Sudaca, Latino, Punk and Deviant Fat Activism

Fat activism has links to the civil rights movements as well as to some feminist and radical lesbian expressions, in English-speaking countries. In recent years, it has started to exist in Latin America. AWID spoke with Laura Contrera, bodily diversity activist, about fat activism and the book she co-authored.

One in Every Fifth Sister – At the Door

As disability scholar and activist, Martina Shabram wrote in a recent article about how Zika reveals our societies’ prejudice about disability, “too often, the narrative surrounding microcephaly relies on familiar – and disturbing – assumptions about what kind of lives are worth living.”

Visions shared from ‘Santana’

This poem was developed by the facilitators and participants in the session on: ‘Visions through the arts: Rights and justice for disabled and non-disabled women’ AWID 2016 Brazil conference

I walk fine on my own, but with you, I walk better

Connections for feminist futures.

Decolonizing Feminism: A Brazilian perspective

For the first time ever this fall, the AWID international Forum occurred in Brazil, and put a spotlight on Brazilian feminist movements and perspectives.

Brazilian women kick back against Temer presidency with capoeira

Brazil’s centuries-old tradition of protest through the martial art is seeing a resurgence as capoeiristas demonstrate against Temer’s regime.

Against the ARENA Proposal for longer abortion-related criminal sentences in El Salvador

Civil society and women human rights defender organizations worldwide strongly condemn the proposal of the ARENA party to reform the Penal Code in El Salvador.

Telling women to avoid pregnancy is not a solution for HIV and the Zika virus

To the development community on International Day of Action for Women’s Health: don’t curtail our rights by legitimising conservative religious ideologies.

In defense of Brazil’s democracy

Solidarity with the struggle and resistance of feminists and diverse social movements in Brazil.


Behind the murder of Berta Cáceres: corporate complicity

The corporate denial of violation of human rights in the death of Berta Cáceres reveals the web of complicities and impunity that prompted her assassination.