Protection of the Family
The Issue
Over the past few years, a troubling new trend at the international human rights level is being observed, where discourses on ‘protecting the family’ are being employed to defend violations committed against family members, to bolster and justify impunity, and to restrict equal rights within and to family life.
The campaign to "Protect the Family" is driven by ultra-conservative efforts to impose "traditional" and patriarchal interpretations of the family, and to move rights out of the hands of family members and into the institution of ‘the family’.
“Protection of the Family” efforts stem from:
- rising traditionalism,
- rising cultural, social and religious conservatism and
- sentiment hostile to women’s human rights, sexual rights, child rights and the rights of persons with non-normative gender identities and sexual orientations.
Since 2014, a group of states have been operating as a bloc in human rights spaces under the name “Group of Friends of the Family”, and resolutions on “Protection of the Family” have been successfully passed every year since 2014.
This agenda has spread beyond the Human Rights Council. We have seen regressive language on “the family” being introduced at the Commission on the Status of Women, and attempts made to introduce it in negotiations on the Sustainable Development Goals.
Our Approach
AWID works with partners and allies to jointly resist “Protection of the Family” and other regressive agendas, and to uphold the universality of human rights.
In response to the increased influence of regressive actors in human rights spaces, AWID joined allies to form the Observatory on the Universality of Rights (OURs). OURs is a collaborative project that monitors, analyzes, and shares information on anti-rights initiatives like “Protection of the Family”.
Rights at Risk, the first OURs report, charts a map of the actors making up the global anti-rights lobby, identifies their key discourses and strategies, and the effect they are having on our human rights.
The report outlines “Protection of the Family” as an agenda that has fostered collaboration across a broad range of regressive actors at the UN. It describes it as: “a strategic framework that houses “multiple patriarchal and anti-rights positions, where the framework, in turn, aims to justify and institutionalize these positions.”
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L’activisme au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord
Notre hommage en ligne met à l’honneur cinq défenseuses des droits humains assassinées au Moyen-Orient ou en Afrique du Nord. Ces défenseuses étaient avocates ou militantes et ont œuvré pour les droits des femmes ou pour les droits civils. Leur mort met en évidence les conditions de travail souvent difficiles et dangereuses dans leurs pays respectifs. Nous vous invitons à vous joindre à nous pour commémorer la vie, le travail et l’activisme de ces femmes. Faites circuler ces mèmes auprès de vos collègues et amis ainsi que dans vos réseaux et twittez en utilisant les hashtags #WHRDTribute et #16Jours.
S'il vous plaît cliquez sur chaque image ci-dessous pour voir une version plus grande et pour télécharger comme un fichier
¿Qué incluye el costo de inscripción?
El costo de inscripción para el Foro de AWID cubre, para todxs lxs participantes:
- Pleno acceso a los cuatro días del Foro
- Almuerzos y pausas para café/té durante los días del Foro
- Materiales de consulta
- Interpretación simultánea durante las plenarias y algunas sesiones/actividades subsidiarias determinadas (inglés, francés, español e idioma local)
- Participación en la cena/fiesta de celebración
- Aplicación móvil con programa definitivo y función de chat
- Servicio de wi-fi gratuito dentro del área de Foro
- Traslados desde/al aeropuerto y transporte hotel-sede-hotel.
El mío no es ninguno de los idiomas oficiales de la encuesta y me cuesta mucho responderla, ¿qué puedo hacer?
AWID tiene un compromiso con la justicia lingüística y, en este punto, lamentamos no poder contar con más idiomas para la encuesta ¿Dónde está el dinero? Sin embargo, en caso de que necesites asistencia con la traducción o desees responder la encuesta en otro idioma, te pedimos que nos contactes al email
Sylvia Rivera
Sylvia Rivera was a civil rights activist, a transvestite and sex worker.
Known as the New York Drag queen of color, Silvia was fierce and tireless in her advocacy, in defense of those who were marginalized and excluded as the “gay rights” movement mainstreamed in the United States in the early 1970’s.
In a well-known speech on Christopher Street Day in 1973, Sylvia, shouted through a crowd of LGBT community members:
“You all tell me, go and hide my tail between my legs.
I will no longer put up with this shit.
I have been beaten.
I have had my nose broken.
I have been thrown in jail.
I have lost my job.
I have lost my apartment.
For gay liberation, and you all treat me this way?
What the fuck’s wrong with you all?
Think about that!”
In 1969, at age 17, Silvia took part in the iconic Stonewall Riots by allegedly throwing the second Molotov cocktail to protest the police raid of the gay bar in Manhattan. She continued to be a central figure in the uprisings that followed, organizing rallies and fighting back police brutality.
