UNGA69: Human Rights and Financing for Development in the Post-2015 Agenda

FRIDAY FILE - Discussions on the new development agenda to replace the United Nations (UN) Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) when they expire in just over a year (with many goals not yet achieved), are reaching crucial stages. United Nations head Ban Ki-moon recently stated that the post-2015 development agenda will be a key part of the 69th UN General Assembly Session (UNGA), starting this week. We look at some of the ongoing concerns with the debates and negotiations ahead of the 69th UNGA.

Patriarchy allows child marriage and female genital mutilation to flourish

FRIDAY FILE : This week's ‘Friday File’ is a blog post written by our Young Feminist Activism team on the recent Girl Summit in London originally published on the Guardian's Poverty Matters blog.

By Ghadeer Malek, Rachel Arinii and Nelly Bassily

Young feminists must help steer the fight against wider issues harming girls including poverty, marginalisation and exclusion

Youth Strategize for the Post 2015 Development Agenda

FRIDAY FILE – From 27-29 June, 21 young people from across Central, Eastern and Southeast Asia, the Pacific, Africa, North America, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, with diverse experiences came together in Hong Kong to strategize for the post-2015 development agenda process currently underway at the United Nations.

Feminist Economics: Looking to the New Global Development Agenda

FRIDAY FILEAWID attended the recent Annual meeting the International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE), to find out what feminist economists are thinking and proposing on key economic justice issues, and remaining challenges for gender equality and women’s rights in the Post 2015 Development Agenda negotiations.

By Ana Abelenda

Indigenous people demand substantive participation in UN spaces

FRIDAY FILE: AWID spoke with Mirna Cunningham, President of the Center for the Autonomy and Development of Indigenous Peoples, about the recent UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and the importance of participating substantively in this and other preparatory processes towards the World Conference of Indigenous People (WCIP) in September 2014.

What Would a Feminist Internet Look Like?

The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) held a global meeting on gender, sexuality and the internet, in Malaysia between 12 and 17 April, to explore and develop the collective understanding of what a feminist internet looks like. AWID interviewed Nadine Moawad[i] about the meeting, and APC's EROTICS project.

Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation: A feminist perspective following the First High Level Ministerial Meeting

FRIDAY FILE: The First High Level Ministerial of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation, which took place in Mexico City from 15 – 16 April, 2014, was the latest meeting on aid effectiveness since the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan, South Korea (2011). While there was some support for commitments made in Busan, a number of concerns still remain.

Building Strategic Alliances For Women Workers’ Rights Post 2015: The Role Of Macroeconomic Policy

FRIDAY FILE – In this week’s Friday File Savi Bisnath, PhD Associate Director at the Center for Women’s Global Leadership (CWGL), discusses the importance of macroeconomic policy and building strategic alliances for women workers to advance their rights post 2015. As presented at an event[i] at the recent Commission on the Status of Women (CSW58).

CSW58 – Too Much Time Spent Pushing Back

FRIDAY FILE – This year’s negotiations at the 58th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW58) saw women’s rights advocates, organisations and movements working extremely hard to retain existing human rights language, obligations and commitments, and attempting to push forward language that contained clear commitments for gender equality and women’s human rights; but present also, were strong fundamentalist forces pushing back on any, and all, advancement of rights language.

CSW58: Young Feminists Speak Loudly and Clearly

FRIDAY FILE: The 58th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women ended last week Friday. For many women’s and human rights advocates, organisations and movements it was an important opportunity to encourage member States to really put women’s human rights and gender equality at the centre of development. In this week’s Friday File we hear from young feminists who share their expectations, knowledge and experiences of CSW58.