Kürt Kadınları: Çifte ayrımcılık karşısında direniş

CUMA DOSYASI: Türkiye’de yaşayan Kürtler büyük çoğunlukla Doğu ve Güneydoğu’da ikamet etmektedirler. Ülkedeki en büyük azınlıklar olan Kürtler, modern Türkiye’nin kurulumundan bu yana marjinalize edilmiş ve baskı görmüşlerdir.

Kurdish Women: Resilience in the face of double discrimination

FRIDAY FILE: Kurds living in Turkey mainly inhabit the East and South-East of Turkey. They are the largest ethnic minority in the country and since the establishment of modern Turkey they have been marginalized and oppressed.

The Other Tahrir Square: Attacks Continue on Women Human Rights Defenders in Iraq

FRIDAY FILE: Women have been at the forefront of demonstrations across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in the recent popular uprisings, which have received much media and international attention. In contrast, coverage of attacks on women human rights defenders (WHRDs) in Iraq’s Tahrir Square demonstrations has been limited, AWID asks why.

Women Making Change in the Middle East and North Africa

FRIDAY FILE: The recent democratic revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt, and the now ongoing uprisings in Libya, Syria, Bahrain and Yemen reveal the tales of the people. Dubbed the ‘Arab spring’[1], the uprisings have had differing reactions from both governments and civil society.

By Rochelle Jones

The Role of Women in Egypt’s Popular Uprising

FRIDAY FILE: On January 25, 2011 thousands of Egyptians began a popular uprising against the regime of then President Hosni Mubarak. Egyptians took to the streets protesting against the lack of democracy, rising levels of poverty, unemployment rates and rampant corruption in government. They demanded that their President resign.

By Kathambi Kinoti

Ending violence against women, "it's still worth a fight!"

Lina Abirafeh is Lebanese and Palestinian. For nearly 20 years she has been dedicated to working on issues pertaining to violence against women, specifically in emergency contexts and in over 20 countries.