Elana, Sonia, Ruth and the Court

Well, this is fun. Three women, not zero, or one, or two, but three now sit on the Supreme Court. Three seems formidable. Somehow one seems like a token gesture, when all the rest remain men. And two seems tokenish because what can two do. But three—three is a third of the Court. Three is also an odd number and it seems like one might be moving to something of consequence.

By Zillah Eisenstein

Gender and Media Misrepresentation in the Global South

FRIDAY FILE: In the struggle for gender equality, the media should be a powerful ally. Unfortunately it strongly reinforces the status quo, particularly in the Global South.

By Kathambi Kinoti

Global Economic Crisis: What does it mean for Civil Society Organisations?

AWID - Civil society organisations (CSOs) have been hit hard by the global economic crisis, not only because it has restricted their access to money, but also because the demand for their services has increased as a result of the crisis. In the light of a report commissioned by the United Nations secretariat, we reflect on the global economic crisis and what it means for civil society organisations.

Access to money

What is the situation of women’s rights in Togo just before the Presidential elections of 2010?

Togo will hold its Presidential elections on 4 March 2010. Seven candidates are running, including one woman, Kafui Adjamagbo-Johnson, the first in the history of the country. In her campaign message, she commits herself to "create the favourable conditions for young men and women of [her] country to learn how to live together again, as one and the same people, driven by national pride.”

By Massan d’ALMEIDA

The legacy of North African Women’s writing: A review of “Women Writing Africa: The Northern Region”

Little known stories from North Africa are told in this volume published by the Feminist Press.

For millennia, women in North Africa have expressed themselves through writing first in hieroglyphics and then in Latin, Greek, Arabic, French and English alphabets. This is a distinct advantage that North Africans as a whole have as compared to the rest of Africa in which a writing tradition is not as old.

Women’s Rights in 2009: Some Steps Back, Some Steps Forward

2009 was a year of losses and gains for women’s rights. Campaigns for gender equality experienced some setbacks in certain parts of the world – or on a given issue - and gains in others.

by Masum Momaya

Young Indigenous Activists in Global Advocacy Spaces

FRIDAY FILE: In October AWID spoke to Mirna Cunningham and Maria Oberto, about the first ever World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (WCIP), this week we follow up with Dalí Angel, young indigenous woman activist from the Zapoteca nation in Oaxaca and Latin America Focal Point for the Global Indigenous Youth Caucus[1], about the Caucus’ involvement in

Nicaragua: Decree to Implement Law on Violence Against Women - A Setback for Women's Rights

FRIDAY FILE: Nicaragua's Comprehensive Law on Violence Against Women, or Ley 779, is a historical demand of the women's movement, but the Decree to implement is problematic according to feminists in this Central American country.

By Gabby De Cicco*

A President who favours traditional family values over women’s rights

Struggle for Justice - Missing and Murdered Sisters across Canadian Region of Turtle Island

FRIDAY FILE - Not so long ago few people knew of the issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (#MMIW) in Canada. But in a short span, No More Silence, Families of Sisters in Spirit, Native Youth Sexual Health Network (NYSHN) and other initiatives have contributed to building such momentum that the crisis of MMIW has finally entered mainstream media and public consciousness.

The Right To Autonomy Over Our Bodies And Loves: The Resolution On Human Rights, Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity Furthers Dialogue

FRIDAY FILE - AWID spoke to Dawn Cavanagh* of the Coalition of African Lesbians (CAL) in South Africa and Sexual Rights Initiative (SRI), about the significance of the resolution on Human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity recently adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Council.