resources support your activism and advocacy?

◾️ What additional information or knowledge do you need to make the best use of these resources?

Share your feedback

Thank you!

AWID acknowledges with gratitude the invaluable input of every Woman Human Rights Defender who participated in this project. This project was made possible thanks to your willingness to generously and openly share your experiences and learnings. Your courage, creativity and resilience is an inspiration for us all. Thank you!

Related Content

Snippet - WITM survey is focused on - EN

The WITM survey is focused on the feminist resourcing realities of the last 3 years (2021 to 2023), and has five key sections:

  1. Group information
  2. Financial status
  3. Shifting power
  4. Sustainability
  5. Key aspirations

It consists of mandatory* and optional questions, most of which are multiple-choice. You will have a chance to share more on issues that are important to you by responding to the open question(s) at the end of the survey.

Hand holding magnifying glass

To respond to the questions quickly and easily, we advise that you have your key financial information at hand (e.g., your annual budgets from 2021 to 2023). However, if you wish to save your responses and come back to the survey later, you are able to do this whenever needed.


Snippet FEA Carmen Silva (ES)

Ocupação 9 de Julho

Cuando lleguen al centro de São Paulo, verán el edificio de la Ocupação 9 de Julho, un sitio prominente en la lucha por la vivienda social y un importante espacio cultural. Este es el trabajo del Movimiento de Trabajadores Sin Hogar (Movimento dos Sem-Teto do Centro, MSTC), un movimiento de más de 2000 personas que actúa en el centro de la ciudad y convierte espacios abandonados en viviendas para trabajadorxs de bajos ingresos, niñxs, mujeres, adultos, ancianxs, migrantes y refugiadxs. En este edificio en particular, brindan comida y albergue a 122 familias.

Charte communautaire pour les membres de l’AWID

Cocréer des espaces accueillants et sécurisés

La cocréation de nos réalités féministes commence par nous-mêmes, et nos façons de nous traiter les un·e·s les autres. Nous nous efforçons de créer et de protéger des espaces qui sécurisent et soutiennent nos communautés, à la fois en ligne et en personne.

Nous envisageons aussi les espaces sécurisés et accueillants, tout comme cocréés, et dont la possession est partagée. Nous attendons de nos membres qu'iels agissent de façon éthique, responsable et cohérente vis-à-vis des valeurs de l’AWID, et qu'iels assument une responsabilité collective pour garantir un environnement de respect mutuel et de solidarité.  

Tou·te·s les membres de AWID sont invité·e·s à : 

  • Se connecter avec les autres, contribuer à rompre l’isolement et à favoriser la solidarité. On peut facilement se sentir perdu·e et seul·e. Un peu de convivialité et de réactivité peut donc s’avérer utile. 
  • Interagir et participer avec calme. Des différences d’opinions feront évidemment surface. Pensez alors à l’utilité de ces différences pour élargir vos réflexions et vos façons de voir le monde. 
  • Contribuer à construire un espace qui reconnaît et valide de multiples expériences de vie ainsi qu'une diversité de corps et d’expressions de genre. Reconnaissez que nous portons tou·te·s des identités intersectionnelles.  
  • Utiliser un langage inclusif. Respectez la façon dont les gens souhaitent être désignés en termes d’identité ou d’expression de genre (comme les pronoms), et recourez au langage inclusif.  
  • Écouter et adapter ses comportements et façons de communiquer si une personne mentionne son malaise. Ne posez pas d’autres questions que vous ne souhaiteriez vous voir poser.
  • Aider à défier les comportements oppressifs, qui comprennent le harcèlement, la violence verbale ou physique, la violation du consentement, et toute autre action qui perpétue le classisme, l'âgisme, le validisme, le racisme, la misogynie, l’hétérosexisme, la transphobie ou d’autres formes d'oppressions. Si besoin, n’hésitez pas à contacter l’équipe de l’AWID.  
  • Avoir une parole et une écoute basées sur une ouverture d’esprit et de cœur, sans jugement.  
  • Être honnête, ouvert·e et sympathique : Évoquez et partagez véritablement vos expériences, vos défis, vos espoirs et vos rêves, et votre vision pour votre propre vie et celle de votre communauté.
  • Pratiquer une écoute active et l’autoconscience : prenez conscience du temps et de l’espace que vous prenez ou laissez aux autres, pratiquez une écoute et un apprentissage sous forme active. 
  • Être attentif·ve et reconnaître le travail et l’activisme des autres : Souvenez-vous que nous œuvrons tou·te·s collectivement au changement -- Assurez-vous de reconnaître la contribution des autres et de les citer au besoin, par exemple dans des discussions, des articles, des images, etc. 
  • Rester en sécurité ! Nous vous invitons à prendre des mesures pour vous protéger en ligne et en personne, notamment si vous avez des raisons de croire que votre expression vous met en danger. Certains membres pourront utiliser des pseudonymes ou des photos de profil qui dissimulent leur identité. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez vous référer au kit (en anglais) « Digital Security First Aid Kit for Human Rights Defenders » (Kit de secours sur la sécurité numérique pour les Défenseur·e·s des droits humains) produit par l’Association pour le progrès des communications (APC). 
  • Respecter les besoins de confidentialité des autres. Ne partagez ou ne transférez aucune information sans avoir obtenu une autorisation explicite.