In 1970, Sylvia worked together with Marsha P. Johnson to establish Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (S.T.A.R.), a political collective and organisation that would set up projects of mutual support for trans people living on the streets, those struggling with drug addiction and in prisons and in particular for trans people of color and those living in poverty.
Defiant of labels, Silvia lived life in a way that challenged people in the gay liberation movement to think differently. She said:
“I left home at age 10 in 1961. I hustled on 42nd Street. The early 60s was not a good time for drag queens, effeminate boys or boys that wore makeup like we did. Back then we were beat up by the police, by everybody. I didn't really come out as a drag queen until the late 60s. when drag queens were arrested, what degradation there was. I remember the first time I got arrested, I wasn't even in full drag. I was walking down the street and the cops just snatched me. People now want to call me a lesbian because I'm with Julia, and I say, "No. I'm just me. I'm not a lesbian." I'm tired of being labeled. I don't even like the label transgender. I'm tired of living with labels. I just want to be who I am. I am Sylvia Rivera.
Through her activism and courage, Sylvia offered a mirror that reflected all that was wrong within society, but also the possibility of transformation. Sylvia was born in 1951 and passed away in 2002.
Snippet FEA Mariama Sonko (FR)
Nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter Mariama Sonko, agricultrice rurale, éco-féministe et défenseuse des droits humains, vivant actuellement à Niaguis, une ville du sud-ouest du Sénégal.
Ayant grandi dans une famille et une communauté rurale d’agriculteur·rices, elle a été témoin du rôle essentiel des femmes dans la production alimentaire et la conservation des semences depuis son plus jeune âge, tout en étant immergée dans le travail de la terre.
Mariama défend les savoirs agricoles locaux et les pratiques paysannes depuis les années 90. En tant que mère de 5 enfants, la nourriture qu'elle cultive elle-même est la principale source de subsistance de sa famille.
Elle est actuellement présidente de Nous Sommes la Solution et s'engage à promouvoir les pratiques agroécologiques et l'agriculture familiale, à encourager la souveraineté alimentaire, la biodiversité et la préservation des semences paysannes, et à exiger un accès équitable aux ressources et à la terre à travers l'Afrique de l'Ouest.
Source: AWID’s Feminist Realities Festival Crear | Résister | Transform - Day 2/ 2ème jour/ 2º día
WHRDs from Sub-Saharan Africa
In our 2015 Online Tribute to Women Human Rights Defenders No Longer With Us we are commemorating four women from Sub-Saharan Africa, three of whom were murdered due to their work and/or who they were in their gender identity and sexual orientation. Their deaths highlight the violence LGBT persons often face in the region and across the globe. Please join AWID in honoring these women, their activism and legacy by sharing the memes below with your colleagues, networks and friends and by using the hashtags #WHRDTribute and #16Days.
Please click on each image below to see a larger version and download as a file
Suzette Jordan
No puedo asistir al Foro en persona: ¿en qué otra forma puedo participar?
Más que un simple evento, el Foro de AWID es parte de nuestro Viaje de Realidades Feministas, con muchos espacios en los cuales reunirse, en línea o en forma presencial, para compartir, discutir, elaborar estrategias, y crear conjuntamente realidades feministas.
Infórmate sobre el Viaje de Realidades Feministas y sobre todo lo que sucederá en este Viaje antes del Foro. ¡Y mantente sintonizadx para los anuncios post-Foro!
Estamos estudiando opciones para la participación virtual en el Foro, y compartiremos la información cuando sepamos qué podemos ofrecer.
Notre groupe n’a pas reçu de financement externe entre 2021 et 2023. Pouvons-nous quand même participer à l’enquête?
Oui, nous voulons connaître votre situation, que vous ayez reçu du financement pendant une, deux ou les trois années de la période 2021–2023.
Cynthia Cockburn
Cynthia Cockburn fue una socióloga feminista, escritora, académica, fotógrafa y activista por la paz.
Estudió los aspectos relacionados con el género en la violencia y el conflicto e hizo importantes contribuciones al movimiento por la paz gracias a sus investigaciones sobre masculinidad y violencia, así como gracias a su activismo local e internacional.
Cynthia aportó un análisis feminista potente sobre la militarización y la guerra, y fue una de las académicas cuyos escritos y estudios demostraron claramente cómo la violencia de género desempeñaba un papel clave en la perpetuación de la guerra. Al trabajar en estrecha colaboración con activistas por la paz en distintos países en conflicto, sus conclusiones abarcaron diversos contextos, entre ellos: Irlanda del Norte, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Israel/Palestina, Corea del Sur, Japón, España y el Reino Unido. También logró incluir en sus investigaciones y escritos académicos una interpretación sobre cómo la violencia se experimenta como un continuo de tiempo y escala y cómo se percibe de forma muy diferente cuando se analiza desde la perspectiva de género.
