Gendered Violence against Women in Media, and the Need for Everyday Activism

IFEX bears witness to an unending stream of reports of people who are responding to acts of expression, with violence. This violence targets human rights defenders, it targets journalists, and it targets individuals based on their gender identity.

Joana Foster: 'She made African women realise they can do anything'

Joana Silochina Foster, the formidable Ghanaian-British activist and lawyer who died last month, co-founded Africa’s first feminist philanthropic institution.

Finding my mother through feminism: Taking the movement forward through intergenerational diaspora

Ayesha Amin tells her mom's story, a Canadian/Pakistani WHRD who died of breast cancer. Read her words as she reconnects with her mother's roots by meeting with her mom's former feminist colleagues at the 2016 AWID Forum.

Honouring WHRDs Resistance to Corporate Power

Women human rights defenders (WHRDs) have been, and continue to be, at the forefront of struggles worldwide to challenge inequality and economic and political systems based on natural resource extraction, labour exploitation and multiple forms of discrimination.

We, women who defend rights, are beautiful

Women activists who defend rights are beautiful. Our beauty lies in our resistance.

IM-Defensoras' speech at the Human Rights Defenders Memorial Project in Dublin

Front Line Defenders, in partnership with a network of more than 20 national and international organisations, is currently working on the development of an International Human Rights Defenders Memorial, which will document the cases of all those human rights defenders killed since the adoption of the UN Declaration of Human Rights Defenders in 1998.

Bahrain: Ghada Jamsheer remains in jail despite poor health

Women’s rights defender, writer and blogger Ghada Jamsheer remains in jail in Bahrain serving a combined ten-month sentence for exercising her right to free expression on Twitter.

Webinar Summary: Self-Care and Collective Wellbeing

On 22 August 2016 the Black Feminisms Forum and the Advisory Group on Wellbeing co-hosted a webinar on self-care, collective wellbeing, joy and pleasure as integral components in our struggles for rights and justice.

Turkey Should Immediately Stop Targeting Kurdish Women Human Rights Defenders

The regional coalition for women human rights defenders (WHRDs) in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is outraged by the arrest of both Kurdish WHRDs Ayla Akat, spokeswoman of the Free Women’s Congress (KJA) and a leading figure of the Kurdish women’s movement, who had participated in the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) 13th Forum in September 2016, who was arrested by the Turkish authorities on Wednesday 26 October 2016, which followed the arrest of WHRD Gültan Kısanak, Co-Mayor of Diyarbakir Metropolitan Municipality on Tuesday 25 October 2016.

Visionary, Defiant and Resilient: Bahrain’s Dissenting Women

The Gulf State of Bahrain is known for its extravagance. Gloating over multi-million dollar investments in tourism, sports and banking, the kingdom does not shy away from showing off with the Grand Prix races, or celebrity visitors the likes of Kim Kardashian.