From Sustainable Development to Green Economy – What does this mean for women?

FRIDAY FILE: Twenty years after the first United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) that took place in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 it is clear that governments have failed to implement development models that are socially just and environmentally sustainable. It is in the context of revision of the of sustainable development framework that Rio+20 will take place.

New Global Report Highlights Challenges to Women Human Rights Defenders and Proposes Responses

Friday File: This week the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition (WHRD IC) launched its Global Report on the Situation of Women Human Rights Defenders to advance the recognition of WHRDs, the violence and human rights violations they face, and the contexts that enable these violations.

By Katherine Ronderos

Militarism, Violence and Conflict – How Women Bear the Brunt of War

FRIDAY FILE: Militarism, conflict and violence are on the rise and have a range of gender-specific impacts. Increased spending on defense, arms and security often means that spending on social services is being cut. In the context of militarism and conflict violence against women also increases and attacks on women’s human rights defenders are growing and are increasingly normalized.

UN Women at its First Birthday: Systems and visibility growing, more funding and civil society engagement needed

FRIDAY FILE: In 2011 the United Nations consolidated all four UN bodies working on gender equality - OSAGI, UNIFEM, INSTRAW, and DAW - to create one UN agency working on women's rights. On behalf of the Gender Equality Architecture Reform (GEAR) Campaign, Charlotte Bunch, founding member of the GEAR campaign reflects on the first year of UN Women.

Transforming Economic Power to Advance Women’s Rights and Justice

FRIDAY FILE: The 2012 AWID Forum aims to explore how economic power is impacting on women and planet, and to facilitate connections among diverse groups working on these issues from human rights and justice approaches so that together we contribute to stronger, more effective strategies to advance women’s rights and justice.

A Feminist View of the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness

FRIDAY FILE: The Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF-4) which took place in Busan, Korea, from 29th November to 1st December 2011 saw some progress being made in the aid and development effectiveness process but there are still a number of outstanding concerns.

By Anne Schoenstein and Nerea Craviotto

Buen Vivir: Presenting alternatives to dismantle the capitalist system

FRIDAY FILE: Resisting neoliberal approaches and presenting alternatives, Buen Vivir promotes life and balance among human beings and all living beings so that we co-exist in harmony with nature. AWID spoke to the economist Magdalena León T. from the Latin American Women’s Network for Transforming the Economy (REMTE) about the origins and development of Buen Vivir in Ecuador and what it means for women

By Gabriela De Cicco

Dismantling Gender Stereotypes: The role of laws

FRIDAY FILE: Gender stereotypes disadvantage women in many ways. A book by Rebecca J. Cook and Simone Cusack examines these stereotypes from a legal perspective and argues for a transnational legal approach to dismantling them.

By Kathambi Kinoti

Bringing the Pope to account for widespread and systematic crimes against humanity

FRIDAY FILE: On September 13, 2011, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR)[1] and the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP)[2] filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC)[3] to investigate and prosecute the Pope, the Vatican Secretary of State and two Cardinals for rape, other forms of sexual violence, and torture as crimes against humanity.

Getting to Zero on HIV and AIDS: Persistent women’s rights challenges

FRIDAY FILE: This week, the world marked World AIDS Day whose 2011 theme was “Getting to Zero.” AWID explores some of the themes that have either come to the fore or persisted since the last World AIDS Day 2010, and which affect women’s getting to zero.

By Kathambi Kinoti