Building feminist knowledge through popular education

AWID spoke with Argentinian feminist popular educator Claudia Korol, member of Pañuelos en Rebeldía about how PE is used as a tool to create feminist knowledge and open up discussions in mixed-gender organizations.

Silent Silhouettes: Poster Art in Activism

WOMANTRA is a Caribbean based feminist organization focused on woman and female centred scholarship, activism and social programs. In 2008, the first incarnation of the ‘Silent Silhouettes’ project was launched by Stephanie Leitch and Michelle Isava to commemorate the lives of women who died as a result of domestic violence.

The Due Diligence Framework: State Accountability Framework for Eliminating Violence against Women

AWID spoke to Zarizana Abdul Aziz and Janine Moussa, co-directors of the Due Diligence Project to learn more about their recent publication.

Textile Workers' Rights Should Not Be Negotiable

On April 24, 2013, the Rana Plaza, a building housing garment factories, collapsed in Dhaka, killing 1,138 people, mostly women textile workers. Two years later, feminists around the world are organizing "24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity" in memory of the victims of this disaster. 

Land Day 2015: Activism and Challenges for Palestinian Women and Girls

FRIDAY FILE: Palestinians, and people globally who stand in solidarity with Palestine, commemorate Land Day every March 30. On this day in 1976 thousands of Palestinians embarked on a general strike and protests against the Israeli government’s announcement to confiscate large portions of Palestinian lands for new Israeli settlements. The protests resulted in six Palestinians being killed, and hundreds injured and arrested by Israeli forces. Land Day has been commemorated every year since. 

By Mégane Ghorbani

FGM stops when the holistic recognition of girls’ and women’s rights begins

Her name is Suhair al-Bata’a. The 13-year-old Egyptian girl dreamt of one day becoming a journalist. In 2013, she was taken by her father to Dr Raslan Fadl Halawa’s clinic to undergo female genital mutilation, also known as FGM. She senselessly died at the hands of Halawa.

WSF 2015: Feminists Overcoming Challenges

FRIDAY FILE: Tens of thousands from around the world[1] gathered in Tunis, Tunisia from March 24th to 28th for the World Social Forum. It brought together social movements, civil society organizations, formal and informal networks and activists to oppose neo-liberalism, capitalism and imperialism, debating, exchanging, sharing experiences and developing proposals.

Witchcraft Accusations Perpetuate Women's Oppression in Sub-Saharan Africa

FRIDAY FILE - Following the recent announcement by local NGOs that more than 700 women accused of witchcraft had been murdered in Tanzania in a year, AWID spoke with Valerie Yvette Banlog, Founding President of the NGO Femme Action et Développement En Zone CEMAC (FADEC - Women Action and Development in CEMAC Areas) to discuss violence against women accused of witchcraft and the absence of appropriate and effective responses.

We All Can Be Women Human Rights Defenders

FRIDAY FILE: AWID spoke with Lucinda O’Hanlon, Adviser on Women's Rights from the Women's Rights and Gender Section of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) about the office’s current Campaign “Beijing + 20: Women Human Rights Defenders Campaign”.

L’extrême Droite Arménienne Oppose « La Famille » Aux Droits Fondamentaux

À chaque nouveau numéro, nous discutons avec une lectrice d’Affronter les fondamentalismes et partageons un bref récapitulatif des derniers évènements en lien avec la religion, la tradition, la culture et les efforts d’organisation pour les droits dans différents contextes. (Si vous avez une idée qu’il vous tiendrait à cœur de voir dans cette chronique, faites-le-nous savoir!)