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In September 2016, the 13th AWID international Forum brought together in Brazil over 1800 feminists and women’s rights advocates in a spirit of resistance and resilience.
This section highlights the gains, learnings and resources that came out of our rich conversations. We invite you to explore, share and comment!
One of the key takeaways from the 2016 Forum was the need to broaden and deepen our cross-movement work to address rising fascisms, fundamentalisms, corporate greed and climate change.
With this in mind, we have been working with multiple allies to grow these seeds of resistance:
And through our next strategic plan and Forum process, we are committed to keep developing ideas and deepen the learnings ignited at the 2016 Forum.
AWID Forums started in 1983, in Washington DC. Since then, the event has grown to become many things to many peoples: an iterative process of sharpening our analyses, vision and actions; a watershed moment that reinvigorates participants’ feminisms and energizes their organizing; and a political home for women human rights defenders to find sanctuary and solidarity.
Women sustain Care | Care Sustains Life | Life Sustains Economy | Who takes care of women? | Not one less1 | Together | Sunday lunch
1Nenhuna a menos literally translates as “not one woman less” or “ni una menos” in Spanish - a famous feminist slogan in Latin America that emerged in Argentina as a response to increasing gender-based violence.
Conferencia Internacional de Seguimiento sobre la Financiación para el Desarrollo, Doha, Qatar
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Huffington Post: Muere Simone Veil, la moral de Francia hecha mujer
El Mundo: Muere Simone Veil, superviviente del Holocauso e icono de los derechos de la mujer
Derechos humanos y etnico-territoriales Asegurar la defensa de los derechos humanos y los derechos de la Naturaleza a través de la construcción de alianzas con actores y organizaciones locales, nacionales, regionales y globales. |
Desarrollo Sostenible Garantizar que todas las actividades económicas, culturales y ambientales contribuyan al desarrollo sostenible, la seguridad alimentaria y la generación de ingresos, respetando la libre determinación y el autogobierno de las comunidades afrodescendientes. |
Educación y formación Capacitar y empoderar mujeres para que defiendan sus derechos en diferentes espacios políticos, sociales y económicos. ¡Para obtener más información, puedes ver más aquí! |
Lancement du processus préparatoire intergouvernemental de la troisième Conférence sur le financement du développement, octobre 2014
En vous promenant dans le quartier du Raval à Barcelone, vous croiserez peut-être Metzineres, une coopérative féministe par et pour les femmes et personnes trans et non-binaires qui consomment de la drogue.
Imaginez un endroit sans stigmatisation, où les femmes et personnes trans et non-binaires peuvent consommer des drogues en toute sécurité. Un lieu qui offre sécurité, soutien et accompagnement aux femmes et personnes trans et non-binaires dont les droits sont systématiquement bafoués par la guerre contre la drogue et qui subissent violence, stigmatisation et répression en conséquence.
Juste à l'extérieur de l'entrée, les passant·es et les visiteur·euses sont accueilli·e·s par un immense tableau noir où figurent des conseils, des astuces, des souhaits et des dessins de personnes qui consomment de la drogue. Il existe également un calendrier qui présente une série d'activités auto-organisées par la communauté Metzineres. Qu'il s'agisse d'ateliers coiffure et cosmétique, des émissions radio, des pièces de théâtre, de repas communs offerts à la communauté ou des cours d'autodéfense, il y a toujours quelque chose à faire!
La coopérative offre des sites de consommation sûrs ainsi que des services qui couvrent les besoins de base des gens. Il y a des lits, des casiers, des douches, des toilettes, des machines à laver et une petite terrasse extérieure où les gens peuvent se détendre ou jardiner.
Metzineres opère dans un cadre de réduction des méfaits, qui tente de réduire les conséquences négatives de la consommation de drogue. Mais la réduction des méfaits est bien plus qu'un ensemble de pratiques: c'est une politique ancrée dans la justice sociale, la dignité et les droits des personnes qui consomment des drogues.
Women's Forum on Financing for Gender Equality
The Third UN International Conference on Financing for Development
Guadalupe was an environmental activist involved in the fight against crime in Cherán, Mexico.
Guadalupe helped to overthrow the local government in April 2011 and participated in local security patrols including those in municipal forests. She was among the Indigenous leaders of Cherán, who called on people to defend their forests against illegal and merciless logging. Her work for seniors, children, and workers made her an icon in her community.
She was killed in Chilchota, Mexico about 30 kilometers north of her hometown of Cherá.
El tema del 14° Foro Internacional de AWID es «Realidades feministas: nuestro poder en acción».
Entendemos las realidades feministas como los diferentes modos de existir y ser que nos muestran lo que es posible, a pesar de los sistemas de poder dominantes, y en desafío y resistencia contra ellos. Entendemos estas realidades feministas como recuperaciones y corporizaciones de esperanza y poder, multidimensionales, dinámicas, y arraigadas en contextos y momentos históricos específicos.
