Tunisia: New Electoral Law Prescribes Gender Parity in Upcoming Constituent Assembly Elections

FRIDAY FILE: On April 11, 2011 the Tunisian transitional authorities ruled on a gender parity law, requiring equal numbers of women and men as candidates in the upcoming Constituent Assembly election. AWID interviewed Radhia Bel Hak Zekri, President of the Association of Tunisian Women for Research and Development (AFTURD), on the significance of this law for women and women’s rights in Tunisia.

By Massan d’Almeida

Indigenous Women: The importance of sharing, learning and growing as leaders

FRIDAY FILE: From March 5-8, 2011, the 6th Continental Meeting of Indigenous Women of the Americas (ECMIA in Spanish) took place in the Hueyapan Community, in Morelos, Mexico. AWID spoke to two of the participants, Cecilia Velasque and Tania Pariona Tarqui, about the event and their insights on the status of indigenous women’s rights in the region.

By Gabriela De Cicco

The importance of sharing, learning and growing as leaders

The new Family Code of Mali and Why its Promulgation Has Been Delayed

FRIDAY FILE: The Personal Status and Family Code of Mali was adopted in 2009 by the National Assembly, but promulgation by the President of Mali has been delayed until now due to the mobilization of Muslim religious organizations opposed to it.

AWID interviewed Djingarey Ibrahim Maiga, the President of Femmes et Droits Humains, and Yaba Tamboura, member of the Steering Committee of Collectif des Femmes du Mali (COFEM) on the status of the new Personal Status and Family Code of Mali (hereafter referred to as the Family Code).

By Massan d’Almeida


Women´s Rights and the Armed Conflict in Colombia

FRIDAY FILE: “The Colombian armed conflict has been going on for over 50 years and has developed alongside the situation of poverty in the country. Forced displacements, massacres of the Colombian people and other acts violating international humanitarian law are taking place, principally affecting women”.

By Gabriela De Cicco

It matters to have a seat at the table

Meet AWID member, Angila Ashitua, a young woman from Vihiga county in Western Kenya who  is contesting Kenya's next general elections in August 2017.

Astitva Trust defends the rights of sexual minorities groups

Some of the objectives of the Trust include raising awareness and increasing knowledge of HIV and AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections among sexual minorities.

Legal Justice for All

To help change some of the existent inequalities in accessing justice, GALA, an association of jurists, provides free legal aid and public interest advocacy to those who most need it, specifically in Global South countries.