Key Demands to the Fourth Forum on Aid Effectiveness

Feminists, gender equality and women’s rights activists and organizations reaffirmed their vision for transformation and offered concrete recommendations for improving the international development cooperation architecture in a set of key demands.


The Aid and Development Effectiveness Process from a Women's Rights Perspective: A Snapshot

This document was prepared as a guide to the sessions relating to development cooperation at the 12th AWID International Forum in Istanbul, Turkey, 19-22 April 2012.

Getting at the Roots: Reintegrating human rights and gender equality in the post-2015 development agenda

This paper aims to contribute to debates on addressing root causes of inequalities, including gender inequality, within the post-2015 development process.

Trends in Bilateral and Multilateral Funding

Key trends in funding for gender equality and for civil society organizations from bilateral and multilateral agencies.


The Feminist and the post-COVID-19 state

Talking to feminists these days, you get a range of perspectives on the current crisis and where we’re headed.

The most lethal virus is not COVID-19

The escalating panic and fear surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic is palpable across the social spectrum.

The Governor of California, the US State where I live, has ordered the entire state to “shelter in place” for the foreseeable future, meaning we can leave home only for essential tasks. Yes, the virus is yet to be fully known and controlled; yes, the incidence of infection is increasing and cannot be predicted accurately; yes this virus causes death. And yes, we must keep washing our hands and taking other precautions and maintaining physical distance.

Feminists, it’s time to decide where public resources go

What if we had trillions of public dollars for all people and communities hit hard by the Covid-19 crisis? Our policy brief and workshop facilitation guide can turn these "what if we had these resources" into "what we can use these resources for".

Feminist Economic Realities: Building the Worlds We Need

As we write this text, the climate crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, growing authoritarianism and fundamentalisms along with severe economic inequalities are magnifying what has been known by many - the exploitation of people’s labor and the earth’s natural resources in the name of market-based neo-liberal economics cannot and will not save us.

Get off my nipple: Stop the baby food Industry from milking profits

AWIDer Felogene Anumo reflects on the World Breastfeeding Week. Celebrating the gains made around the world but also raising awareness on the ongoing battle over breastfeeding led by food industry corporations.

Of silk gloves and iron fists: PepsiCo giving with one hand and crushing with the other

As CARE shared ground breaking news that PepsiCo Foundation has committed a whopping $18.2 million grant to implement a female empowerment program, a subsidiary of Pepsi would decide to take four peasant farmer to court for allegedly growing Frito lay potato seed varieties.