En sus propias palabras: "El género nos ayuda a ver la continuidad, la conexión entre los casos de violencia".
Cynthia conectó su trabajo de investigación con el activismo que sostuvo a nivel local e internacional con los movimientos por la desmilitarización, el desarme y la paz. Ayudó a iniciar el campamento de paz de las mujeres de Greenham Common, que defendía el desarme nuclear universal en Gran Bretaña, y formó parte también de la creación del capítulo londinense de Women in Black [Mujeres de Negro]. A lo largo de las décadas, Cynthia organizó y participó en vigilias semanales locales y en el coro político Raised Voices [Elevar las Voces], para el que, además de cantar, escribió varias letras de canciones que forman parte de su repertorio.
Su activismo la llevó a apoyar también el trabajo de la Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom [Liga Internacional de Mujeres por la Paz y la Libertad] (WILPF, por su siglas en inglés), el European Forum of Socialist Feminists [Foro Europeo de Feministas Socialistas] y Women Against Fundamentalism [Mujeres contra el Fundamentalismo].
"Cynthia arrojó claridad feminista, tejió comunidades feministas, cantó canciones de paz, escuchó, escuchó, escuchó, observó los pájaros - y detuvo el tráfico. Siempre estaré agradecida y en deuda con ella, la otra 'Cynthia'" - Cynthia Enloe.
Cynthia nació en julio de 1934 y falleció en septiembre de 2019, a la edad de 85 años.
Snippet FEA Bio fertilizer and Sum-Pack (EN)
Research methology
Over eight years, we did four global surveys and built a research methodology.
In 2013, we published three global reports. These reports confirm that women’s rights organizations are doing the heavy lifting to advance women’s rights and gender equality by using diverse, creative and long-term strategies, all while being underfunded.
Our 2010 global survey showed that the collective income of 740 women’s organizations around the world totaled only USD 104 million. Compare this with Greenpeace International, one organization with a 2010 budget of USD 310 million1. Imagine the impact these groups could have if they were able to access all the financial resources they need and more?
AWID’s WITM research has catalyzed increased funding for women’s rights organizing. WITM research was a driving force behind the Catapult crowdfunding platform, which has raised USD 6.5 million for women’s rights. The Dutch Government cited WITM research as a reason for its unprecedented MDG 3 Fund of EU 82 million. WITM research has also led to the creation of several new funds: FRIDA – The Young Feminist Fund, the Indigenous Women’s Fund, Fundo Elas, the Mediterranean Women’s Fund and the Rita Fund.
Funding trends analyses
While the WITM research has shed important light on the global funding landscape, AWID and partners have identified the need to dig deeper, to analyze funding trends by region, population and issue. In response, organizations are now using AWID’s WITM research methodology to do their own funding trends analyses. For example, in November 2013, Kosova Women’s Network and Alter Habitus – Institute for Studies in Society and Culture published Where is the Money for Women’s Rights? A Kosovo Case Study.
At the same time, AWID continues to collaborate with partners in Where is the Money for Indigenous Women’s Rights (with International Indigenous Women’s Forum and International Funders for Indigenous Peoples) and our upcoming Where is the Money for Women’s Rights in Brazil? (with Fundo Elas).
Several organizations have also conducted their own independent funding trends research, deepening their understanding of the funding landscape and politics behind it. For example, the South Asian Women’s Fund was inspired by AWID’s WITM research to conduct funding trends reports for each country in South Asia, as well as a regional overview. Other examples of research outside of AWID include the collaboration between Open Society Foundations, Mama Cash, and the Red Umbrella Fund to produce the report Funding for Sex Workers Rights, and the first-ever survey on trans* and intersex funding by Global Action for Trans* Equality and American Jewish World Service.
Naseeb Miloud Karfana
¿Se mantiene el Foro AWID en Taipei dada la situación relacionada con COVID-19?
AWID está monitoreando de cerca la situación global del COVID-19 y, por ahora, prevé seguir adelante con el Foro según lo planificado.
Si en algún momento la situación exige que hagamos algo diferente, se los comunicaremos inmediatamente.
El 14° Foro Internacional de AWID está programado para realizarse del 20 al 23 de septiembre de 2021 en Taipéi.
I don't feel comfortable sharing the name of my group and our contact information with AWID, should I still fill out the survey?
