#16 Days – An Integrated Approach to Security and Protection for WHRDs

FRIDAY FILE – As we commemorate the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence (25 November to 10 December) and International Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) Day on 29 November; and are witness to increasing levels of violence against WHRDs, AWID looks at the need for a holistic approach to safety and protection for WHRDs.

Nicaragua: Decree to Implement Law on Violence Against Women - A Setback for Women's Rights

FRIDAY FILE: Nicaragua's Comprehensive Law on Violence Against Women, or Ley 779, is a historical demand of the women's movement, but the Decree to implement is problematic according to feminists in this Central American country.

By Gabby De Cicco*

A President who favours traditional family values over women’s rights

France: Some Contradictions between Gender Equality Policy and Practice

FRIDAY FILE: Three months after the enactment of the Framework Law for true Equality between Women and Men in France, AWID spoke to women’s and LGBTQI rights activists about the various components of French policy on gender equality, to learn more about its limitatio

Informal Work in Tunisia: A Factor to be Included in Strategies Addressing Gender Based Violence

FRIDAY FILE: To commemorate International Domestic Workers' Day on June 16 and in parallel to a seminar considering a unified strategy against violence against women in Tunisia, hosted by the Association of Tunisian Women for Research and Development’s in Tunis on June 13, 2014, AWID takes a look at the instruments available and the gaps that still exist in addressing violence against informal women workers in Tunisia.

By Mégane Ghorbani

Large-Scale Development Projects Increase Risks to Women Human Rights Defenders in Colombia

FRIDAY FILE - Threats against the local leaders and women human rights defenders (WHRDs) continue to form part of a strategy of intimidation used by the actors of the armed conflict in Colombia.

By Katherine Ronderos

Vienna+20 : “Women’s Rights are Human Rights” Views from Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)

FRIDAY FILE: As part of AWID’s commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (VDPA) that was adopted by representatives of 171 States at the World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna, 1993, we are producing a series of Vienna+20 written and audio interviews featuring prominent feminists who were involved in advocating for women’s human rights leading up to and following the Vienna conference

Lack of proper legislature and a constitutional limbo increase risks to Women Human Rights Defenders in Nepal

FRIDAY FILE – A decade-long conflict, sluggish peace and reconciliation process and delays in developing a new constitution, leave women human rights defenders in Nepal at great risk.

By Katherine Ronderos

Violating Women’s Rights: Forced Sterilization, Population Control and HIV/AIDS

FRIDAY FILE – Last July, a high court sentenced the Namibian state for the forced sterilization of three HIV-positive women. In Uzbekistan, authorities continue to deny reported cases. AWID looks into forced sterilizations in both countries and what it means for women’s reproductive rights.

By Ani Colekessian*

A Step Forward Amid Strong Opposition to Women’s Human Rights at this Year’s 57th Commission on the Status of Women

FRIDAY FILE - The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 57) ended last week Friday with an Agreed Conclusions document acknowledged by many as fair and balanced, and “an important step forward” to addressing violence against women and girls (VAWG).


Women Moving Mountains – Successful Strategies and Funding Mechanisms to Eradicate Violence Against Women

FRIDAY FILE: A unique ‘aggregate analysis’ of the Dutch MDG3 Fund, conducted by AWID, with input from 33 fund recipient organisations provides a unique opportunity to highlight the broad range of multi-sectoral strategies that organisations are using a to tackle gender based violence (GBV) and the importance of continued and sustained funding for the work they do.

By Gabriela De Cicco and Srilatha Batliwala