Margarita Murillo

Adaluz Monterrey Eden

Mariel Araya

Marilu Miranda

Rose Marie Muraro

Sandra Luz Hernandez

Honduras: Young Feminist in Resistance Speaks Out

JASS and allies conducted a local and virtual Observatorio (Feminist Transformation Watch) to shed light on women's rights violations occurring under the de facto regime that overthrew the democratically elected president in a coup d'etat on June 28th. 

"Tengo la palabra" (We have the voice): Resistance in Honduras

Almost ten years after the coup d’état in Honduras, protesters and women human rights defenders (WHRDs) continue to face reprisals for denouncing a questionable election process, we are proud to premier «We have the Voice (2018)», a short documentary about the resistance in Honduras.

Webinar: Feminists on the Road to the G20

In this webinar, feminist activists from diverse movements bring a critical perspective on the G20 summit taking place in Buenos Aires in 2018. 

IM-Defensoras report on violence against WHRDs in Mesoamerica

This Second Regional Report includes and compares information gathered between 2012 and 2014. AWID, as IM-Defensoras member of its Steering Group, is proud to have contributed in the data gathering and analysis of this report.