Absolutely. These questions are optional, we value your right to remain anonymous. Please fill the survey regardless of your decision to share the name and contact information of your group, organization and/or movement.
Hevrin Khalaf
Hevrin Khalaf était une grande dirigeante politique kurde de Syrie dans la région autonome du Rojava, où les femmes kurdes risquent leur vie pour résister aux offensives turques et pour bâtir un système féministe.
Elle a travaillé en tant que secrétaire-générale du Parti du Futur de la Syrie, un groupe qui souhaitait construire des ponts, réconcilier les différents groupes ethniques et mettre sur pied une « Syrie démocratique, pluraliste et décentralisée ».
Véritable symbole de cet effort de réconciliation, elle a également oeuvré à la promotion de l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes et fut représentante auprès des journalistes en visite, des humanitaires et des diplomates.
Hevrin a de plus été diplômée en tant qu’ingénieure civile, à la ville de Derik, ainsi que l’une des fondatrices de la Fondation pour la Science et la Libre pensée en 2012.
Elle a été torturée et assassinée le 12 octobre 2019 par la milice Ahrar al-Sharqiya, soutenue par la Turquie, lors d’une opération militaire contre les Forces démocratiques syriennes dans le Rojava.
« L’assassinat de Khalaf est un tournant majeur dans l’histoire moderne de la Syrie, celui-ci ayant une fois de plus confirmé la validité du vieux proverbe kurde qui dit : « Il n’y a de véritable ami·e que la montagne ». Je serai toujours ami avec Khalaf et sa vision d’un monde meilleur. » – Ahed Al Hendi
Cuando el trabajo y
la solidaridad van juntos
7. Synthesize your research findings
Now that you have analyzed all your data – from your survey, interviews, desk research and potentially other sources – you can create your final product.
In this section:
- Create your final product
1. Write clearly
2. Make it pretty- Gather review and inputs
1. Polish your results
2. Facilitate the feedback
Create your final product
Your final product will be the document that will summarize, analyze and criticize your data. That will be the piece that you will share with your community to present and explain your research to your audience.
At AWID, we often write a comprehensive written report that analyzes each set of data and synthesizes all of our findings, then later create smaller products, such as infographics and summaries (explained in the subsequent section “Finalize and format”).
1. Write clearly
- Organize your data as you would like to tell a story. You can follow the order of your survey. Or you can regroup some questions to lead to your conclusion in a smooth and progressive way.
- Adapt your language to your audience. Use universal language and avoid jargon or too technical terms.
Importance of the editor
An editor will proofread, ensure concise writing, conduct fact-checking, point out inconsistencies that need to be resolved, arrange the flow of the document and possibly suggest titles.
Your editor should preferably be someone who understands and knows your WITM work but who was not directly involved in the research. This will bring in a fresh perspective.
2. Make it pretty
Use the data collected to create graphs and tables. These type of visuals are a compelling way to highlight the main findings of your research and validate your analysis.
Source relevant images that can illustrate your report.
Highlight key-numbers and/or powerful testimonials.
Remember: The more accessible your product is, the more people will want to read (and share!) it.
Gather review & inputs
At this point, you have collected all your data, analyzed it and transformed it into your final product, likely in a long report.
1. Polish your results
Before moving on to the next steps – you should share your final research product with your advisor organizations, activists, and donors.
This is a great moment to check the following points:
- Are there any key points missing in your analysis of the present funding landscape and trends?
- Are there any key points missing in your conclusions?
- Are there any inaccuracies in the data that need to be corrected?
- General suggestions on strengthening the report to achieve your goals as listed in your research framing.
Once you have inputted all feedback from your advisors, be sure to run it by your editor once more.
This will now be the final, completed version of your report. If you intend to publish the final report in other languages, now is the time to send it for translation.
2. Facilitate the feedback
- Your advisors are likely busy with their regular responsibilities. Be sure to request feedback within a reasonable deadline.
- Keep your request for feedback brief and specific, so it is easy for them to respond. If you like, you can simply copy and paste the bullet points we have provided.
- If you are publishing in multiple languages, ensure you have advisors who can also review the final translated versions of your product(s).
This is a significant contribution from your advisors. Consider offering them some form of recognition.
Previous step
Next step
Estimated time:
• 2 - 5 months
People needed:
• 1 or more research person(s)
• 1 Editor (or web-editor if you create an online product)
• Translator(s), if done in more than one language
Resource needed:
• List of advisor organizations, activists, and donors.
• Concept note (from “Frame your research” section)
• Survey topline results
• Prepared interview questions
• Interview results
• Desk research data
• All other data used in report