Political crisis in Côte d’Ivoire: The impact on women and women’s rights organizations

FRIDAY FILE: Côte d’Ivoire has been in a political impasse since the declaration of contested results of a second round of presidential elections held in November 2010. Since both candidates claimed victory and have been sworn in, the country has two presidents and two governments.

Women’s Human Rights Defenders: A clear target of violence and repression

FRIDAY FILE: Margaret Sekaggya, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders submitted her third report to the UN Human Rights Council. This report is the first to focus exclusively on the situation of women defenders and those working on women’s rights or gender issues.

By Analía Penchaszadeh

Join our Webinar and eDiscussion on Self-Care and Collective Wellbeing

Join an opening webinar (August 22, 2016) and an online discussion (August 22-26, 2016) on the politics and practice of self-care, collective wellbeing, health and healing justice in our lives and our movements!