Calling on states to halt the dismantling of our human rights systems

AWID and partners call out the dismantling of human rights mechanisms and express solidarity with the Coalition of African Lesbians.

How “trickle down” economics drowns the most vulnerable

Without accountability, corporations will continue to exploit the system and us all

“Nourishing Freedoms”

We invite all to join us at the table, eat with us, sit with us, learn with us, grow with us…be with us as we co-create, and nourish our Black Feminist Futures.

Beyond the boundary of nations. An interview with Gay J McDougall.

In the lead up to the first Black Feminisms Forum, This is Africa will be publishing a series of interviews, features and articles about Black Feminisms. First up, Maggie Mapondera sits down with renowned activist, scholar and thinker Gay J McDougall, a member of the BFF’s Working Group, to talk about the struggles faced by women of African descent the world over.


Our freedom dreams are a roaring Black; swellings of coming insurrection manifested. This roar is felt in the tip of a brush about to paint the sounds of our resistance; in the cadence of saxophones, playing the drawings that our grandmothers sketched, of struggles unrelenting; in the poems inscribed by the movement of our bodies when that bass drops.

Standing on African feminist land

Personal Reflections on the 4th African Feminist Forum.

Black women reclaim the conversation on racism worldwide

The Movement for Black Lives, or as it’s more commonly known, #BlackLivesMatter (BLM) in the United States, has grown beyond a call to action in response to police brutality and the extrajudicial killings of Black people—Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner and too many others—to a movement that challenges multiple layers of racial inequality.

Another world is possible for we are the ones we’ve been waiting for

"I grew up to the sounds of rain on the roof /  Winds bristling through the trees / Rotten mangoes on the earth (...)"

A Love Note to June Jordan

Dear June,

We are four months away from what would have been your 80th birthday—9 July. We still invoke your words, ideas, and commitment to a global movement for the liberation of all oppressed peoples of the world. You would unequivocally agree with #BlackLivesMatter and the younger generation of women and transpeople leading the movement.

The Power and Challenges of Digital Technologies for Feminist Movement Building

From the 10th-12th of April 2016, the fourth African Feminist Forum will take place in Zimbabwe, bringing together a range of wisdom, experience and insight from feminist organisers and activists from across the continent.