Women mobilizing for profound changes in development cooperation

FRIDAY FILE: The release of recent figures from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) show that, despite an increase over 2009, donor countries are way off track on delivering on their aid disbursement commitments. Women’s organizations are mobilizing for profound changes in the system to better meet development needs and guarantee respect for women’s rights.

By Ana Inés Abelenda and Anne Schoenstein

Women’s Movements Present Alternatives at the World Social Forum

FRIDAY FILE: Initiated in opposition to the exclusive World Economic Forum, the World Social Forum(WSF) has, since it began in 2001, become an important space for civil society movements to propose alternatives to the dominant system, under the banner “Another world is possible”.

By Ana Abelenda and Gabriela De Cicco

What happens when an African Feminist dies?

Massan d’Almeida, a feminist organizer from Togo and the founding and outgoing Executive Director of ROFAF (AWID institutional member) tells stories about unpaid labour, dwindling resources, what happens when an African women human rights defender dies alone, and why it is important to dare and tell these stories.

Relevant and Urgent: African Women Unite Against Destructive Resource Extraction

WoMin, an African gender and extractives alliance, focuses on exposing the negative impacts mining has on women and works to provide eco-feminist and post-extractivist development alternatives. 

The Abortion Rights Campaign "Breaking the Silence" in Ireland

The Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) - advocating for free, safe, and legal abortion in Ireland - has been an AWID member since May 2015. It is a grassroots, non-hierarchical, all-volunteer organization and is autonomous in its pro-choice activism.

Sustaining Ourselves, Our Activism, Our Movements

Ahead of the 2016 International Day of Action for Women's Health, on 28 May, we spotlight Sacred Women International, an AWID member based in Toronto, Canada. The organisation focuses on “creating a balance” and building the well-being of African, Caribbean, and Black Women across the diaspora.

Are you an AWID Member? Tell us how you will participate @ the AWID Forum

Prior to the 13th AWID International Forum we are looking to create a series of 'interactive features’, with AWID members that will be joining us in Bahia, Brazil for the AWID Forum in September 2016. 

In order to be featured in this series, please answer the following three questions:

What does International Women's Day mean to you?

This International Women’s Day we want to hear from you and find out what IWD means to you. Share your thoughts and images of your IWD activities with us on Tuesday, 8 March.