The key to ending impunity lies in the political will to properly investigate femicides

FRIDAY FILE - Grounded in a context of mafias, militarization and impunity sanctioned by some States in Latin America, femicides are increasing in number and brutality.

When States Use Legislation Against Women Human Rights Defenders

FRIDAY FILE - With the upsurge in the criminalization of civil society, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders2012 report discusses how States use legislation to regulate the activities of human rights defenders (HRDs).

The Post 2015 Development Agenda – What it Means and How to Get Involved

FRIDAY FILE - As the 2015 deadline for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) approaches, the United Nations, Member States and civil society have started consultations on a new development framework that will succeed the MDGs. AWID spoke to UN Women’s Laura Turquet to help us better understand the UN Post-2015 Development Agenda and related processes. In the coming weeks we will share another Friday File presenting a critical analysis of the process so far and key information on how feminists and women’s rights groups are engaging with this process.

Women and Sports: Levelling the Playing Field?

FRIDAY FILE - The 2012 London Olympics was a remarkable moment for women in sports, chronicling the achievements of female athletes, while highlighting their continued struggle against sexism and stereotypes.

Maria Bobenrieth, Executive Director of Women Win, an organisation that uses sports as a tool to advance women’s rights globally, spoke to AWID about what women’s participation in the London Olympics and sports in general means for women’s rights and development.

By Amanda Shaw

Going South – Creating New Gathering Spaces for Feminists in all their Diversity

FRIDAY FILE – The first Feminist LesBiTransInter Encuentro (Gathering) “Going South” will take place in Asuncion, Paraguay from 2 – 4 November, 2012. The idea is to bring together all the voices, bodies and practices representing the diversity of feminisms, in a creative and revolutionary way.

AWID talked to Rosa Posa, one of the organizers, about this event.

By Gabriela De Cicco

AWID: What is the reason for organizing a Feminist LesBiTransInter Encuentro?

UN DCF: Can Development Cooperation Work for Gender Equality?

FRIDAY FILE: From 5-6 July 2012, AWID, together with other civil society organizations (CSOs), participated in the 2012 United Nations Development Cooperation Forum (DCF). The DCF is one of the new functions of a strengthened Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and a component of ECOSOC’s High-level Segment, which focuses on a range of issues relevant to the implementation of the internationally agreed development goals (IADG), including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Rural Women and Food Sovereignty

FRIDAY FILE: As we celebrate International Food Day and International Rural Women´s Day this month AWID interviewed Elizabeth Mpofu, peasant women leader of La Via Campesina in Zimbabwe to reflect on the intersections between hunger, agriculture, gender, social and environmental justice and highlight the importance of food sovereignty.

By Alejandra Scampini

The Clinton Global Initiative: Learning and Reflections from AWID and FRIDA

FRIDAY FILE: As first-time participants, AWID and FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund share reflections on the recent Annual Meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) and ask readers to reflect with us on engaging in global agenda-setting spaces like CGI.

By Angelika Arutyunova, Lydia Alpizar and Amina Doherty

Rio+20 Outcomes: What Was Agreed And What This Means For Women’s Rights Going Forward

FRIDAY FILE: As the dust settles on the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), it is important to look at what was agreed on paper and to ask: what do the conference outcomes mean for the future of the planet and for women’s rights in particular? In this extended Friday File, AWID offers a women’s rights analysis of the most important Rio+20 outcomes and how they are shaping discussions in key development policy processes, including the post-2015 development agenda.

International Day of the Girl-Child

FRIDAY FILE: This October 11, United Nation Member States, international organisations, and civil society celebrated the very first International Day of the Girl Child.