A Winnie la han descripto como una «militante agitadora» que luchó contra el régimen del apartheid en Sudáfrica.
Fue encarcelada numerosas veces y en varias ocasiones fue encerrada en celdas de aislamiento. Ma’Winnie, como la recuerdan afectuosamente, era conocida por hablar abiertamente sobre los desafíos que las mujeres negras enfrentaron durante y después del apartheid, habiendo sido ella misma sometida a esas brutalidades como madre, esposa y activista durante la lucha. Fue más allá del concepto erróneo que sostiene que el liderazgo está basado en el género, la clase o la raza. A pesar de haber sido una figura controvertida, es recordada por muchxs por su nombre en xhosa, «Nomzamo», que significa «la que soporta las pruebas».
Ma’Winnie sigue siendo una inspiración para muchxs, especialmente las jóvenes sudafricanas.
Su muerte incentivó un creciente movimiento bajo el lema: «Ella no murió, se multiplicó».
Siempre hemos trabajado para garantizar que nuestros Foros sean desarrollados conjuntamente con nuestrxs afiliadxs, los movimientos, y nuestros colectivos prioritarios.
Para el Foro 2020 queremos profundizar y fortalecer este espíritu y esta práctica de creación conjunta y colaboración. También reconocemos la necesidad de mejorar el equilibrio entre la inclusión de muchas voces y experiencias y el espacio para que lxs participantes y el equipo respiren, se tomen una pausa, y disfruten de un poco de tiempo de inactividad.
Este Foro será diferente en cuanto a que:
We are excited to share our new Strategic Plan (2023-2027) with the world. AWID will make an announcement to inform our community and members very soon.
The Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID) is a global, feminist, membership, movement-support organization.
For 40 years, AWID has been a part of an incredible ecosystem of feminist movements working to achieve gender justice and women’s human rights worldwide.
AWID envisions a world where feminist realities flourish, where resources and power are shared in ways that enable everyone, and future generations, to thrive and realize their full potential with dignity, love and respect, and where Earth nurtures life in all its diversity.
Our mission is to support feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements to thrive, to be a driving force in challenging systems of oppression, and to co-create feminist realities.
We advance our work through these tactics:
We collaboratively leverage our access, power, resources and relationships to strategically influence policy and practice. We aim to advance feminist agendas through our work with policy makers, funders and activists in regional and global spaces. We also work to influence feminist and women’s rights movements to centre historically oppressed movements as part of efforts to strengthen our collective power and influence.
We use our convening power to facilitate dialogue and strategize on key issues. We connect our members and allies with one another, sharing and exchanging resources, ideas and action across relevant issues. We organize and facilitate spaces to strengthen and engage across movements, to imagine and envisage new futures, to develop effective influencing tactics and to co-create powerful agendas and processes.
We work to mobilize our members and the movements we support to strengthen collective action in solidarity with feminist causes and defenders at risk. We build partnerships, engage in active listening and ongoing, long-term, solidarity. We work with defenders to build a body of knowledge and support networks of solidarity on protection and wellbeing.
We recognize the unique and strategic value of cultural and creative strategies in the struggle against oppression and injustice. We work with artists who centre feminist voices and the narratives of historically oppressed communities. In this emerging tactic, we see art and creative expression helping us envision a world where feminist realities continue to flourish and be celebrated.
Our initiatives work at the intersections of the sites of change we work to address, the movements we prioritize, and the tactics we use:
We monitor, document and make visible how anti-rights actors are operating and colluding in multilateral spaces and support feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements and allies to counter their influence and impact.
Working on extractivism, tax justice and corporate accountability, we build knowledge on corporate power and influence; advocate for corporate accountability and equitable distribution of wealth; and amplify feminist proposals for just economies.
We develop accessible, action-oriented analysis on the state of resourcing for feminist movements. We aim to influence funders’ policies and practices, deepen and sustain funding for feminist social change, and support movements’ needs and strategies.
In addition to the impact we aim to have in the world, AWID is expressly committed to strengthening our own organizational learning and resilience in order to further strengthen global feminist movements.
Without the generous funding and support from our donors, our work would not be possible
Barin était membre de l’unité de combat exclusivement féminine des Unités de protection du peuple kurde (YPG).
Elle a été tuée alors qu’elle était en service actif.
La journaliste libanaise Hifaa Zuaiter a écrit : « Barin représente tout ce que nous avons entendu à propos du courage des femmes kurdes et sa mort représente bien plus que le meurtre d’un-e rival-e ou une perte résultant d’une lutte politique ou ethnique. L’exhibition monstrueuse de sa dépouille par un groupe de rebelles syriens provient du fait qu’en tant que femme combattant sur un champ de bataille réservé aux hommes, elle a osé menacer l’hégémonie masculine ».