Exposed: Ten myths about religious fundamentalisms

This in-depth publication presents the top ten myths common to all regions and religions through the lived experiences of women’s rights activists, and contributes to strengthening resistance and challenges to religious fundamentalisms.

Influencing the Funding Landscape for Gender Equality & Women’s Organizations and Movements

The analysis of trends and context presented in this paper are intended to inform both women’s organizations and donors in their work on resource mobilization for women’s organizing. 

Watering the Leaves, Starving the Roots

This report provides the latest analysis on the funding trends impacting women’s rights organizing and the financial status of women’s organizations around the world.

Trends in Bilateral and Multilateral Funding

Key trends in funding for gender equality and for civil society organizations from bilateral and multilateral agencies.


New Actors, New Money, New Conversations

This report contributes to filling a gap in understanding the current landscape of the corporate sector and other actors that are new to supporting women and girls, and the role they are playing in shaping related funding discourse and practice.

Financial Sustainability for Women's Movement's Worldwide

This report offers insights and strategies for achieving a significant increase in access to funding for women's rights work, and also to improve the effectiveness of women's organizations to raise more funds and utilize them to build stronger movements and progress gender equality globally.

Religious Fundamentalisms on the Rise: A case for action

This publication presents survey responses of more than 1,600 women’s rights activists and their allies, providing a deeper understanding of the way fundamentalist projects work to undermine women’s rights, human rights and development.

Changing their World: Concepts and practices of women’s movements

This compilation of case studies highlights the origins, structures, strategies, and impacts of various women's movements around the world.

Feminists on the Frontline: Case Studies of Resisting and Challenging Fundamentalisms

This collection of case studies is a testament to the women and men around the world who have stood up to reject the imposition of norms and values in the name of religion as well as to expose and challenge the privileged position given to religion in public policies. 

Funding to fight HIV/AIDS through the promotion of women's rights: A case study from South Africa

This report presents the results from the AWID 2008 global survey of donors and women’s rights activists in relation to the funding sources, the conditionalities, and amounts given to women’s organisations to address HIV and AIDS.