Remarque :  

L’AWID se réserve le droit de supprimer des commentaires, suspendre ou révoquer l’adhésion de membres en cas de violation des règles de la communauté. Les membres de l’AWID ne sont pas autorisés à représenter l’AWID à titre officiel, sauf mention écrite contraire. Les membres ne peuvent pas utiliser les espaces de l’AWID à des fins de prosélytisme ou de recrutement de membres pour rejoindre une organisation ou une croyance religieuse. Les membres ne peuvent pas utiliser les espaces de l’AWID pour demander des fonds à des fins personnelles, bien que les liens vers des actions de levée de fonds ou des campagnes de mobilisation soit autorisés.    

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To make the complexity of resourcing diverse forms of feminist organizing visible

Mariam Uy Acob

Mariam était assistante juridique à l'Alliance des droits humains Kawagib Moro.

Mariam était une fervente critique de la militarisation imposée aux communautés moro et a constamment dénoncé les bombardements aériens et les cantonnements de troupes. Elle a dû fuir et chercher refuge après avoir révélé et dénoncé des injustices commises à l'encontre des communautés musulmanes aux Philippines.

Il semble que Mariam ait été assassinée par de présumés agents de l'armée à cause de son action en tant que défenseure. Les assaillants qui l‘ont tuée l’ont épiée, ont rattrapé le véhicule dans lequel elle se trouvait et ont fait feu sur elle à sept reprises.


Mariam Uy Acob, Philippines

Resources to support feminist movements, policy-makers, and allies!



Asociación de Mujeres Afrodescendientes del Norte del Cauca (ASOM)




Introduction to the films from Nuestramérica

By Alejandra Laprea

What a difficult task, that of condensing all the power and diversity of voices being raised in Latin America to tell the other stories emerging in this vast territory, to speak of the feminist realities we are building in our movement and other community-based organizations.

I spent a long time trying to establish parameters for the search and selection of these films, with the idea that they  would enable you to get a little closer to so many dreams and projects that are slowly coming into being in the territories Nuestroamericanos, of our Americas, as we like to call them ourselves. It was a tough job trying to establish parameters, such as geographic location, linguistic justice, and representation of diverse communities — Indigenous, Afro-descendants, migrants  — and the many causes and claims for which they raise their voices. I arrived at the conclusion that making such a compilation would be the work of years, one of those projects always under construction.

And so I decided to search for works that have emerged out of organizing and activism, as well as films that will perhaps spark major debates that we are yet to have.

In this selection of films you will find the voices of filmmakers who are not content with simply recording the feminist realities that palpitate in every corner of this vast and diverse territory. These are works that from their very conceptualization are questioning for what, by whom, and how films and videos are made. They understand film to be an instrument of struggle,  something more than images to be enjoyed on a screen. These are individual or collective filmmakers who see film and video making as an instrument to promote discussion, open a debate, and thus serve as a resource for popular and feminist pedagogies.

Seen in this light, this small film selection is a journeythrough feminist realities on two levels; on one level are the stories you will see, and on another level, there is the experimentation of filmmakers who are seeking and creating other feminist realities through the ways in which they are making films and telling stories. 

Enjoy this journey through films that Resist, Create, and Transform.

