WE-Change: Stronger voices of LBT women in the Caribbean

The organisation is women-led and community-based. WE-Change works on raising awareness and defending the rights of lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LBT) women in Jamaica and the Caribbean.

Get experience, work hard, and have a big dream - Meher Bano’s Story

For AWID member Meher Bano Mirzayee, experiences and dreams are strongly connected to hard work. The education she completed so far was driven by hard work and the wish to challenge and change the way in which Afghan society views girls and women.

Feminist with vision, courage and commitment

Rama is a young Senegalese feminist, researcher and writer. In her early twenties, she wrote her first novel La dernière lettre. A year later she was selected as a MILEAD fellow of the Moremi initiative for Women’s Leadership in Africa.