Defending Women’s Human Rights in Zimbabwe: Examining the complexities

FRIDAY FILE: Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) in Zimbabwe are routinely arrested, unlawfully detained and subjected to ill-treatment whilst in prison, all for engaging in peaceful protest. AWID tries to unravel the complexities of the context in which they work to understand how WHRDs are affected by politically motivated violence, the land reform process and the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

By Amanda Shaw

Tunisia: New Electoral Law Prescribes Gender Parity in Upcoming Constituent Assembly Elections

FRIDAY FILE: On April 11, 2011 the Tunisian transitional authorities ruled on a gender parity law, requiring equal numbers of women and men as candidates in the upcoming Constituent Assembly election. AWID interviewed Radhia Bel Hak Zekri, President of the Association of Tunisian Women for Research and Development (AFTURD), on the significance of this law for women and women’s rights in Tunisia.

By Massan d’Almeida

Innovative Research Study on European Foundations Funding for Women and Girls is launched

FRIDAY FILE: Conversations about funding for women and girls were a focal point at this year’s Annual General Assembly of the European Foundation Centre (EFC) held from 26-28th May in Cascais, Portugal, thanks to the launch of strategic visionary research produced by Mama Cash and the Foundation Center (FC).

By Amanda Shaw and Veronica Vidal Degirogis

“Untapped Potential: European Foundation Funding for Women and Girls” is a bold new study exploring a previously under-researched subject – namely, what, why, and how European foundations fund.

Nigeria Elections Reflect Slow Progress for Women

FRIDAY FILE: The low numbers of women elected into public office in Nigeria’s recent elections reflect the slow pace of change and even regression in the country’s legislative, political and social systems. AWID interviewed two Nigerian women’s rights commentators about women’s participation and performance in the 2011 elections.

By Kathambi Kinoti

Gender-Inclusive Justice: Spotlight on the International Criminal Court

FRIDAY FILE: Every year, the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice produces a Gender Report Card that assesses the progress of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in rendering gender-inclusive justice. AWID spoke with Brigid Inder, the Executive Director of the Women’s Initiatives, about the issues highlighted by the ICC Gender Report Card 2010.

By Kathambi Kinoti

The new Family Code of Mali and Why its Promulgation Has Been Delayed

FRIDAY FILE: The Personal Status and Family Code of Mali was adopted in 2009 by the National Assembly, but promulgation by the President of Mali has been delayed until now due to the mobilization of Muslim religious organizations opposed to it.

AWID interviewed Djingarey Ibrahim Maiga, the President of Femmes et Droits Humains, and Yaba Tamboura, member of the Steering Committee of Collectif des Femmes du Mali (COFEM) on the status of the new Personal Status and Family Code of Mali (hereafter referred to as the Family Code).

By Massan d’Almeida


South Sudan: What will Independence mean for Women?

The north-east African nation of Sudan, currently Africa’s largest country by territory, will soon be split into two, following a referendum which took place in the south of the country in January 2011. On February 7, 2011 it was announced that an overwhelming majority (98.83%) of Southern Sudanese had voted in favour of secession from Sudan.

By Kathambi Kinoti

Political crisis in Côte d’Ivoire: The impact on women and women’s rights organizations

FRIDAY FILE: Côte d’Ivoire has been in a political impasse since the declaration of contested results of a second round of presidential elections held in November 2010. Since both candidates claimed victory and have been sworn in, the country has two presidents and two governments.

“Our Rights, Our Voices Count” says LEGAL Liberia for LGBTQI Rights


Blossoming in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Founded in 2008, La Floraison’s mission is to mobilize, convene and support young women human rights activists in Fizi territory, Democratic Republic of Congo, to advance their social, cultural and economic wellbeing