The Due Diligence Framework: State Accountability Framework for Eliminating Violence against Women

AWID spoke to Zarizana Abdul Aziz and Janine Moussa, co-directors of the Due Diligence Project to learn more about their recent publication.

“The Family” at CSW 58 and Beyond

Efforts to reinforce, advance, and operationalize policies to achieve gender equality at the international level have for years now come up against an increasingly diverse and coordinated coalition of ultra-conservative forces. 

CSW 59 – Beijing Betrayed

Two decades after the Fourth World Conference on Women, women and girls around the world deserve better than this year’s CSW outcomes.

Why progress in women's rights has been compromised

One of the most profound social transformations of the past century is in the status of women, and importantly, in the worldwide acceptance of the notion of women's rights and gender equality as desirable goals.

What Feminists Want in 2015: Our hopes, dreams and aspirations

FRIDAY FILE - Amidst the continuous struggle for women’s rights and social justice globally, it is important that we keep our collective hopes alive for a better world. With this in mind, AWID spoke to a number of feminists and women’s rights activists from around the world about their hopes, dreams and aspirations for 2015. Read theirs, and tell us what your hopes, dreams and aspirations for this year are.

Carving A Space: Reflections On The 2nd MenEngage Symposium

Speech At Informal Interactive Hearings On The Road To FfD3

Anne Schoenstein from the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) spoke as member of the Women’s Working Group on Financing for Development (WWG on FfD) at the Informal Interactive Hearing for Civil Society in preparation for the Third International Conference on Financing for Development July 2015. Input to Roundtable Discussion 3: Systemic issues, including global economic governance and external debt.

Challenging the Power of the One Percent

When you are faced with the task of moving an object but find it is too heavy to lift, what is your immediate and most natural response? You ask someone to help you lift it. And it makes all the difference.

And so in the face of unprecedented economic, ecological and human rights crises, we should not hunker down in our silos, but rather join together and use our collective power to overcome the challenges.

FGM stops when the holistic recognition of girls’ and women’s rights begins

Her name is Suhair al-Bata’a. The 13-year-old Egyptian girl dreamt of one day becoming a journalist. In 2013, she was taken by her father to Dr Raslan Fadl Halawa’s clinic to undergo female genital mutilation, also known as FGM. She senselessly died at the hands of Halawa.

AWID's Speech at the Opening Session of the 59th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women

"I would like to focus my speech on five key messages, which have been shaped by hundreds of women from around the world."