“You’ll be Dazzled by My Joy” : Interview with Afrofeminist Filmmaker Amandine Gay

Amandine Gay, afro-feminist actress, researcher and filmmaker takes a moment to talk about her new feature-length documentary, “Speak Up/ Make Your Way (2016)”. The film simultaneously addresses the diverse identities and similar experiences, in some cases trauma, of black women in Western and white supremacist spaces.

Afro-feminism in France: The Struggle for Self-Emancipation

As part of the “Undoing the Empire” teach-in, AWID met with Annette Davis, Sharone Omankoy and Fania Noël, all three members of Collectif Afroféministe MWASI (MWASI Afrofeminist Collective), to learn more about the French collective's activism in a context characterized by racism and misogyny and other forms of discrimination.

Dead, Battered, Missing: Women migrants sacrificed in Euro-Mediterranean policies

To commemorate World Refugee Day, celebrated each year on June 20th, AWID spoke to Yasmine Flitti, Director of Finance and Administration with Comede (Committee for the Health of Exiles) and Hélène Rama Niang Diagne, President and Founder of FECSDA (Women Education Culture Health and Development in Africa), to learn more about the issues and challenges of migration in the Mediterranean region from a feminist perspective.

L’extrême Droite Arménienne Oppose « La Famille » Aux Droits Fondamentaux

À chaque nouveau numéro, nous discutons avec une lectrice d’Affronter les fondamentalismes et partageons un bref récapitulatif des derniers évènements en lien avec la religion, la tradition, la culture et les efforts d’organisation pour les droits dans différents contextes. (Si vous avez une idée qu’il vous tiendrait à cœur de voir dans cette chronique, faites-le-nous savoir!)

Armenia’s Far-Right Pitting “The Family” Against Fundamental Rights

Each issue, we chat with readers of Facing Fundamentalisms and share a brief summary of recent events relating to religion, tradition, culture and rights-based organizing in your contexts.

AWID Calls for the Voices of Sex Workers to be Heard by the European Parliament

The Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) joins with sex worker rights organizations around the world in calling for the voices and perspectives of sex workers to be heard by the European Parliament when they vote on 26 February 2014 on the recommendation of the European Parliament’s Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee (FEMM) to criminalize the clients of sex workers.

Regional Strategy Meeting Report

Women's rights activists gathered together at a meeting on Resource Mobilization for Women’s Rights Organizations and Movements in South East Europe, Central and Eastern Europe, and the Commonwealth of Independent States (SEE/CEE/CIS) in October 2010.

Click here to read this information in Russian.

What is the State of Women’s Rights in Cyprus?

FRIDAY FILE: How do women fare in the prosperous Mediterranean nation of Cyprus?

By Kathambi Kinoti

Cyprus is a nation with a rich cultural history that stretches back over many centuries.Its modern history has been dominated by the territorial conflict between Turkey and Greece, and it is a unique nation, prosperous in some ways and challenged in others.

Girls and boys have equal access to education, and at higher education institutions,young women outperform men by number and by performance.

The conflict in Kyrgyzstan – complex and gendered

FRIDAY FILE: Kyrgyzstan – a country in Central Asia – has been wracked recently by an outbreak of violence by some Kyrgyz there against ethnic Uzbeks. AWID analyses the events from a gender perspective.

European Equality Resolution: Implications for reproductive rights in Central and Eastern Europe

The European Parliament has passed a resolution calling for greater sexual and reproductive rights in the continent.

By Kathambi Kinoti