Social media kit: “Movements Matter” digital visual art series

We are proud to share ‘Movements Matter’, a digital visual art series that illustrates how movements build collective and compelling political power for human rights, equality and justice.

This imagery drawn by artists within our communities and movements are gifts to our feminist leaders, organizations and collectives. Use them in your important movement-building work of changing hearts and minds:

  • as a banner in a march
  • for campaign postcards that can be sent to legislators
  • on t-shirts to gift to your community members and leaders

or any other way you like!

This kit allows you to download the illustrations, send tweets directly from this page, or copy and paste our sample messages across your own social media profiles.

The sparks that ignite our movements…

Vanissa Chan understands that movements ignite when people and communities come together to find common ground; by collaborating, breaking bread, and conversing.

Her illustration interprets this coming together with a mandala encircled by women who greet each other, feed each other, and work together. The two women that stand alone in front of the mandala represent women on the frontline and solidarity with their global struggles.

Our #MovementsMatter: they ignite when people & communities come together to find common ground | Art by @ACDMedia

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Thomarya (tee) Fergus’ artwork portrays the strength, power and unity that fuel movements. She wants the viewer to see not only the fight, but the union and strength in community.

These women demonstrate their strength, awareness,vulnerability and connection to the universe and one’s higher self.

Our #MovementsMatter: they are fueled by strength, power and unity | Art by Thomarya Fergus

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To create this piece, Andrea Pippins was inspired by the Tuskuteesh movement and their efforts to break the silence surrounding all kinds of sexual violence against Arab women.

Our #MovementsMatter: they break the silence surrounding sexual violence | Art by @andreagpippins

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The solidarity that we practice in our movements…

Lucie Kinchin weaves a multiplicity of voices that all come together to form a fist. Her imagery depicts solidarity as movements interlinking and working together, while maintaining the agency of all involved in a shared commitment to take action.

Our #MovementsMatter: they weave a multiplicity of voices that come together in a shared commitment to take action | Art by @LucieKinchin

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Bria Cherise Miller captures solidarity by reflecting the many ways to create inclusion while working together and being in community. She elaborates on the details of her illustration, in her own words:

“Centred is an image of two people seeing "eye to eye", and connecting on an interpersonal level. Represented in other parts is the need to create access in spaces for others regardless of ability or identity, practise active listening and good communication, challenge existing laws to accommodate everyone's needs and address injustices, and correct power imbalances based on race, gender, and class privilege.

The thought bubbles intersect and connect, to further represent the sense of collective understanding and equal value of everyone's voice. The intersections also play on the concept of intersectional identities, and how important it is to include narratives of marginalised populations.

The broken chains signify breaking barriers and challenging our current understandings and biases so that we can learn together and accommodate one another's realities. I believe we are more likely to challenge our own bias and prejudice when we break free of our internal chains.”

Our #MovementsMatter: they practice solidarity by creating inclusion while working together and being in community | Art by @_BCherise

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Pia Love’s travels have inspired her illustration, which reflects women coming together with a desire to be liberated and find their power. They hold hands in solidarity, surrounded by elements in nature that echo this power: the sea water, the mountains, the moon. The ships represent threats to our peace, equality, freedom and basic rights to exist and fulfill our potential. These women harness their individual as well as collective magic to bring these ships down and destroy their weapons before they destroy us.

Our #MovementsMatter: they bring women together with a desire to be liberated and find their power | Art by @pialovenow

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The demands of our movements…

Lucie Kinchin brings together the diverse and interlinked key demands from our movements, all of which are ultimately committed to equality and liberation. Together, they equally make up pieces of the global struggle pie: gender equality, migrant and refugee rights; race, ethnicity and caste equality; ecology, sustainability and food sovereignty; workers' rights, pointing to feminised labour and explicitly recognising sex work as work; LGBTQIA rights; and healthcare in all its forms, including reproductive justice and access to health services for substance users. 

Our #MovementsMatter: they are diverse, interlinked and equally make up pieces of the global struggle pie | Art by @LucieKinchin

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Aline Lemos arranges a group of diverse people against the backdrop of a megaphone, propelling them in forward movement and expansion. Her use of colour represents the diversity of demands and the vibrant cooperative ensemble that make up our movements.

Our #MovementsMatter: they are made up of the diversity of demands of a vibrant cooperative ensemble | Art by @2nightfunkparty

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The concepts of our movements...

Nana Buxani explores the concept of women as caretakers of mother earth – mothers of the land and the environment. This illustration is one of many explorations, expressions and observations inspired by her long trips, especially in the hinterlands populated by indigenous peoples.

Our #MovementsMatter: they are made up of women caretakers of mother earth – mothers of the land and the environment | Art by Nana Buxani

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Julio Salgado depicts the translating of feminist theory into practice. The notebook and the woman represent important theories written by Black feminists, and the people that bring those theories to life come popping out of the notebook. The baby, representing the future, is watchful of how feminist theory and practice unfold before her.

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Francis Mead uses sunflowers to symbolize the divine feminine energy and the strength of feminist movements across time and space. They are resilient, tall, bright, reaching towards the sun, and the source of life.

Our #MovementsMatter: they are like sunflowers: resilient, tall, bright, reaching toward the sun, & the source of life | Art by Francis Mead

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Angélica Becerra Garcia assumes her role as an artist in the current political moment by visualizing a more inclusive society. For her, revolutionary movements bring together communities that are marginalized and experience attacks on several fronts; whether based on religion, gender presentation, sexual orientation or race. Her illustration is a reflection of the solidarity that comes from bringing all of these folks to the table.

Our #MovementsMatter: solidarity comes when we bring all of the folks who are marginalized & attacked to the table | Art by Angélica Becerra

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View the original 'Movements Matter' series

Read the story behind the series

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