Lima is Burning

Direction: Giovana García Soto
Spanish with English subtitles

In Lima is Burning our work plays with documentary and fiction to take us into the life of Gía, a non-binary person, who uses performance art as a tool to denounce and transgress, as a vital manifesto against transfobia in every space, including gays spaces. With Gía we also take a look at transfeminism as a safe community in which Gía feels embraced, where she shares feelings and affections. 

Giovana Garcia Sojo is a young peruvian audiovisual producer, specialized in low-budget production, creation for children and adolescents in cinema and cinematographic script by the International School of Cinema and Television - EICTV in San Antonio de Baños - Cuba. Giovana has developed her path as a director towards women and feminized identities, Lima is Burning is one of her first works.  

Yo, Imposible / Being Impossible 

Director: Patricia Ortega
Spanish with English subtitles

Patricia Ortega, director of «Yo, Imposible» [“Being Impossible”] explores through the character of Ariel, a young girl whose  intersex body was surgically violated as a child, the many ways that society attempts to normalize sexual and gender diversity.

The film tells the story of how Ariel discovers she was born intersex and subjected to several surgeries to normalize her genitals. This discovery leads the character to rediscover her body and reconstruct her identity. The audience is led to question a society dominated by heteronormativity which renders others invisible and condemns them to a life of unhappiness. 

Patricia Ortega is a Venezuelan filmmaker living in Argentina who studied at the International School of Film and Television in Cuba, where she specialized in film directing. Patricia uses fiction to address extreme situations that women or feminized bodies go through, and how they overcome them.

«Yo, Imposible»' takes a position vis-à-vis the dominant conception of a world in which only the masculine and feminine exist, which makes others invisible. “They are not sick. They are just genetically different. Interventions are done on their genitals and bodies through hormones without their consent, which is a violation of their human rights and identity, forcing them to fit into established categories'' - Patricia Ortega

Cubanas, mujeres en revolución [Cuban Women in Revolution]

Director: Maria Torrellas Liebana
Spanish with English subtitles

María Torrellas narrates the story of the Cuban Revolution through the women who brought it to life, Vilma Espín, Celia Sánchez, and Haydee Santamaría, among others.

For women, telling the story of the Cuban Revolution is not something of the past, but a daily struggle that Torrellas shows through the voices of Cuban rural women, professionals, students, and workers in the present. In “Cuban Women in Revolution” we encounter the current challenges facing Cuban women such as the persistence of old prejudices, new forms of violence, and the constant challenge of creating new feminist realities for themselves and the next generations in a territory besieged by USA imperialism for more than 70 years.

Maíia Torrellas

María Torrellas is a journalist and documentary filmmaker. She has a long trajectory of filmmaking and has won, among others, the Santiago Alvarez in Memoriam award for her documentary “Memoria de una hija de Oshun” [Memory of a Daughter of Oshun].

“In the documentary I have woven together the struggles of yesterday’s heroines with those of today’s women. The women tell their own stories and also describe those whose struggles they most admire. It made an impression on me to hear the words ‘The Revolution gave us everything’ or ‘What would have become of my family without the Revolution?’ from voices of compañeras who are poor, rural, or Black.” - María Torrellas

Serie documental Cuidanderas [Mini documentary series Women Healers/Carers]

Directors: Gabriela Arnal and Marzel Ávila for Fondo de Acción Urgente - LAC
Ecuador 2019
Spanish with English subtitles

CUIDANDERAS joins the words cuidar (to care for) and curanderas (women healers) synthesizing the identities of a series of women in Latin American territories, women who put their bodies and all their energy into protecting the Commons, what Pachamama gives us, with the commitment that we use it as wisely as the rest of living beings doThis mini series of documentary films presents the stories of three collectives of Latin American women who are committed to caring for their territories, healing their bodies, and confronting extractivist and racist projects in Ecuador, Colombia, and Bolivia.


Province of Orellana, Ecuador. For centuries the Waorani women have been engaged in a struggle for their territory in the Amazon and the preservation of their Indigenous culture. Today they confront threats by the oil industry and their death-production model. From the jungle, leaders from the Waorani Women’s Association of the Ecuadoran Amazon (AMWAE, in Spanish) share the motivation behind their resistance and show their greatest power: their inexhaustible joy.


Buenaventura, Colombia. In the largest and most violent port city in Colombia, plagued by decades of armed conflict, racism, and machismo, a group of women refuse to give in to fear and continue to resist in the face of adversity. The Butterflies with New Wings network is made up of Black women from the Pacific coast of Colombia who work together to protect their territory, recuperate their ancestral traditions, and heal the wounds of systematic and structural violence.


