Women Human Rights Defenders: Targeted for identity and activism

AWID’s 5th online tribute to Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) who have died in recent years, commemorates sixty feminists and activists. Thirty eight of these defenders died violently, and were murdered as a result of who they were, their identities, and the rights they defended. 

Building a fossil fuel-free feminist future: An Indigenous perspective

Climate change has become an enormous threat to humanity.

It is very apparent that women are more vulnerable to climate impacts because they make up the majority of those who are involved in subsistence farming and care work.

Human rights are under attack by an ultra-conservative agenda

The advance of actors pushing fundamentalist agendas within international policy spaces is cause for concern this Human Rights Day. Feminists and other social justice activists must act now to reaffirm and safeguard our human rights.

Feminist and cross movement support for a binding treaty against corporate abuse is key

Increasing evidence of the gendered impacts of corporate abuse make it imperative for feminists, WHRDs and Organizations challenging corporate power on the ground, to share their perspectives and demands. Now, more than ever, we need cross-movement solidarity to make a binding treaty a reality.

Gendered Violence against Women in Media, and the Need for Everyday Activism

IFEX bears witness to an unending stream of reports of people who are responding to acts of expression, with violence. This violence targets human rights defenders, it targets journalists, and it targets individuals based on their gender identity.

Joana Foster: 'She made African women realise they can do anything'

Joana Silochina Foster, the formidable Ghanaian-British activist and lawyer who died last month, co-founded Africa’s first feminist philanthropic institution.

Finding my mother through feminism: Taking the movement forward through intergenerational diaspora

Ayesha Amin tells her mom's story, a Canadian/Pakistani WHRD who died of breast cancer. Read her words as she reconnects with her mother's roots by meeting with her mom's former feminist colleagues at the 2016 AWID Forum.

The elephant in the room remains ignored

The continued invisibility of women living with disabilities in our feminist spaces.

Brazilian women kick back against Temer presidency with capoeira

Brazil’s centuries-old tradition of protest through the martial art is seeing a resurgence as capoeiristas demonstrate against Temer’s regime.

Honouring WHRDs Resistance to Corporate Power

Women human rights defenders (WHRDs) have been, and continue to be, at the forefront of struggles worldwide to challenge inequality and economic and political systems based on natural resource extraction, labour exploitation and multiple forms of discrimination.