Why progress in women's rights has been compromised

One of the most profound social transformations of the past century is in the status of women, and importantly, in the worldwide acceptance of the notion of women's rights and gender equality as desirable goals.

Carving A Space: Reflections On The 2nd MenEngage Symposium

New UN Women’s Agency Now Much Closer

FRIDAY FILE: The richer, more powerful UN women’s agency that women have long asked for is now much closer to becoming a reality, but there are still challenges ahead.

By Kathambi Kinoti

Beyond Investing in Women and Girls

FRIDAY FILE - AWID’s three-part compendium of new research provides an in-depth analysis of the current funding trends and actors impacting women’s rights organizing; the financial status of women’s organizations around the world; and the collective impact of women’s rights organizations, when supported in meaningful and strategic ways, to build women’s collective power for change to

‘Our desire is our revolution!’: The politics of love and queer sexualities


What happens when an African Feminist dies?

Massan d’Almeida, a feminist organizer from Togo and the founding and outgoing Executive Director of ROFAF (AWID institutional member) tells stories about unpaid labour, dwindling resources, what happens when an African women human rights defender dies alone, and why it is important to dare and tell these stories.