From monitoring to demanding women’s rights in Latin America. The time is now.

FRIDAY FILE: In December 2011, the Latin American and Caribbean Committee for the Defense of Women’s Rights (CLADEM) launched the campaign For a State that fulfills its duties towards women’s human rights[1]

High Hopes For Malawi’s First Woman President

On 7April 2012 Joyce Banda made history by becoming the first female President of Malawi and the first in the Southern African Development Community (SADC)[1] following the sudden death of former President, Bingu wa Mutharika. The new President has an enormous undertaking to address the serious economic crisis in the country, and with a strong activist track record, civil society is hopeful that she will champion women rights.

Philippines: Likely progress on reproductive health and rights?

FRIDAY FILE: A pending law in the Philippines may make women and girls’ reproductive rights and health more secure. AWID spoke to Junice Demetrio-Melgar of Likhaan Center for Women’s Health about the pending Reproductive Health Bill, 2001.

AWID: What is the situation of women and girls’ reproductive health and rights in the Philippines?

Kürt Kadınları: Çifte ayrımcılık karşısında direniş

CUMA DOSYASI: Türkiye’de yaşayan Kürtler büyük çoğunlukla Doğu ve Güneydoğu’da ikamet etmektedirler. Ülkedeki en büyük azınlıklar olan Kürtler, modern Türkiye’nin kurulumundan bu yana marjinalize edilmiş ve baskı görmüşlerdir.

Kurdish Women: Resilience in the face of double discrimination

FRIDAY FILE: Kurds living in Turkey mainly inhabit the East and South-East of Turkey. They are the largest ethnic minority in the country and since the establishment of modern Turkey they have been marginalized and oppressed.

Women and Seeds for Resistance[1]

FRIDAY FILE: The onslaught of transgenic food production, the advance of agro-business driven single-crop farming and the exploitative economic development model, are putting food sovereignty at risk. Those supporting and reinforcing these practices, including transnational corporations, are more focused on profit than caring for food and natural resources.

Interconnected Struggles: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI) activism in Africa

FRIDAY FILE: LGBTQI individuals in Africa face numerous civil, political, economic, social and cultural barriers. AWID spoke to Hakima Abbas, the Executive Director of Fahamu about the challenges of LGBTQI activism and how the politics of foreign aid impacts the struggle.

Economic Rights and Justice for Domestic Workers

FRIDAY FILE: Domestic workers contribute greatly to the global economy. They bolster local and foreign economies by taking on care-giving roles, and migrant workers send home remittances that form a substantial part of their home countries’ gross domestic product. Yet for a long time domestic labour has been unregulated and domestic workers have experienced violations of their economic rights and faced barriers in accessing justice.

Financing for Gender Equality: Rhetoric versus real financial support

FRIDAY FILE: The role of women and girls as key to changing the course of development has received increasing attention in recent years, further bolstered by calls for making gender equality a cornerstone of development, but has the rhetoric of commitment translated into actual financial support?

From Sustainable Development to Green Economy – What does this mean for women?

FRIDAY FILE: Twenty years after the first United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) that took place in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 it is clear that governments have failed to implement development models that are socially just and environmentally sustainable. It is in the context of revision of the of sustainable development framework that Rio+20 will take place.