The Ngöbe-Buglé’s Community Resistance

FRIDAY FILE: Between January and February 2012, while demonstrating against the passing of a law violating their human and territorial rights, the Ngöbe-Buglé indigenous community from Panama suffered brutal repression. AWID spoke to Mariela Arce (1) about this situation.

By Gabriela De Cicco

From monitoring to demanding women’s rights in Latin America. The time is now.

FRIDAY FILE: In December 2011, the Latin American and Caribbean Committee for the Defense of Women’s Rights (CLADEM) launched the campaign For a State that fulfills its duties towards women’s human rights[1]

Women and Seeds for Resistance[1]

FRIDAY FILE: The onslaught of transgenic food production, the advance of agro-business driven single-crop farming and the exploitative economic development model, are putting food sovereignty at risk. Those supporting and reinforcing these practices, including transnational corporations, are more focused on profit than caring for food and natural resources.

Buen Vivir: Presenting alternatives to dismantle the capitalist system

FRIDAY FILE: Resisting neoliberal approaches and presenting alternatives, Buen Vivir promotes life and balance among human beings and all living beings so that we co-exist in harmony with nature. AWID spoke to the economist Magdalena León T. from the Latin American Women’s Network for Transforming the Economy (REMTE) about the origins and development of Buen Vivir in Ecuador and what it means for women

By Gabriela De Cicco

Reflections Ten Years after the Argentinean Economic Crisis of December 2001

FRIDAY FILE: December 2011 marks the ten-year anniversary of the economic collapse in Argentina, which culminated in civil unrest and political turmoil in the country. The protests and the violent police repression on 19 and 20 December 2001 left several people dead and precipitated the fall of the government. AWID invited Argentinean sociologist Norma Sanchís * and economist Alan Cibils** to contribute their reflections ten years after the crisis.

By Gabriela De Cicco

The Relevance of the Feminist Encuentro for Latin American Feminist Movements

The 12th Latin American and Caribbean Feminist Gathering (EFLAC or Encuentro) will take place in Bogota, Colombia, November 23-26. This meeting space, which was started 30 years ago[1] has attempted to be diverse and plural, and has undoubtedly been provocative. AWID spoke to Virgina (Gina) Vargas*, about the history of the Encuentros and the importance beyond the regional focus. By Gabriela De Cicco

Post-earthquake Reconstruction: Another pending matter for the Chilean government

FRIDAY FILE: About 20 months ago, Chile was shaken by its worst catastrophe in 50 years. For the majority of those affected, reconstruction has been a very slow process and is another unresolved problem that the Sebastian Piñera government has.

AWID spoke to Natalia Flores González, Executive Secretary at Observatorio Género y Equidad (El Observatorio)(Gender and Equity Watch) about how the disaster affected women’s rights and their role in the response and reconstruction processes.

By Gabriela De Cicco

Argentina: For the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion

Since 2005 feminist and women’s movements in Argentina have been working tirelessly to articulate and promote the National Campaign for the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion. AWID spoke to Claudia Anzorena, a sociologist and activist, about the Campaign and its goals and achievements.

By Gabriela De Cicco

Honduras: “Neither Striking Down the State, Nor Striking Down Women”

FRIDAY FILE: On June 28, 2009 a civilian-military led coup d’état took place in Honduras, which led to the violent repression of social movements. This oppression has intensified over the past months.

By Gabriela De Cicco

Women's health is a citizenship and democracy issue

FRIDAY FILE: May 28, 2011 was the International Day of Action for Women’s Health. AWID spoke to Nirvana Gonzalez Rosa, General Coordinator of the Latin American and Caribbean Women’s Health Network (RSMLAC), on their call to action and the status of the right to health in the region.