Indigenous, rural, and regantes (women in charge of irrigation) in Bolivia are calling for the care and protection of bodies-earth-territories, as they are faced with an extractive production model which threatens their lives, health, physical and sexual integrity, and the survival of their communities and territories. The Network of Defenders of Mother Earth is made up of women from 12 Indigenous communities who are defending the right to water and denouncing mining companies’ violations of human rights and the rights of Nature while working to recuperate their ancestral ways of knowledge and practices of collective care.

“CUIDANDERAS, a combination of the words cuidar (to care for) and curanderas (women healers), presents the stories of Latin American women defenders who are caring for their territories and healing their bodies. The collective power of these women has changed the history of their communities in Ecuador, Colombia, and Bolivia as they confront extractivist and racist production models.”

Yo aborto, tú abortas, todxs callamos [I abort, you abort, we all keep silent]

Director: Carolina Reynoso
Argentina 2013

If there is one thing that has marked feminist movements across the continent of Latin America that is the call for abortion to be made available, safe, and free. From North to South feminist movements are rising up and taking to the streets fighting for the liberation of our first territory, our bodies, which is why this selection must include a documentary on abortion to fully understand the power of the women of Nuestramérica.

Yo aborto, Tu Abortas, Todxs Callamos [I abort, you abort, we all keep silent] presents the stories of seven women from different social classes, including the director of the documentary herself, who reflect on something they have all experienced in their own bodies: clandestine abortion.  

Through their stories, the film aims to bust myths regarding the voluntary interruption of pregnancy, de-stigmatize the topic, and show one of the most common forms of violence in the Americas in a new light.

Carolina Reynoso

Director, researcher, and producer of feminist films. She is also a feminist activist who organizes workshops on screenwriting from a gender perspective so that more films are made showing other counterhegemonic realities and stories. Carolina Reynoso strikes a balance between activism and creation in each one of her works.

“We are a group of filmmakers who make documentaries in order to continue fighting to make abortion available, safe, and free in Argentina. The film presents the testimonies of seven women from different social classes, including the director of the documentary herself, who reflect on something they have all experienced in their own bodies: clandestine abortion.” -The filmmaking team

Historias Urgentes: Resistencia en ollas Comunes [Urgent Stories: Resistance in the Soup Kitchens]

Nosotras Audiovisuales, collective of Chilean women filmmakers
Chile 2020

“Urgent Stories” is a series created by women to make their needs and important experiences visible to the people living in the territories that today comprise Chile. This film series aims to keep alive the flame ignited by the social uprising of October 2019, the flame ofChile in all its diversity that woke up and said, ‘Enough!’

«Resistencia en ollas comunes» [Resistance in the Soup Kitchens] is the first of these “Urgent Stories.” Through the voices of four women from Iquique, Valparaiso, Chillan and Santiago, it shows how by collectively assuming care work they are on the front lines of resistance, creating other feminist realities for themselves and the communities where Latin American women live.

Nosotras audiovisuales

This organization was formed in 2017 to link together women involved in the Chilean filmmaking scene. It helps women filmmakers to network, collaborate, and share information along with their works and perspectives on the field.

Nosotras Audiovisuales contributes to the Chilean uprising by documenting it and collectively generating new material.

Se trata de Mujeres [It’s about Women]

Micol Metzner
Argentina 2019

Based on her personal experience, director Micol Metzner presents a film mixing documentary with fiction, aligning her filmmaker’s voice with that of thousands of women who have been victims of trafficking across the continent and showing how solidarity among women is the best form of protection.

Micol Metzner

Filmmaker trained at the Instituto de Arte Cinematográfico de Avellaneda [Avellaneda Institute of Film Arts]. Art director and editor. Metzner belongs to the Video Cluster of the City of Buenos Aires, a community space and multisectorial cooperative for independent projects.

She facilitates filmmaking workshops in working class neighbourhoods and spaces of enclosure (youth group homes and women’s prisons). She is a member of the film production house MVM.

