List of Materials and Resources for Women Human Rights Defenders

The compilation includes materials related to the security, protection and self-case of women human rights defenders, along with manuals dealing with the documentation and monitoring of violations of women’s rights, and information about rights and mechanisms available to women human rights defenders at risk.

AWID's Presentation at UNGA69 Side Event

AWID's Executive Director gave the following presentation at the side event "Making it happen - financing gender equality and women's rights in the post-2015 development agenda" co-organized by OECD, UN Women and AWID at the 69th United Nations General Assembly.

Where is the Money for Indigenous Women's Rights Organizing?

The following presentation was given at the Resource Mobilization Hub For Indigenous Women’s Rights, during IFIP’s World Summit on Indigenous Philanthropy on Friday September 26, 2014.

The task ahead to ensure sustainably funded women's rights movements

This presentation captures the main points made by participants during the final session of the Resource Mobilisation Hub at the 2012 AWID Forum. 

Where is the Money for Women's Rights - Funders Forum Presentation

This presentation shows some of the key findings regarding the funding trends for women's rights organizations, the opportunities and challenges they faced at that time of the 2008 'Where is the Money for Women's Rights' survey.


Measuring Success: What's New? What's Next?

This presentation poses the question: How do we measure success? It includes information on evaluation methodologies and the theory of change, as well as the basic tensions and dilemmas that women's rights organizations might face when assessing their work.


Building solidarity between feminist movements and women resisting the war on drugs

AWID worked closely with communities of women who use drugs to build solidarity, learn from, support and engage with each other. We have documented our experience in this report.

Feminist dances with power: AWID’s Leadership Transition 2015–2016

At the start of 2017,  Lydia Alpízar Durán stepped down as AWID’s Executive Director, after 10 years of passionate leadership,and Cindy Clark and Hakima Abbas became the organization’s first co-Executive Directors.

Toward a feminist funding ecosystem: A framework and practical guide

Imagine the world we could create together if feminist movements were abundantly resourced. In our new report, Toward A Feminist Funding Ecosystem, we explore what it would take to make this a reality.

Key reports & resolutions at the 37th Session of the Human Rights Council

The 37th session of the HRC is taking place in Geneva from 23 February to 23 March 2018, where the HRC will be presented with thematic and country reports from UN experts and where Member States will debate and pass resolutions on cross-cutting human rights issues and human rights situations in particular countries.