Tracking Post-2015 tool by the North-South Institute

The North-South Institute’s Post-2015 Tracking Tool is an interactive aggregator of proposals on the post-2015 development agenda. Organized thematically, the tool helps tracking the goals, targets, and indicators that are being proposed to replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and support and monitor development progress beyond 2015.

The Gender Equality section provides updated info on the proposals to date including external resources for each indicator

What kind of a Post-2015 development framework will bring about the real change we need?: AWID reports on CSO side event

The side event "What kind of a Post-2015 development framework will bring about the real change we need?" was co-organized by CIDSE, the Global Policy Forum, and Social Watch on the opening of the UN General Assembly in New York on 23rd September 2013 to identify gaps in the official Post-2015 agenda when held against the views and aspirations expressed by civil society. AWID reports on the discussions that took place including on alternatives that could make a vision of greater justice and equity a reality.

Civil Society and Feminist Movements Speak Out on the Need for Governments Meeting at the United Nations to Prioritize People Above Profit

New York, NY, September 18, 2013—At the moment when world leaders gather in New York to review development agendas and plan for the coming decades, a group of grassroots and feminist organizations, networks and social movements from different backgrounds and contexts will share their visions and proposals for a just world, where all are able to live with freedom from fear and want.

The Post 2015 Development Agenda – What it Means and How to Get Involved

FRIDAY FILE – As the 2015 deadline for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) approaches, the United Nations, Member States and civil society have started consultations on a new development framework that will succeed the MDGs. AWID spoke to UN Women’s Laura Turquet to help us better understand the UN Post-2015 Development Agenda and related processes.

By Susan Tolmay

Ongoing Dilemmas: Religion, Fundamentalisms and Human Rights panel session - 12th AWID Forum

What complications has the use of religion presented to the normative system of human rights? How can we better ensure that the system and language of human rights is not appropriated and misused? What are some innovative measures that can be used to bring accountability to challenge and expose fundamentalisms?

20 Apr. 2012, Istanbul, Turkey


Shareen Gokal

Pam Spees

Dawn Cavanagh

Zainah Anwar

Maria José Rosado Nunes

Sunila Abeysekera (moderator)

Joint NGO Statement on Traditional Values UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee 7th Session – August 2011

HRC Resolution 16/3, “Promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms through a better understanding of traditional values of humankind” stresses that “traditions shall not be invoked to justify harmful practices violating universal human rights norms and standards”, thereby acknowledging that traditions are sometimes invoked to justify human rights violations.

Concerns with a traditional values approach to human rights

Global Economic Crisis: What does it mean for Civil Society Organisations?

AWID - Civil society organisations (CSOs) have been hit hard by the global economic crisis, not only because it has restricted their access to money, but also because the demand for their services has increased as a result of the crisis. In the light of a report commissioned by the United Nations secretariat, we reflect on the global economic crisis and what it means for civil society organisations.

Access to money

International Women's Day: Going Strong at 100!

As we celebrate 100 years of International Women's Day on March 8, 2010, we highlight how the day has been marked in the past and how it is being marked this year.

By Kathambi Kinoti

Racism, Sexism and Violence Against Sub-Saharan African Migrant Women

FRIDAY FILE: As we commemorate the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence (25 November to 10 December), AWID speaks to Helena Maleno Garzón, researcher on migration and human trafficking, and member of the Caminando Fronteras network, to learn more about the intersections of racism, sexism and violence against Sub-Saharan African migrant women in Morocco and beyond.

By Mégane Ghorbani

The Right To Autonomy Over Our Bodies And Loves: The Resolution On Human Rights, Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity Furthers Dialogue

FRIDAY FILE - AWID spoke to Dawn Cavanagh* of the Coalition of African Lesbians (CAL) in South Africa and Sexual Rights Initiative (SRI), about the significance of the resolution on Human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity recently adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Council.