“The production house MVM was born out of the necessity to express a lot of things that we regularly protest on the streets about while also doing it in a creative way through drawing, film, and photography.The production house MVM is a place that interrogates language, image, film from a feminist perspective. It is also a place for processing everything we have gone through and using art to make things sometimes to heal, sometimes to generate public debate as happened with this short film…I didn’t imagine that was going to happen, but when we showed  it,  a lot of things were set  in motion. Discussions happen that are even more enriching than the short film itself. That this can happen based on something we made is so good…” - Micol Metzner

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LinkedIn: Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)

Snippet - WITM Why now_col 2 - FR

Le financement des mouvements féministes est indispensable à la mise en place d’une présence plus juste et pacifique et d’un avenir libéré. Au cours de la dernière décennie, les bailleurs de fonds se sont engagés à verser bien plus d’argent en faveur de l’égalité des genres, mais 1 % seulement des financements philanthropiques et de développement a réellement été destiné à financer directement les changements sociaux menés par des féministes (ressource en anglais).

Pour viser l’abondance, et rompre ce cycle d’insuffisance chronique, l’enquête WITM est une invitation pour les activistes féministes et défenseur·ses de la justice de genre à se lancer dans l’aventure de la collecte de données probantes et d’arguments en faveur de la mobilisation de davantage d’argent, de meilleure qualité, et de réappropriation du pouvoir au sein de l’écosystème actuel du financement. En solidarité avec les mouvements qui continuent à être invisibilisés, marginalisés et empêchés d’accéder à des financements de base, à long terme, flexibles et reposant sur la confiance, l’enquête WITM souligne l’état actuel de la mobilisation de ressources, remet en question les fausses solutions, et identifie les changements à opérer au sein des modèles de financement afin que les mouvements s’épanouissent et relèvent les défis complexes de notre époque.

Je participe à l’enquête!

Ana M. Tallada Iglesia

Ana was a strong advocate of women’s rights and worked with a broad cross-section of women, from those in grassroots networks to those in the private sector.

She believed in building bridges across sectors. Ana was a member of the National Network for the Promotion of Women (RNPM), and was active in developing many social programs that address issues such as sexual and reproductive health and rights. 


Ana M. Tallada Iglesia, Peru

Snippet FEA Mano Cambiada (EN)

Two hands shaking - lighter skinned hand with a yellow shirt and darker skinned hand with a burgundy shirt. The words "Mano cambiada" are written over in cursive.


("exchange hand") 

Term of the black communities of the Northern Cauca for the minga, the collective work based on solidarity and mutual support.

Ika Vantiani

Bunga-Transgirl are girl, Analog collage, 2020
“Bunga-Transgirl are girl” [«Bunga-Chica trans es chica»], collage analógico, 2020

En Indonesia, la bunga [flor] está a menudo asociada a las mujeres. Esto significa que una flor también puede ser asociada a las mujeres transgénero, porque  las mujeres transgénero son mujeres. Son igual de bellas, igual de fuertes, y tanto las flores como las mujeres trans no viven solo esperando ser «recogidas», sino que crecen y florecen y mueren como quieren. Esta obra es un tributo a mis amigas mujeres transgénero, en el Día Internacional de la Visibilidad Transgénero.

Sobre Ika Vantiani

Ika Vantiani portrait
Ika Vantiani es una artista, curadora y artesana de Yakarta, Indonesia. Su obra explora la idea de ser mujer en la sociedad actual, en la cual los medios de comunicación y el consumo están entretejidos. Ika usa la disciplina del collage, y la expande al arte callejero, a talleres e instalaciones. Integra colectivos artísticos tales como Micro Galleries, The Collage Club y It’s In Your Hands Collective.

Snippet - WITM Articulate - EN

Articulate feminist visions, proposals and agendas for resourcing justice.


Marceline Loridan-Ivens

Nacida en 1928, Marceline trabajó como actriz, guionista y directora.

Dirigió The Birch-Tree Meadow en 2003, protagonizada por Anouk Aimee, así como varios otros documentales. También fue una sobreviviente del Holocausto. Tenía solo quince años cuando ella y su padre fueron arrestadxs y enviadxs a campos de concentración nazis. Los tres kilómetros entre su padre en Auschwitz y ella en Birkenau eran una distancia infranqueable, sobre la cual escribió en una de sus novelas más influyentes: Pero no regresaste.

Al hablar sobre su trabajo, una vez afirmó: «Todo lo que puedo decir es que todo lo que pueda escribir, todo lo que pueda develar, es mi tarea hacerlo».


Marceline Loridan-Ivens, France