Abortion is Decriminalized in Uruguay but only under Very Strict Conditions

FRIDAY FILE - On October 17, 2012, Law 18.987 was passed in Uruguay allowing women to voluntarily interrupt their pregnancy, but under certain restrictive conditions. AWID spoke to feminist activists, Lilián Abracinskas, Lucy Garrido, Ana Lima and Romina Napiloti, who have been involved in the 27 year long struggle for the passage of this controversial law.

By Gabriela De Cicco*

International Day of the Girl-Child

FRIDAY FILE: This October 11, United Nation Member States, international organisations, and civil society celebrated the very first International Day of the Girl Child.

Wellness, Self-Care and Security – Why this is Important to Feminism

FRIDAY FILE: Feminists have started to consider self-care and security as a political tool to ensure the survival of our movement as well as our personal wellness. But, the patriarchal legacy mandating women as “care-givers of the world”, creates contradictions in balancing the demand of caring for others with needing to care for ourselves.

By Katherine Ronderos

Philippines: Likely progress on reproductive health and rights?

FRIDAY FILE: A pending law in the Philippines may make women and girls’ reproductive rights and health more secure. AWID spoke to Junice Demetrio-Melgar of Likhaan Center for Women’s Health about the pending Reproductive Health Bill, 2001.

AWID: What is the situation of women and girls’ reproductive health and rights in the Philippines?

The Relevance of the Feminist Encuentro for Latin American Feminist Movements

The 12th Latin American and Caribbean Feminist Gathering (EFLAC or Encuentro) will take place in Bogota, Colombia, November 23-26. This meeting space, which was started 30 years ago[1] has attempted to be diverse and plural, and has undoubtedly been provocative. AWID spoke to Virgina (Gina) Vargas*, about the history of the Encuentros and the importance beyond the regional focus. By Gabriela De Cicco

Argentina: For the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion

Since 2005 feminist and women’s movements in Argentina have been working tirelessly to articulate and promote the National Campaign for the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion. AWID spoke to Claudia Anzorena, a sociologist and activist, about the Campaign and its goals and achievements.

By Gabriela De Cicco

Indigenous Women: The importance of sharing, learning and growing as leaders

FRIDAY FILE: From March 5-8, 2011, the 6th Continental Meeting of Indigenous Women of the Americas (ECMIA in Spanish) took place in the Hueyapan Community, in Morelos, Mexico. AWID spoke to two of the participants, Cecilia Velasque and Tania Pariona Tarqui, about the event and their insights on the status of indigenous women’s rights in the region.

By Gabriela De Cicco

The importance of sharing, learning and growing as leaders

Female genital mutilation and cosmetic genital surgery: Do they have anything in common?

FRIDAY FILE: At first glance, female genital mutilation and genital surgery carried out for cosmetic purposes might seem intrinsically different. On closer examination, however, they may be more similar than they initially appear.

By Kathambi Kinoti

Sustaining Ourselves, Our Activism, Our Movements

Ahead of the 2016 International Day of Action for Women's Health, on 28 May, we spotlight Sacred Women International, an AWID member based in Toronto, Canada. The organisation focuses on “creating a balance” and building the well-being of African, Caribbean, and Black Women across the diaspora.

Advocating Health for Everyone

Isaac Oriafo Ejakhegbe works focuses his work on gender equality, climate change, and health promotion, including maternal and child health. He is a Women Deliver Young Leader and is currently working to advocate for women’s reproductive health and social well-being.