Afro-descendant Women Organise Towards the Decade for People of African Descent and Beyond

AWID spoke with Dorotea Wilson, general coordinator of the Afro-descendant women in Latin America, the Caribbean (LAC) and the Diaspora, about the situation of Afro-descendant women in the region and how they are organizing and preparing for the Decade for People of African Descent.

Building feminist knowledge through popular education

AWID spoke with Argentinian feminist popular educator Claudia Korol, member of Pañuelos en Rebeldía about how PE is used as a tool to create feminist knowledge and open up discussions in mixed-gender organizations.

Tax Justice and Human Rights

Friday File – Representatives from human rights organisations, and tax justice experts and activists met this week in Lima, Peru to strategise about ‘Advancing Tax Justice through Human Rights[i].  AWIDs Ana Ines Abelenda was there to explore the linkages between taxation policies and social and gender justice by using human rights instruments and commitments as a powerful tool.

Catolicadas: A Cartoon Series Animating Thought and Debate

AWID spoke to Maria Consuelo Mejía, Executive Director of Catolicas por el Derecho a Decidir México (Catholics for the Right to Decide, CDD-MX) about a successful and innovative approach they began using in their advocacy in 2012. 

Chile: Abortion Bill Still Restricts Right To Decide About Our Bodies

FRIDAY FILE: On January 31, president Michelle Bachelet sent a Bill to the Chilean Congress to decriminalize abortion on three grounds: fetal malformation, when the mother's life is at risk, and where pregnancy is the result of rape. AWID spoke to feminist activists about this Bill and other pending sexual and reproductive health rights issues in this South American country.

Invisibility is not a shield to save us from lesbophobia

FRIDAY FILE: The first Lesbian March in Rosario, Argentina, to commemorate the Lesbian Visibility and Fight Against Lesbophobia Day, took place on March 7, and gathered more than a hundred people. AWID spoke to activists about the relevance of this day

By Gabby De Cicco

El Salvador: Guadalupe’s Pardon a Victory, But Still a Long Road Ahead

FRIDAY FILES: On February 18 Guadalupe Vázquez[1], one of at least 17 women unjustly imprisoned for allegedly having an abortion, was released from prison after being granted a pardon by El Salvador's Legislative Assembly.

By Gabby De Cicco

Proposed reparations make violence against trans* people visible in Argentina

FRIDAY FILE: A bill making provisions to economically compensate victims of gender identity-based institutional violence was submitted past November in Argentina. AWID interviewed trans activist, and one of the bill’s authors, Marlene Wayar[1], on its scope and some of the pending debates in the country on discrimination and criminalization.

By Gabby De Cicco

Progressive laws on LGBTIQ in Argentina

The Importance of Unity and International Solidarity in securing Workers’ Rights

FRIDAY FILE: The sudden closure of two of Nike’s subcontracted factories in Honduras left many people out of work. Negotiations between the CGT* and the sportswear manufacturer led to an agreement that sets a precedent for the recognition of workers’ rights.

By Gabriela De Cicco

Translation by Karen Murray

What Kind of State? What Kind of Equality? : The ECLAC Conference

FRIDAY FILE: With the presence of more than 700 delegates from 33 countries in the region, government authorities and civil society representatives, the eleventh session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean took place in Brasilia, from July 13-16, 2010. (1)

By Gabriela De Cicco