Marcha das Mulheres Negras: The Radical and Feminist Act of Reclaiming Space and Re-writing the Narrative

The moment was symbolically powerful on multiple levels. As thousands of women marched to the National Congress, the seat of formal political power in Brazil, chanting slogans of resistance— “I do not accept my place in the kitchen”, “I want to be in the revolution”—you could not un-see us or un-hear us. At one point, you could not see the streets for all the people filling it.

AWID celebrates the organisers of Marcha das Mulheres Negras for their leadership and vision

The Marcha das Mulheres Negras is a march against racism and violence and in support of wellbeing, and represents years of collective organizing by Black women as part of broader Black peoples’ movements in Brazil.

Brazil Black Women's March: Message of Solidarity from the Black Feminisms Forum Working Group

We note that the Anti-Blackness happening in Brazil is not new and we welcome the mobilization of our sisters and family in this historic March of Black Women towards exposing and challenging this violence.

AWID Condemns Online Attacks and Stands in Solidarity with the Association for Progressive Communications

We strongly condemn the recent online attacks targeting the #TakeBacktheTech and #ImagineAFeministInternet hashtags and associated initiatives during a tweet chat organized by the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Best Practice Forum on Countering Online Violence and Abuse.

Presidential Elections: Claiming the right of all women to political decision-making and leadership in Cote d’Ivoire and Guinea

With upcoming presidential elections in West African country’s Guinea and Cote d’Ivoire this month, AWID spoke with Afiwa Mata Ahouadjogbe, Vice-President of the Association des Femmes Journalistes de Guinée (Guinean Association of Women Journalists, AFJ-Guinea) and Georgette Zamble, President of Leadafricaines, to learn more about the challenges related to women’s decision-making and leadership, particularly for rural women, and the actions taken to overcome these challenges in both West African countries.  

Burundi’s Political Crisis Brings New Challenges for Women to Realise their Human Rights

The political crisis in the east African country Burundi has led to a wave of demonstrations and violence in the country, with deeply worrying consequences. AWID spoke to Nelly Kandatwa, President of the Burundian League for Women’s Rights “Mwubahirize,” and the SOS Women in Distress Network Burundi, to better understand the situation from a women’s rights perspective. 

Struggles for Democracy in Bahrain - Challenging patriarchy in and outside our movements

A powerful youth is leading a human rights struggle in Bahrain, which receives very little media coverage. Following the aftermath of the Bahrain Uprising of 2011, the Bahraini authorities continue to respond violently to activists and refuses to release thousands of political prisoners behind bars all due to demanding democratic change.

Shrinking Civil Spaces: Backlash or Push Back?

Under the auspices of ‘national security’, a host of countries are experiencing increased criminalization of dissent, coupled with shrinking spaces for social justice activism and work. For organisations that rely on foreign-sourced funding for their work, the implications are dire.

AWID remembers Kelly Ann Quinn

AWID is saddened to learn of the passing of Kelly Ann Quinn on 14 July 2015. Kelly was dedicated to advancing women’s rights around the world and passionate about supporting women’s rights activism and organizing.

AWID remembers Josefa "Gigi" Francisco

AWID is deeply saddened by the loss of Josefa Gigi Francisco, whose life was dedicated to defending women’s human rights and advancing social justice. Her death on 22 July 2015 is a source of great sadness to women’s rights activists around the world.