Infographic: Women human rights defenders killed in 2015

This infographic highlights the disproportionate number of women human rights defenders in AWID's 2015 Tribute who were murdered. They came from all walks of life and included LGBTQI activists, trans* people, indigenous women, land rights activists, sex worker activists, women’s rights activists, journalists, lawyers, political activists, economists, artists, and writers. 

Building a Feminist Resource Mobilization Strategy

Video: Changing Systems, Changing Lives

Watch the new animation video from AWID "Changing Systems, Changing Lives"

Feminist Donor List: Who Can Fund My Women’s Rights Organizing?

Feminist and women’s rights organizations face many challenges conducting the necessary and often urgent work fighting for women’s rights in their communities, while simultaneously searching for funding to sustain themselves. Responding to a key demand of our constituencies, AWID offers a searchable donor list, making it easier for feminist and women’s rights organizations to connect with the right funders.

AWID's Presentation at FfD3 side event: Financing Gender Equality, Human Rights and Economic Justice

The following presentation was made by AWID at a side event on Financing Gender Equality, Human Rights and Economic Justice, at the Third Conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Webinar: Tax Justice and Women's Rights

In June 2015, four expert panelists talked about gender bias in taxation and the incidence of VAT on poor women. Over 100 women’s rights and feminist activists participated in  the discussion.

Resource Mobilization Hub at the 12th International AWID Forum

The Resource Mobilization Hub (RMH) at the 12th International AWID Forum  was developed in close collaboration with peers in the funding community and women's rights movement. The RMH was the first of it's kind at an AWID Forum and offered a dynamic, interactive space for both funders and women’s rights activists. 

At the RMH, both donor representatives and women's rights activists participated in: 

Fundamentalism must be addressed globally

From police violence to Boko Haram, AWIDer Hakima Abbas says fundamentalism must be addressed globally.

In Nigeria, hundreds of bodies have been found in the northeastern town of Damasak, after an apparent massacre by the militant group Boko Haram. Local sources say the death toll exceeds 400. 

AWID’s Wiki on Monitoring and Evaluation

The aim of this Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Compendium in wiki format is to gain deeper insight into how different M&E frameworks, approaches, and tools have been used and adapted by women’s organizations to capture the complexity of changes in women’s rights and gender equality work. 

To that end, we provide a brief overview and critical analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of some of the leading M&E frameworks, approaches, and tools.

Your voice is fundamental against religious fundamentalisms

This short video can be used as an energizer in any spaces where activists confronting religious fundamentalist opposition are meeting to discuss or advance their work. The video was produced by Articulación ‎Feminista Marcosur in early 2013, in collaboration with Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir-México and AWID. The video was originally produced in Spanish, and is also available in English, French and Arabic.