The Voice of Libyan Women: A progressive voice amid violence and insecurity

AWID spoke to Alaa Murabit, founder of The Voice of Libyan Women, an organization working for women’s economic and political representation, and against violence against women, to discuss their work and the situation facing women in Libya today.

Released Egyptian WHRD recounts her arrest and time in prison and calls for the release of all who remain unjustly detained

On International Women Human Rights Defenders Day, the Young Feminist Wire brings you the story of Nahed Sherif Abdel Hamid, one of the young WHRDs who were recently released in the pardon. We also speak with Amal Elmohandes, who works with Nazra for Feminist Studies. Amal closely followed Nahed’s case and says the violations against WHRDs in Egypt are systemic.

Combatting violence against women in Algeria: Mobilizing and challenges

As part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign, AWID spoke with two Algerian activists to learn more about violence against women in the country and the strategies and challenges of the feminists working to end it.   

Aya Chebbi: Redefining Feminist Narratives in Tunisia

Aya Chebbi is an award winning Pan-African feminist activist and blogger. She spoke with AWID about women’s rights in Tunisia after the "revolutions of dignity".

Presidential Elections: Claiming the right of all women to political decision-making and leadership in Cote d’Ivoire and Guinea

With upcoming presidential elections in West African country’s Guinea and Cote d’Ivoire this month, AWID spoke with Afiwa Mata Ahouadjogbe, Vice-President of the Association des Femmes Journalistes de Guinée (Guinean Association of Women Journalists, AFJ-Guinea) and Georgette Zamble, President of Leadafricaines, to learn more about the challenges related to women’s decision-making and leadership, particularly for rural women, and the actions taken to overcome these challenges in both West African countries.  

Burundi’s Political Crisis Brings New Challenges for Women to Realise their Human Rights

The political crisis in the east African country Burundi has led to a wave of demonstrations and violence in the country, with deeply worrying consequences. AWID spoke to Nelly Kandatwa, President of the Burundian League for Women’s Rights “Mwubahirize,” and the SOS Women in Distress Network Burundi, to better understand the situation from a women’s rights perspective. 

Shrinking Civil Spaces: Backlash or Push Back?

Under the auspices of ‘national security’, a host of countries are experiencing increased criminalization of dissent, coupled with shrinking spaces for social justice activism and work. For organisations that rely on foreign-sourced funding for their work, the implications are dire.

One year of unjust detainment in Egypt: Yara Sallam’s mom says prison hasn’t changed her ‘rights’ defending’ daughter

No mother ever wants to see her child in prison but Rawia Sadek is not letting her daughter Yara Sallam’s incarceration bring her down.

Political Marginalization of Women Hinders Tunisian Democracy

Four years after the popular uprising that led to the removal of the dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in January 2011, Tunisia held its first free and democratic presidential election in the country's history in December 2014. AWID spoke to Khadija Cherif, one-time contender for the position of Minister of Women, Family and Children to learn about some of the challenges to women’s political participation in the country.

Women Still Lag Behind in Media in the Democratic Republic of Congo

FRIDAY FILE – To commemorate World Radio Day on February 13 AWID spoke with Anna Mayimona Ngemba, Director of Union Congolaise des Femmes des Médias [1] (Congolese Union of Women in Media - UCOFEM) to learn more about how radio, and media in general, is used do advance or hinder women’s human rights in Democratic Republic of Congo.