Afroféminas: mujeres pero no iguales

En el marco del “Día Internacional de la Mujer Afrolatinoamericana, Afrocaribeña y de la Diáspora'', las afrofeminas levantan sus voces para exigir sus derechos y revisibilizar sus luchas. Esto no quiere decir que durante el resto del año callen, más bien, es en esta fecha que confluyen en un mismo sentir en pro de su etnicidad. 

Foreign Aid and Refugee Support: Stop the Cruel Sum-Zero Game

What is called a ‘refugee crisis’ is not the influx of refugees but the crisis of inhumane and often abusive and cruel asylum systems, designed not to receive but to reject as many people as possible.

Hot Tips for Feminist Communicators

Communication itself is a dynamic process between the sender and recipient: once a sender has a message, they must create the actual content to send, decide on format, send the message, and then ensure it is received.

Cross-Regional Exchange On Emancipation By And For Domestic Workers Organizing

This closed conversation brought together domestic workers (DW) and feminist allies across regions to share knowledge about DW and how to support their strategies for Emancipation.

Embodying Pleasure in Bleak Times

We live different realities fraught by macro and micro systems of injustice, some more devastating than others...

Trans Pageantry, Radical Joy, and Autonomous Resourcing in the Tonga

Joey, as known by her activist community, shares how much of her feminist organizing has been unpaid labour of love; love for friends, love for the trans community, and love for justice.

Feminist Solidarity with Palestinian Civil Society

We, as a global feminist community, express our full solidarity with the six Palestinian civil society organisations outlawed by Israel, and recall the importance of the Palestinian liberation as a feminist struggle. 


Haiti needs inclusive feminism that defends all women, including trans women

Much of the feminist movement in Haiti thinks the crisis-torn country isn’t ready for this conversation – but it will make us all better feminists 

Autonomy, Rights, Resources: A conversation with the Aotearoa New Zealand Sex Workers’ Collective

Written and interviewed by Tenzin Dolker
Edited by Muna Gurung
Illustrations by Priyanka Singh Maharjan

COP26: Feminist Perspectives on the Climate Summit and Beyond

You will not be surprised to hear that the fifteen days of negotiations during the COP26 did not lead to the binding climate commitments we need, overlooked gender-responsive climate policies and failed to equitably redistribute resources to ensure just transitions.